Journal of Borderland Research » Hermetic & Occult Science Serving Higher Intelligence Since 1945 Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:18:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 From Alchemy to Ecotechnology Fri, 04 Mar 2011 04:20:07 +0000 ]]>

Comments by James Borges, with excerpts from Viktor Schauberger‘s “The Dethronement Of Science” (Implosion Magazine, May 1955, No. 50), as originally printed in Journal of Borderland Research (2004 annual)

The tradition of Borderland Sciences is based on the methods used in antiquity before the Dark Ages of Civilization. It was the science that raised the Pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. It was the science that is hinted at in the Vedas. It was the science that brought about a Golden Age of humanity in all areas of the world. Then there arose a new class of rulers who were pragmatic and materialistic, whose dim consciousness then suppressed Borderland Sciences and the Dark Ages were begun. The Golden Age had led to an expansion of the individual that was not conducive to tightly controlled fundamentalist society. The Dark Ages gave birth to the secret mystery school of Alchemy. The tradition of the Borderland Scientist would continue to persist in small laboratories until it would blossom again in profound thinkers like Swedenborg, Goethe, Schauberger and Tesla. The flame of the lamp grows steadily brighter and casts away the darkness. The shadows flicker and as the Truth is slowly revealed the walls will rumble as Materialistic Science is tumbled from its throne.

“The teachings of the Tabula Smaragdina were incised into the hardest precious stone the emerald. Handed down to us from antiquity, they preach that a happy and healthy existence is dependent on the naturalesque intermixture of the stuff of Heaven and Earth. The progeny of this marriage between exalted atmospheric and geospheric ethericities is water, the blood of the Earth. This ur-source of life comes into being when the ethericities of the Earth bind with those of Heaven. For this the maternal forces and energies must be more powerful than the incident fertilizing substances, for of the process takes place in reverse order, then fire is created.”

Schauberger is of the same mystic tradition of Goethe; the depths of perception employed in the western mystery tradition had profound influences on both these Borderland Scientists. The use of alchemical and eidetic imagery stirs the very foundation of consciousness and is deeply expressed in the world view of these great thinkers. Like Goethe, Schauberger takes us into the realm of inner perception to demonstrate before our “minds-eye” the interchange between the ethericities of Earth and Heaven. From this powerful kernel of imagery Shauberger will expand and emanate practical ideas and applications. This is the tradition of Borderland Science; the initial investigations are done internally in the perceptions and ideas of the experimenter. From this borderland, practical ideas emerge and are developed. The tendency of Borderland Scientists to speculate on the long term evolution of an idea is based on method. All life begins as a simple form and gradually grows more complex. Once an idea is taken into the perceptions and fully integrated it takes on a life of its own, it reveals the potentials inherent in its form. As if time is sped up, the borderland perception is one of utter wholeness. Those without this perception tend to mock the leaps the scientist makes with their claims for the future. It would seem silly to speak of building a bridge when a tree is just a sapling if a person had never seen a tree before, but in time the tree will grow and the person will understand how it could be used to build a bridge. Schauberger, like all Borderland Scientists, relies heavily on the inner perceptions to conceive the inner processes of nature.

“The art of increasing and qualitatively improving water has been so thoroughly lost over the millennia that today no one knows what water actually is. How it comes into being, how it deteriorates or how it dies and subsides is still a mystery. If the degeneration and disappearance of water cannot be successfully halted, the earth will turn into a treeless desert. The whole of civilization is threatened! The survival or disappearance of humanity is thus at stake. We are concerned here with neither politics, nor racism, nor an invention in the usual sense of the word, but with the question: what is more important for evolution and development, water or fire? This is what it is all about, and nothing else! Everything else must retreat far into the background. Without water there is no habitat and no life!

Most people know that machines are indirectly driven by fire. Entirely unknown, however, is that energy can be achieved far more simply and cheaply through the artificial production of water. Furthermore, growth can be promoted, increased and ennobled in the process. Therefore not only will the problem of an independent existence be solved, but in the future there will be no shortage of raw materials provided the mixture of heavenly and earthly essence can be naturalesquely fostered. This involves the industrial duplication of ‘photo-synthesis’, which is conditional on the possibility of energizing the hydrocarbons. With this discovery (which the University of California has so far sought in vain) all armed conflict will be unnecessary. In future no sane individual will allow himself to be drawn into a war merely to satisfy power-mongers.

All robbery will likewise cease once everything is available in superabundance, for with the artificial production of water, vast tracts of desert can be restored to their former fertility and provide living space for the ever-increasing mass of humanity. There will no longer be the need to exploit this ancient art for the purposes of war. Whether the disturbance of the water-balance happened out of ignorance or to maintain the economic status quo, through the iniquitous world-wide traffic in foodstuffs and raw materials, cannot be addressed here.

The fact is that, as today’s technology has progressed, the point has been reached where the proliferation of cancer is not only universal, but apparently unstoppable. For this reason the only solution is to put an end to the self-deception by reintroducing practices that promote the natural treatment of water. All this has nothing to do with science for it involves the diametric reversal of the methods applied by today’s fire-sitting technology, a technology that should be considered the true causative agent of cancer. Perhaps it is necessary for the misery and privation of humanity to become so intense, before it is finally recognized that science, as the guiding force of humanity, has made a disastrous blunder by implementing reversed energetic interactions between basic elements. In consequence, any possibility of resuscitating Nature’s principal formative substance, reduced protein, was brought to a halt. It was thus inevitable that the process of decay would become so rife in both air and water. This exemplifies the disastrous errors in motion and excitation made by a science founded on unnatural principles.”

Schauberger is expressing a vital lesson in alchemy. He is illustrating the how the qualities of water promote life and those of fire promote death. Schauberger is not afraid to contrast the terrifying specter of extinction that is the result of misguided science with optimistic speculations of the future if we can dethrone science as we know it. By contrasting the ‘unnatural principles’ with his own observations, Schauberger gives a glimpse at the breadth of thinking required to synthesize science with natural principles. The principles put forward by Schauberger show how nature is “a constantly self-changing interaction triggered by constant fluctuations in temperature”, this become clear by contrast to the self-annihilation breed by modern technology. The Borderland Scientists often use contrast in very emotional terms. There is some degree of sorrow when the projections of ideas are made in the inner perceptions and followed out to perfection and it becomes clear to the scientist that our world is sadly going in the wrong direction. Schauberger never dwells on the negative but always pushes past with an idea for healing and change, a wonderful example for the doom and gloom radio hosts and ilk.

“The Nobel Prize winner, Otto Warburg, proposed in a scientific journal that the formation of cancer cells was caused be a deficiency of oxygen. A healthy cell is supplied with oxygen by the blood and uses it to process nutrients, thereby acquiring life-energy. However, Warburg has now asserted that the cell receives too little oxygen. As a result the lactic acid becomes thoroughly fermented, the cell grows and divides more rapidly and in the process turns into a cancer cell. This is also confirmed by Professor Domagk. Both researchers, however, made a crucial mistake. They failed to see that it makes a considerable difference whether modified or unmodified oxygen enters the blood. Modified oxygen is formed when it is filtered by the lungs. Only then can it be taken up by fructigenic ethericities via the bloodstream, which on their part have been purified by the filters of the intestines.

If this process of purification is in any way disturbed, then an oxygen deficiency results, leading to suffocation and putrefaction of the unfertilized ethericities of protein. This is the answer to the riddle. This is where a yawning gap in scientific knowledge lies and without its closure cancer cannot be cured. Nature precludes the use of one and the same form of energy for different purposes.

Hence the report continues; “Those afflicted by cancer and whose lives are threatened by this terrible disease will read of Warburg’s findings with resignation. Moreover, they will demand to know why the oxygen deficiency has not been prevented. According to Warburg, in this way the incidence of cancer could be reduced too fraction of its present state if the cells of the body could be protected from chronic damage. How this was supposed to happen, however, he was unable to say.”

Dr. Liebmann, director of the Biological Research Institute in Munich, held that this involved the disturbance of the biological equilibrium. He overlooked the fact, however, that a state of equilibrium would necessarily imply a developmental standstill. In reality, it is a question of the disturbance of animating rhythm. There is no such thing as a rigid conformity with natural law, but only a constantly self-changing interaction triggered off by constant fluctuations of temperature. If these are regulated so as to ensure that a predominance of recreative (refreshing) influences of temperature is maintained, then the enormous problem of more and more people and less and less food will be solved. There are two fundamentally different types of motion, both in principle and nature, which respectively initiate different kinds of excitation in bipolar mixtures of basic elements. In this connection, water, the physically first born and the very blood of the Earth, plays the role of the mediator in both natural and unnatural energetic synthesis. At the same time it is also the recorder of changes in potential that have already occurred. From this it can be determined what form of energy prevails in this natural accumulator. The decisive factor here is that contemporary technology is only aware of and only uses those methods of conveying or moving various media which initiate a reactive increase in pressure and heat. These methods will here be termed ‘techno-academic’, because they are taught in all academies, universities, high schools and technical colleges. Albert Einstein used them to create a form of energy destructive of all Creation. With this, modern technology has achieved a the peak of performance in self-annihilation and turned itself into an absurdity.

From transmissions from ancient times, it is quite clear that those peoples of Indo-Germanic origin or Aryan culture favored a different form of mass-motion. They over-stimulated it, however, and disrupted the unstable state of equilibrium in the other direction. This resulted in whole sections of the Earth being torn upwards (the cataclysm of Atlantis). They strayed from the golden middle way. Existence or non-existence is dependent on the rhythmical dynamics of bipolar forces. We can see this in the alternation of night and day which serves the constant improvement and perfection of the processes of reproduction and higher evolution.

Formative forms of motion are hallmarked by the development of an atomic negative pressure. Professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch, a surgeon, discovered it in 1908. He realized that without the existence of negative pressure between the lung surfaces and the pleura, any inhalation and exhalation of diffuse (purified and exalted) precipitates of solar energy (chemically termed oxygen) would be impossible. In other words, there would be no re-spire-ation (fertilizing) of digested, nutritive ethericities, which in exalted form enter the hermetically sealed blood or sap by way of diffusion. Unfortunately Professor Sauerbruch failed to see that this force, which internally bonds (emulsifies) the ethericities of fructigenic and seminal matter, is the diamagnetism discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845. Diamagnetism is also known as healing magnetism, animal magnetism or mesmerism an ism that science views with disfavor. It manifests itself in a similar fashion to the pressural atomic forces that move a dowsing rod. Like the previously mentioned magnetism, this later force can neither be measured nor weighed exactly and is hence rejected by science.

There are some forms of energy that are known to alter the values indicated by measuring instruments and on occasion actually to contradict them. Thus it would appear, for example, that the speed of light is constant and therefore invariable. The same also holds true for the so called acceleration of free fall, because there is no measuring device that can differentiate between specific and absolute weight. In terms of physical mass, the former is to be construed as breathing (animated), whereas the latter is to be understood as less-breathing, the almost-lifeless. Before Galileo arrived on the scene with his discoveries, the theories of Aristotle held sway and it was believed that providing there were no disturbing influences, heavier bodies fell faster than lighter ones That this was actually related to the different fall-velocities of bodies having either specific or absolute weights was completely disregarded. These constantly vary according to state of their intrinsic qualities. If sufficient qualigen is concentrated in water, for example, then gravity can be partially overcome. Speculative thinkers will be unable to understand this, however, unless they observe Nature’s instructive examples very closely.”

Schauberger stresses the importance of close observation of Nature. It is his experiences in Nature while deep in contemplative trance that he learned the mysteries of Levitation by watching the salmon leap up waterfalls. Like Goethe before him, from the inner worlds of perception he brought forth ideas that can be scientifically investigated.

His inner perceptions of motion were drawn from countless hours of observing the flow of natural water. Able to recognize forces such as Diamagnetism in nature within his own inner perceptions Schauberger has been able to move forward in spite of the difficulties faced with trying to measure these borderland energies. This point cannot be overemphasized in this journal. It is the ability to perceive ideas and unfold them that is the primary skill and tool of the Borderland Scientist. Most tools, instruments and math of the science lab will do us no good.

Further evidence of Schauberger’s influence from Goethe and the Western Mystery School is the unique explanation for the destruction of Atlantis. Like all great thinkers Schauberger extends the tradition, by a brilliant use of mystic history. The insight into the misuse of the very forces he is promoting is the kind of balanced insight that his training in the mysteries has brought out. The dangers of unbalanced duality are a key element in the education of the Mystery Schools.

“It must be stated at the outset that in this case the decisive but previously overlooked concentration of qualigen in only possible with the aid of radial axial motion. Every medium becomes heavier if it is unable to breath and its life removed. His occurs immediately if excessive influences of heat and pressure are brought to bear by the opposite form of motion. In this case the diamagnetic, or adsuctional force (namely Professor Warburg’s life-energy) and otherwise known as levitational force by people of ancient cultures, is lost.

If the importance of the formative, synthesizing and levitating force, produced by centripetal motion only, had been recognized for what it is, then the tragic error made by Newton and Leibniz would have been avoided. They believed that life could be comprehended with great precision through the methodology of mathematics (integral and differential calculus). It is this erroneous reasoning that the whole world has to thank for that evil that Albert Einstein foisted upon us through the exploitation of an all destroying atomic energy.

A simple experiment demonstrates the a predominantly axially-radially moved (and therefore de-animated) water begins to breath again and to rise upwards autonomously, when certain preconditions it is simply made to move planetarily. All forms of growth and more highly-evolved forms of life draw in diffuse (purified and exalted) oxygen. When unpurified oxygen is impressed from without, disorder and cancer come into being, because cancer is an entity that has been expelled from a state of order.

If pure, nitrogen-free oxygen is forced into the lungs of a child over too long a period, then it goes blind. Adults are threatened with an incurable lung inflammation. At high altitudes the more thoroughly the Sun in-presses the body with unpurified energies, the sooner the blood and sap begin to decompose. The same also applies in forestry, when for the sake of greater quantity and rapidity of rotation, shade-demanding trees, which have far too thin a layer of protective bark, are exposed to direct sunlight, producing unhealthy, ‘light-induced’ growth. This also happens if forests are excessively thinned. However, if a forest floor that has lain for centuries in protective shade, is warmed above +9C by excessive clear-felling and thinning, then reafforestation is only possible with deep-rooted, light demanding species. Such reafforestation is fraught with enormous problems. The young plants have first to grow under the scalding light of the sun until they are large enough to provide the ground with new protective shade. Wholesale karst development (erosion) can only be prevented where the slope is not too steep and the solar radiation is not excessive.

Almost all monocultivated, plantation forests originate from this ignorance. They can therefore quite properly be described as cancer-prone. They lack diamagnetic, adsuctional and insuctional force and can no longer produce fertile seeds. As in the case with the remaining, once cleared, old-growth forests, they too can be considered lost if the present methods of forestry are not drastically and quickly altered. Today’s fertile soils and whatever water still remains are already over-acidified and polluted to such a degree that there can be no recovery without radical remedial measures.

In Nature everything is reversible. The last hope for restoring the natural order of things lies in the mechanical production of diamagnetism which comes about in the opposite way to the present generation of electricity. The idea of generating life giving energy mechanically and restoring water’s life-force and ability to breathe may sound fantastic. Yet, the behavior of water itself shows us how this comes about, as it sinks lifelessly back into the womb of the Earth only to rise upwards again as noble water in mountain springs. The reason this has been impossible to copy this natural process so far is simply because the enabling form of motion was unknown. People mistakenly believe the earth’s rotation to be circular. With circular motion, however, no negative pressure or drop in temperature can be achieved. Since the present way of looking at things is founded on a false world-view, humanity has set foot on the road of an unstoppable, regressive proliferation of cancer. As long as the meditative substances water and air continue to be moved incorrectly with the exclusive use of centrifugence any production of qualigen or increase and improvement of water and growth will be impossible. Qualigen can only be produced with cold systems of flow, in which the more thoroughly atomized the substances (sediments) contained in the water become, the more powerful the life-energies.”

“Here it should be again stressed that if the media of earth, air and water are moved centrifugally, then reactive, decentrating forces evolve from the resultant unnatural intermixture of bipolar concentrates. These also develop if any medium is over-illuminated and/or over warmed by unpurified (unfiltered) solar radiation. It can therefore be stated that in this case the pressure and heat associated with it increase by the square of the speed of motion. In both cases, however, the resistance to motion also increases that is a retroactive force evolves which, viewed ecologically, represents a decomposive energy or its other form, cancer. In this instance matter is rendered lifeless. Oxidizing processes follow, and since the levitative forces have been reduced, matter becomes specifically heavier. Red-hot iron, for example, is heavier than cold iron. Einstein was right in his deduction that mass the concentrate of basic elements was dependent on velocity. However, it is the type of motion that determines whether decentrating or concentrating forces arise. In the first case pressure and heat are produced and it the second, a negative pressure (vacuum), which intensifies by the square of the centripetally-in-winding orbital velocity.”

Introducing a new Alchemical Technology, or Ecotechnology, Schauberger explains how the basics of radial axial motion will produce qualigens, quality-enhancing life forces. Ecotechnology is based on movement, centripetal forces, adsuctional or insuctional. The type of motion determines whether decentrating or concentrating forces arise. Ecotechnology makes use of the same forces of nature that Alchemy described in its hidden terms. Still requiring a terminology of its own Ecotechnology shows how the Sun interacts with the elements of water and air, shows how the damage done by fire can only be cured by the forces of water. Ecotechnology glimpses the purification process in nature and also the exact processes of decay. Through an understanding of these processes, we see the possibility of restoring the decay and damage done to the earth by pollution with life-giving energy mechanically generated.

“In this way it is therefore possible to transform ordinary air at room temperature into chemically pure water in a fraction of a second. This is associated with a 1,700-fold decrease in volume, through which an atomic negative pressure evolves, whose attractive force is stronger than any explosive pressure. The precipitation of rainwater described above therefore explains the production of rain in any quantity without the formation of thunderstorms. Such water can be converted into the noblest mountain spring water, provided it is moved planetarily for a short period, as happens in the womb of Mother Earth.”

Ecotechnology that transforms air into water is the natural extension and evolution of the Alchemical tradition into our modern times. By adhering to the principles of Hermes Trismegistus and the Emerald Tablet (As Above, So Below) Ecotechnology simulates the geometry and motions of Earth. It is through these cold systems of flow that the damage done to the earth by over heating from unpurified solar energy can be balanced and healed. In the Hermetic Tradition of Alchemy, in the process of emanation Fire and Water combined to make Air. With Ecotechnology this is recognized and the balance between Fire and Water is engineered with radial axial movement of Air that produces diamagnetism or healing forces and creates qualigens.

“The technologist of to say has been taught to think logically, but not bio-ecologically. Therefore it is particularly difficult for him to appreciate the possibilities that ecotechnology offers towards the re-establishment of the proper and natural order of things, which has been disturbed at its most fundamental level. The time has come to free humanity from its dependence on coal and oil by creating those differences in potential that can be converted into kinetic energy. Since coal and oil will be exhausted in the foreseeable future, nuclear fission will be all that remains to banish the specter of energy shortages. This is the greatest delusion of all, however, because the radiation and waste accruing from the atomic energy will gradually contaminate the air we breath to such an extant that the mere inhaling of it will be lethal. Humanity therefore stands at an historical crossroad but in all probability it will continue to develop its present technology and dig its own grave. Then one day, thousands of years hence, the perhaps few remaining survivors will speak of the technical stupidity of their forebearers and shake their heads over the artifacts of a godforsaken science in whose programmed destruction took first place. Science can still be dethroned, however, through reversal of present principles. Instead of air pollution, ecotechnical air purification. Instead of the collapse of quality, the rise of quality. Founded as it is on rigid and dogmatic laws, contemporary science must therefore be prohibited by the fastest means possible.”

Translation by Callum Coats, Ecotechnology.

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Round Robin: The Nature of Prayer Sat, 04 Sep 2010 02:16:02 +0000 ]]> Clips, Quotes and Comments on “The Nature of Prayer”, the deep trance mediumship of Mark Probert, and a comment by W. W. Webb, originally included in Clips, Quotes and Comments (“H”-4, April 1, 1958): This article is included here as part of a “Round Robin” classic series, presenting random pulls from the archives and the best offerings of the BSRA from 1945 into the 1970s!


Deep trance mediumship of Mark Probert
From Clips, Quotes, and Comments, “H”-4, April 1, 1958

Let us for instance examine the work of the good Reverend Franklin Loehr in his search to find out if prayer can make a plant grow. Let us discover that prayer CAN make plants grow and curses can kill them, as we shall surely discover, let us not stand around with our silly mouths dangling on our chests in awe, but let u s ask ourselves the next logical question, to wit, “How? – What is the mechanics of CONSCIOUSLY directed prayer and CONSCIOUSLY directed curses that gives them the power to sustain or drive out the life force that animates material substance,” Then let us ask ourselves if we who honestly want the truth of these things have the time to stand around making such zombie-like statements that the use of prayer to make plants grow is “asking God to do tricks” and saying “Let’s keep science for ‘physical reality” I am sure we will discover it is a great deal later than we thin.

Now comes the question: HOW does prayer make a plant grow?

In order to understand the answer to this question I believe it will be first necessary to change our thinking in regard to what we have been taught in our school books, concerning the nature of matter, and next we will have to completely revise the opinions given us in our religious teaching, that that which is cat led “Spirit” is some form of unknowable and effervescent nothingness and that we will come to know it all in some distant tomorrow in some never-never land.

NOW is the only time to learn about anything.

The nature of physical substance: I think that right here is where the lay person must be made to realize that the NAME of a thing is NOT the thing itself but simply a tag or label placed upon certain liven lines of motion se that they will not be confused with certain other lines of motion, and is but a method of cataloging what is called “sense data”. As an example of this let us take the seed of any plant and these are the qualities we will give to it: roundness, softness, hardness, smoothness, roughness, thinness, fatness, largeness, coldness, warmness, etc…, then redness, brownness…However, none of these are properties of the seed in question but are entirely properties of the individual’s senses. Now let us reduce this seed to its minute building blocks called cells. In the past these little bodies were beyond the reaches of the physical senses but there is now an electronic “eye” that is capable of seeing them and bringing them within range of the human eye. Not only can the surface action of the cell be observed but its interior as well, and it is shown that a cell contains within its walls other cellular bodies darting about and pulsating in a liquid substance. Now then, could we extend out vision still farther or deeper into this minute world called cellular and sub-cellular, we would eventually come to what is called the world of “atomic” structure. In the not too distant past it was believed that atoms contained within themselves the properties called roundness and hardness and that they were the indivisible. Today we know better – that is to say we know that an atom is neither round nor hard and by no means indivisible. Indeed we know it to be no more than an energy field. However, the question arises as to what is the nature of the surrounding spaces that an energy field is presumably operating in. We will find that the answer to that is – “It is not working in a media different than itself, for that which is thought of as “space is not a vacuous condition but is itself energy. If this is true then I am sure we can understand when it is said that the human body as well as all the untold billions of bodies in the vast starry realms was created out of this space-substance. The human mechanism may well be thought of as a sensitive point of energy that is capable of registering a given number of vibrations in what is called light and sound and heat and cold. That these latter three are not different things but are one and the same thing and simply being recorded by a variety of organisms in a variety of ways.

All forms, or what are called “things” have a field. The observable is but a an extension of that which is called the “unobservable”, and the former is classified as “sense” data, while the latter is the matrix out of which the “form” has come and in which it has its existence. This matrix or continuum of form is sometimes referred to as the “auric” light and can be seen with the use of a specially treated piece of glass called the “Kilner Screen” and many people are capable of seeing it with the naked eye under certain conditions. Now let us take the seed of a plant, any plant. Setting this seed before us we begin to see it as something more than mere “sense” data which in the past led us to the erroneous belief that that which we observe is the thing-in-itself. We know now that this seed we are gazing upon is made up of minute bodies called cells and that each of these so-called cells is made up of more minute bodies called molecular bodies and that molecules in turn are but the grouping of still smaller forms called atoms and that atoms consist of much smaller units called electrons, protons, neutrons, etc.. and while modern science refers to the latter as simply “units of energy” it is known that that which is called energy consists of sub-atomic particles. Now, as much as the lay individual, as well as some scientific minds, may like to talk about either matter or energy as being particulate, the fact is there is no such condition as a particle of matter. I have used the word myself, but only as a means to express some very abstract ideas in concrete form. That which is mathematically considered as a particle is for the sake of convenience called a stress or strain of that which is called space, and space is an extended field of awareness of all forms. It is this field that Hindu psychology calls the Center of Creation and the awakened Christian mystic refers to as God. The word God means “good” and the word good means balance. It is in this field that with the force of consciously directed thought the energies of the brain can come in rapport with the extended field of a plant seed and stimulate the seed into greater activity called growth.

Now let us consciously direct a prayer for someone suffering a disease of the body and we will find that practically the same conditions take place with the human body as takes place with the plant body. By that I mean the human body like the plant body is cellular and is therefore open to cellular breakdown, and when the cells of an organism breaks down or dies faster than the body can replace them one has a disease of some kind. This is as true of a plant as it is of a human. However, while the difference of a plant and of the human are quite vast, these differences lie more in the abstract or extended world that in the concrete or world of appearances. The human being is a self-governing unit and can not only reason from cause to effect but can act upon such thoughts. This ability not only sets him apart from all of the rest of creation, it makes him at least potentially Master and Creator of what is commonly called existence. (This latter statement will be rejected by the masses in general and so-called Christians in particular, for it burdens them with responsibilities that are far beyond their ability to handle). But because individuals singly as well as collectively have been mentally conditioned -to believe just the opposite to this they have become open to all manner of ailments and general misfortunes and their sufferings are greatly enlarged upon by the simple but tragic fact that they know not the source of them. He is to be like end unto the man who, while standing in a room containing several other people is placed under a deep hypnotic spell and given post-suggestion that when he awakens there will be no one in the room but himself, and taking this suggestion is quite unaware that the room still contains the same number of people as it did before he was hypnotized, and that now some of these people have needles and other sharp instruments in their hands and others have feathers.

Every so often one of those with the sharp instruments sticks him or cuts him and just as he howls in pain some one tickles him with a feather which brings him a great deal of pleasure causing him to howl with laughter.

This hypnotized person knows that he is alternately experiencing pain and pleasure but he is unaware of the origin of either. This rather deplorable situation has led him to all manner of mental and physical gymnastics in his efforts to escape pain. By and large however, the majority of such gymnastics that he puts himself through become a vicious circle that leads him right back into the face of that which he was madly and blindly seeking to escape, for they are predicated upon the theory that “by drowning himself in sensual pleasure pain cannot touch him.” What he fails to see is that pain and pleasure are simply two sides of the same coin and are the basic properties of life, so they cannot be run away from. As true as this may be, there comes a times for most of us when we find ourselves confronted by problems which we find we can neither run from nor faces What are we to do now? As a rule such a situation leads many into what are called “inner conflicts” which in turn may in time lead to some form of organic disorder, an organic disorder means there is a cellular disturbance going on in that organ. A cellular disturbance implies the fact that a chemical change is taking place in the cell structure that is not to the advantage of the organ as a whole. Such chemical changes as a rule takes place by what may be called molecular disintegration and molecular disintegration can take place only one way and that is by some force of an extraneous nature working upon that molecule and causing a rupture in the electro-magnetic field that hold the molecule together. This means the cell is suffering an energy leak. This extraneous force that I speak of as working on the molecular structure of the cellular body is called “mental” or psychic force. I do believe that we should now see quite clearly how the mind of one literally attacks its physical self via the nervous system, and very often destroys its physical machine in the face of all who try to stop it. Many doctors have found themselves quite puzzled as to why their medicines and drugs have failed so completely in healing certain patients while other patients having the same ailment seem to respond to them almost right away.

These well meaning medical people do not seem to be aware that that which shows itself as a physical ailment has its roots in the psyche and are sown there by both conscious and unconscious emotional attitudes to the experience called living, so they seek to destroy the ailment by the application of drugs to the ailment of appearance. This is like lopping off the tops of weeds and expecting them not to grow anymore.

Psychiatry and Psychology seem to deal with the so-called “Unconscious” of a person as though it was something he was born with, like a finger or a toe, and is therefore a product of the body. The truth is, a body is NOT born WITH an unconscious self but OUT of the Unconscious, which means that the body is an externalized expression of the unconscious. The word, “Unconscious” however, is largely meaningless for we live in an ALL conscious universe. Were this not so no “Thing” could have any contact with any other thing and if there was such a word as prayer it would be without value. As it is, prayer is a “Tuning” in of the physical self to its mental self or source of “Things”. Unfortunately, most of us are taught to believe we are separated from the Source of our own being at all times other than when we are in the act of making some kind of conscious supplement to it.

The fact is every created thing is in constant contact with It because all shapes and forms are but extensions of It. When I make a conscious appeal to my “Higher” self or course of my physical form to heal the physical form of another, I put sincere emotional feeling into the plea as I direct my thoughts toward that one.

This consciously and intelligently directed emotional energy on being discharged from me causes a motion in what is called the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind is the matrix of all forms and shapes of what is called “Things”. Said “Motion” acts as a positive image or idea in this Universal Mind. This positive thought not only brings about a change for the better in the individual you have aimed your prayer at but its effects are felt in varying degrees in all the created world — that is why it is said, “That which we do shall come back to us -a thousand fold” and “That which we think shall be thought of us.”

This cannot be construed as a “Be good” philosophy whereby you will get “pie in the sky when you die.” It is a scientific fact built on the law of cause and .effects The Universal Mind cares not one whit what one does or does not do — The Universal Mind knows nothing about moral laws; as such these, too, are creations of the ego-physical man to protect himself from his own prime evil nature, which is highly emotional and negative, not negative in itself, for nothing is negative or positive in itself, but is so by the nature of its point of origin.

This means that good and evil or positive and negative are never any stronger than their source of birth. Proof of the latter statement is amply demonstrated by the failures, as well as the successes of Rev. Franklin Loehr’s group in their experimental work with prayer.

Many individuals say they believe this or that, yet they can neither get nor demonstrate required results from their asserted belief — Why? Simply because it is only their body consciousness that is speaking through their lips. Their sense of belief is not incorporated in what is called the “Unconscious” self, meaning the unconscious does not believe it, therefore it cannot help the body consciousness -to demonstrate what it says it believes.

However, the reverse is also true — meaning there are many people whose unconscious knows the truth concerning certain things which their body-consciousness knows nothing of. However, whether one knows a thing consciously or unconsciously, there is a law called the law of Boredom which operates in everything we attempt to do, Its action brings about a state of fatigue in us which is recognized by an ever increasing loss of interest is such things, and because I can see the shadows of said boredom beginning to show in the eyes of the reader I will say –Thirty.


From Clips, Quotes, and Comments, “H”-4, April 1, 1958

(letter from Assoc. W. W. Webb)

Much science fiction is coming from unconscious memory of other civilizations on this planet. Other planets civilizations are also coming into consciousness of earth people by this means. The breaking down of the ionosphere by atomic radiation is permitting a leak-through of the influences of the ZERO VOID resting between one planet and another. This Zero Void holds the planets apart equally as much as the orbital spin of a planet holds it in its course, This break-down is causing much concern to the inhabitants of the other planets, and in an attempt to make the earth people aware of this they have used means available, to them, to impress this on the unconscious of those who write science fiction. Worlds in Collision is one such story.

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The Flying Rolls: “On the Santa Cruz Vortex” Fri, 27 Aug 2010 15:58:37 +0000 ]]> Named for the “Flying Rolls” of the Golden Dawn, Meade Layne’s “The Flying Rolls” acted as an esoteric sister mimeograph of the more well-known “Round Robin”, circulating to only a select few members of his Borderland Sciences Research Associates. Whether you consider it a curriculum for advanced students of a new order, or just consider it interesting, strange material, we do hope you’ll consider it.

Presented here is a contribution by Roger P. Graham to The Flying Rolls, Beta II June, MCMXLVII regarding to Santa Cruz Vortex. Enjoy.

(The so-called vortexes of the west, including the “House of Mystery” near Grant’s Pass in Oregon, a number of locations in the Ojai Valley, and the one near Sta. Cruz here described, have been the subject of much interest and baffled speculation. In Round Robin 1-8, Sept. 1945, we published a report, largely negative, by physicist Keith J. Hayes of Palo Alto. Interest in the subject still continues, however, and we now offer our readers a discussion by mathematician Roger P. Graham, known for his experiments on the ether drift. Borderland phenomena of this sort belong equally to science and occultism – which are only complements of each other – and hence are suitable subjects for Flying Roll discussion. Ed.)

The phenomena at this mystery spot are unquestionably genuine and impossible of explanation on the basis of delusion, refraction, or any conventional system of explanation.

The owners, not being scientists, are content merely to exploit the money-making possibilities, but they permit anyone who desires to study the problem, to do so.

I did not see Mr. Prather, the present owner and son of the discoverer of the spot, but I saw Mr. McCray, the manager. He was very cooperative, answering my questions without hesitation and offering to perform any experiment I might devise, providing I sent him the apparatus with instructions.

Dr. Compton, formerly with the University of Southern California, spent some time at the spot, digging a deep shaft which went doom to bed-rock which is of granite. He found the effects were stronger down there. A blimp was brought over the spot and instruments lowered slowly from it, and the effects were seen to extend upward for a hundred feet or so. I do not have the details of any report Dr. Compton may have made – merely Mr. McCray’s verbal account of those reports.

I am not acquainted with any explanation of the phenomena which Dr. Compton might have made. There is a news item posted on the side of the ticker office at the ‘spot’, in which an engineer explains the mystery as being due to a seepage of carbon dioxide gas from fissures in the rocks. If the effects were merely visual this might be a logical straw to clutch at. However, the most startling effects are nothing more or less than gravitational. These cannot be explained on a basis of refraction.

Those who have read my ether drift experiment will recall my assertion that gravity is the effect on matter of ether flow. Without going into the basics, I wish to repeat the conclusions concerning gravity which led to the experiment mentioned, in February of this year. (1) An aggregate of negative electricity produces a field called negative field. (2) An aggregate of positive electricity produce a field called a positive field. (3) A neutral aggregate of positive and negative electricity, according to conventional science, does not have an electrical field, since the fields cancel out. According to my basics it has a field, and that field is gravitational. In other words, a gravitational field is a neutralized electrical field.

Magnetism is produced by the rapid travel of electrons in a wire other material such as iron. It is essentially a patterned flow of either the positive ether or the negative ether, but not both. That is, e electrical fields are equal in strength, but one is stationary and the other is not. One field only has what might be called a vortexian motion. That is magnetism.

Theoretically, according to my basics, there can be two types of magnetic field. One would be produced by the rapid motion of positive electricity alone in a vortexian pattern. The other, and the one we know, is produced by the rapid motion of negative electricity in a vortexian pattern.

Neither of these could be distinguished by its effects. Each would have its north and south poles. Yet if these two were combined they would not produce a stronger magnet, but would cancel out if they were exactly in strength and pattern, and produce a gravity vortex.

This is exactly That has happened at Sta.Cruz at the ‘mystery spot.’ Somewhere under that spot is a large deposit of something. What it is, I don’t know, yet I can surmise. The reader is undoubtedly familiar with the explanation of an iron magnet. Each iron atom is a small magnet. The field patterns of the iron nuclei are such that the orbital electrons of the iron atom revolve around the nucleus at great speed. When the iron atoms are lined up, this motion adds up and we have a large magnet.

To have the other kind of natural magnet we would have to have,` molecular or atomic structures in which the orbital units were protons or positrons.

What this structure might be is problematical. It might be possible that a hydrocarbon of a certain type might produce a permanent magnet as the result of the orbital motion of the hydrogen nuclei about the carbon atom, if the field patterns of the substance were right. It might even be that in such a molecule both the electron and the proton of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule would evolve around the carbon atom, producing the gravity vortex from the one substance

It is interesting to note that the vortex at Sta.Cruz and the ones in Ojai are near large oil deposits. Oil is a hydrocarbon consisting of long strings of carbon atoms tied together with hydrogen atoms strung along the sides. If such a molecule were spun rapidly with its long axis stationary, and an aggregate of such molecules was lined up in the same way that iron atoms in a natural magnet are, a gravity vortex should be produced.

Since all petroleum is liquid, and molecules of a liquid could hardly be lined up that way permanently, there must be either some ex – ternal lining up of force, or, if the vortex is produced by the hydrocarbon molecules, the aggregate must be of some kind in which the molecules are not in liquid form. This might possibly be done by (1) the molecules of hydrocarbons being dispersed through some sand or shale formation in which they can be fixed as in a solid, or (2) the hydrocarbon molecules being much longer than those in petroleum deposits and being a natural solid. Then they could become permanently lined up in a concentrated form.

The strength of the Santa Cruz vortex is so great that such a deposit would have to be quite large. It might be far down, even under a bedrock formation.

The vortex at Gold Hill, Oregon, is not, so far as I know at this time, near any large oil deposit. That would not necessarily mean that there is no such deposit there, but merely that none has been found.

No doubt there are many undiscovered vortex spots in the United States. Are there others near other large oil fields? If so, this would lend confirmatory evidence to the tentative explanation of them being permanent gravity-vortex magnets made of hydrocarbons.

Just as the effect of gravity produced by a neutralized aggregate of positive and negative electricity (matter) is very much weaker than the force of the separated electrical fields, so also the gravity vortex mass would produce a much weaker field than the separated magnetic fields. Therefore it might be almost impossible to detect such a vortex in a small mass of the hypothetical stuff. It might take thousands of tons of it to produce measurable effects.

The only other way to-account for the vortex according to my basics (and no other basics account for it at all) is a new type of matter in which the nucleus has a negative charge and the orbital units are positrons or protons. Regardless, the final solution to the mystery of the vortex will certainly follow the principles of the explanation I have given here.

Can a gravity vortex be produced artificially? YES. Such a field is produced by every revolving wheel. However, it is too weak for any possible measurement. The strength of such a vortex would be to the separated magnetic fields in the same proportion as the separated electrical fields would be to the gravity field of the same amount of matter.

If all the negative electricity in one pound of matter were withdrawn, and kept in a compact volume, and the remaining positive electricity were similarly contained, and the two were place a few feet apart, their mutual attractive force would be perhaps billions of tons. In a homogeneous mass they still exert the same forces. A one pound lump of lead attracts another with millions of tons of force – and repels it almost the same force, so that the result is an almost undetectable attraction.

A mild excess or lack of electrons in an object results in a strong electrostatic field. It takes millions of tons of matter to produce an easily detectable gravity field.

A mild flow of electric current in a wire coil produces a strong magnet. If it were possible to get a similar flow of protons in a –Are without an accompanying flow of electrons, a magnet of the same strength could be produced. The two together would produce a gravity vortex.

To produce a gravity vortex artificially, it would be necessary to cause a large amount of matter to revolve at a very great speed in a small volume. A flywheel could do it if it could hold together at enormous speeds. Since it won’t, no measurable vortex could be produced that way. A coil of copper tubing in which hydrogen is forced to travel at incredible speeds might do the work. In that set-up it is probable that the resistance of the walls of the tubing would prevent great enough speeds.

It is more than probable that only by discovering the substance that produces the gravity vortex at Santa Cruz and other places, and setting up a huge black of it, can we ever produce a similar vortex intentionally, and thus prove the cause beyond all doubt.

However, we may possibly devise instruments to detect very weak gravity vortexes – perhaps instruments delicate enough to demonstrate the vortex set up by a revolving wheel with massive rim.

A whole field of scientific experiment is wide open here – completely unexplored to date. And vie have the evidence of Nature at Santa Cruz and Gold Hill to point the way, and stand as mute evidence to science which the accepted basics of today are helpless to “explain.”

Though the phenomena observed at Santa Cruz are fairly well known, We append here a memorandum concerning them.

  1. At many points within the area, if two persons of equal height face each other, one appears shorter or taller than the other. This effect appears in photographs and Mr. Graham estimates the difference at about one-seventh.
  2. A pendulum requires much more effort to displace it from the vertical in one direction than in the other, and the right and left hand arcs will differ considerably on the free swing-back (by about 6″ with the pendulum used).
  3. A beard is raised at one end to form an inclined plane, by sighting along it at a nearby hilltop. A tennis ball placed on the low end rolls uphill, with a constant speed (after the first second). A cigarette placed beside the ball rolls in the same direction with the same speed, (no acceleration).
  4. A ball tossed so as to fall over and beyond a fence or wall, returns from about the height of its arc and falls beside or behind the person tossing it.
  5. There are also various distinct subjective effects, especially in walking up and down hill. Most of the effects seem to be in the nature of sideways acceleration.

We should perhaps add, that it is believed by some that the effects are due to buried mechanisms of ancient times, and a well-known occultist assures us that such devices have been seen and examined clairvoyantly.

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Round Robin: Radionics – A Tactical Weapon for Military Use Mon, 12 Jul 2010 19:12:29 +0000 ]]>

Clips, Quotes and Comments on part V of an article for “Specula” by Col. Tom Bearden, as compiled by Riley Crabb, originally included in the Journal of Borderland Research (November – December 1979, Vol XXXV, No. 6): This article is included here as part of a “Round Robin” classic series, presenting random pulls from the archives and the best offerings of the BSRA from 1945 into the 1970s!

Bearden has an interesting explanation for the nuclear disaster in Russia which made hundreds of square miles of Russia uninhabitable. “I believe that in 1958 the Soviet nuclear catastrophe near the Urals was the result of an attempt to transmit a nuclear explosion through hyperspace (the peculiarity of a transmitter tuning failure would have resulted in an explosion emerging from the nearest large nuclear waste storage, and that apparently happened).

“In 1957, however, a major new interpretation of quantum mechanics was originated by Everett at Princeton University under the world-renowned John Wheeler. This is the theory of universal wave function — the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics. Practically the entire Western output on the subject is available in a book by that title from Princeton University Press.”

Yes, it -is- encouraging that a few physicists are taking off their blinders and making a sincere attempt to relate physics to occult philosophy. It is amusing that, though psychic phenomena have been with mankind since our earliest beginnings on this planet, physicists take the attitude that because they could not explain by their myopic view of life, psychic phenomena didn’t exist. It is sad that while government authorities here in the United States have been systematically destroying Radionic or Psychotronic equipment, and persecuting Radionic operators dedicated to helping mankind, government authorities in Russia have been encouraging this New Age science for the destruction of mankind!

“This physics is so exceedingly strange that it has been ignored by almost all Western physicists — indeed, it is so strange that even its originators, Everett and Wheeler, are said not to be able to believe it (Wheeler once stated that he could believe it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but not at any other time). Using the Many Worlds Interpretation, however, one can produce a theoretical model of Psychotronics which is totally consistent with the entire experimental basis of modern physics!

“The Soviets apparently seized on this new theoretical work and applied it to the Moray device, solving their theoretical difficulties.”

“About 1959 or 1960, the radiation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with weak microwave radiation apparently began. The purpose of the radiation is a brilliant intelligence probe. The Soviets were vitally interested in positively ascertaining whether or not their U.S, adversary knew about Psychotronics (i.e. whether or not the U.S, had built PT weapons of its own and might have built defense counterweapons as well).”

No, at that time the technical authorities in the government were examining workable, usable Radionic or Psychotronic equipment with contempt, labeling it fraudulent, and throwing the operators in jail! — Dr. Chapman here in Vista and Dr. Ruth Drown in Hollywood.

“Accordingly, the Russians began weak PT-modulated microwave radiation of a high-level U.S. target — the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union — which would guarantee the personal attention of the State Department, NSA, CIA, DIA, the President, etc. (You left an important one out, Tom, the Office of Naval Intelligence. –RHC)

“The PT modulation apparently consisted of various disease patterns of gradually increasing seriousness — flu, blood changes, heart irregularity, cancer, etc. By the U.S.’s reaction, whether or not it knew anything of PT could be positively assessed. If the U.S. reacted—only to ordinary electromagnetics, then with 100% certainty it knew nothing of Psychotronics, hence had no secret PT weapons of its own or counters to the Soviet PT weapons. So, since about 1959 or 1960, by our slow reaction to the radiation of the U.S. Embassy — and then by our reaction only to the electromagnetic aspects — we have been assuring the Soviets that we know nothing of PT. Even though several presidents have protested the radiation, the Soviets have persisted in it because it is an intelligence tool of the utmost importance to them.


“For confirmation of Soviet experimentation with PT induction of death and disease, see V.P. Kaznachayev et al, ‘Distant Intercellular Interactions in a System of Two Tissue Cultures’, Psychoenergetic Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1976, pp. 141-142; and by the same authors, ‘Apparent Information Transfer Between Two Groups Of Cells’, Psychoenergetic Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, December 1974, p. 37. These articles give one a glimpse of the results of over 5,000 Soviet experiments on the basic effect.

“Kaznachayev, e.g., is the head of the Siberian Branch of the Soviet Academy of Medicine, and has at his disposal every disease germ/virus/toxin, etc. known to man. Note that the reported experiments were performed in the dark to prevent the quenching effect of the visible light spectrum, and the effect is only obtained through the quartz which has Infra-red and Ultra-violet windows. Also note there is a closely related experiment that is fundamental to quantum physics: in the two slit experiment — which contains all the mystery of quantum mechanics, according to Nobel prizewinner Richard Feynman, cofounder of quantum electrodynamics — one does not get the quantum effect with an electron, e.g., if the electron is first hit by a photon of light before reaching the two-slit region.”

So what’s new? The “quenching effect” of visible light is well known in psychic research; this is the reason for the dark seance room! This is one of the more obvious differences between the physical and astral worlds. The spirits say that our day here is their night “over there”. The quenching effect of visible light was discovered early in Radionics. This is why the black box idea. The interior of the diagnostic equipment must be dark. Some designs called for covering all circuitry with black tar.


The two-slit experiment staggered orthodox science and shocked the physicists out of their mechanistic point of view. A beam of electrons was directed at a barrier with two slits in it. According to classical physical theory an electron could go through one slit or the other, but not through both because it is supposed to be a physical particle; but to the dismay of the experimenters, their recording equipment indicated that the electron was going through both slits at the same time! This indicated that the electron is really a wave of energy, not a physical particle. Below is David Saxon’s illustration of the experiment from his book “Physics”, published in 1967 by Holt Rhinehart and Winston, New York.

“According to Feynman,” continues Bearden, “the quantum effect in the two-slit experiment is not explainable by any classical means. The reason is that the explanation is not possible by Aristotle’s three laws of logic, on which all Western logic, physics and mathematics are based. However, a fourth law of logic can be written which, together with the present three laws, provides a closed meta-logic which does contain the explanation of the two-slit experiment. The fact there is no problem in explaining the experiment if one takes into , account the nested structure of time was pointed out as long ago as 1957 by Charles Muses. For the basic theory of the hyperspatial amplifier, see Thomas E. Bearden, ‘The One Human Problem, Its Solution, and Its Relation To UFO Phenomena’, appendix I, ‘The Holographic Hyperchannel Effect , January 3, 1977, DDC…”


The “nested structure of time” is an old story to occult scientists, East and West! And every Mystery School worthy of the name can give the student the topography of the Universe. These “road maps’ of the heavens have been worked out by direct observation of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of initiates and adepts who have preceded us on the Path to freedom from the tomb of the flesh, dramatized for us here in the Western world by the birth, youth maturity, martyrdom and transfiguration of Jesus

Jesus studied this Cabalistic Topography of the Universe during His “sojourn in Egypt”, where diagrams of the nested structure of time were part of the curriculum of the Mystery Schools there, in Luxor, Thebes, Abydos, etc. The Tree of Life in the Four Worlds drawn here is an example of it.

To your editor, the Quantum energy of the two-slit experiment on the preceding page equates with Kether of Assiah, primal energy of the physical world; and the two slits represent Chokmah and Binah, or energy being polarized into positive and negative matter as it descends the scale of tangibility.

In this context Quantum is mind, is consciousness, is impersonal love — the Life of deep space continually pressing in upon us, demanding to be used, to be expressed in forms of beauty and usefulness. “Know ye not that ye are Gods, and Goddesses?” cried the Master. What have you done with your power of creation; Let us hope that some it, at least, has been put to good use this Christmas of 1979 — if only to help counteract the evil and destruction rampant in the world.

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Radionics, Ruth Drown, and Qaballah Mon, 01 Feb 2010 02:30:21 +0000 ]]> Article by Trevor James Constable, originally printed as “The Work of Dr. Ruth Drown: An Outline on a Thumbnail” in Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. XVII, No. 1, January – February 1961)

The key to understanding the work and instruments of Dr. Ruth Drown lies in a firm grasp of the two fundamental energy manifestations connected with the human body. These are, first, the electrostatic energy of the physical-mineral tissues, and second, the vital energy which passes into and through those tissues enabling them to hold their form. Electrostatic energy remains with the physical body after death. It is the departure of vital energy from the physical body that constitutes death.

A century ago, doctors engaged with greater freedom in discussion writing concerning life force and/or vital energy than they do today. The rise of the materialistic era to its ultimate development resulted in the study of the physical body of man being deemed all-sufficient.

The most elementary manner in which we bring the effect of vital energy to the experience of the reader is by drawing the following simple comparison. Place a human corpse in a grave; such a corpse has no other innate property than inertia. When, however, we seek to bury a man alive, i.e., a corpse with its vital energy still passing th rough it, then we encounter the definite application of force, through the energetic resistance to burial that the living man will set up.

Using pinacyanole bromide screens or goggles and a method developed by the writer (see The Cosmic Pulse of Life), it may be seen by anyone that there is a definite emanation from any substance viewed by this method. Any physical object, made of any substance will be seen to be surrounded by a pale, fine, luminous radiance that is distinctly fluidic in appearance and behaviour. The method of bringing such things under observation cannot be fully explained within these space limitations; yet it must be stressed that the means of observing this strange, ghostly emanation is physical and repeatable and requires not the slightest metaphysical knowledge.

Just as there is a difference between the corpse and the living human, so is there a difference observable by these means between living things and mineral substances. Everything living has an etheric double, a duplicate of itself extending approximately 1/32 of an inch from the physical structure, and being pale grey in appearance. The “double” is not normally perceived by the unaided eye. Nor are bacteria. Bacteria have been brought into scientific ken by the microscope’s ability to remove man’s optical limitations. Pinacyanole bromide, like the microscope, also removes an optical limitation.


No credence whatever can be given to any statement from any scientists, physician or physicist who says he does not believe there is an etheric double. Such beliefs are simply out of date, and cannot in the scientific order of things be accorded equal standing with what may be observed, repeatably and at will, through the proper method.

In the past it has been argued endlessly as to whether or not living substances, or physical-mineral substances give off an emanation. Since the fact that they do is vital to a grasp of Drown therapy and how it works, the point has been dwelt upon in detail. Everything has an emanation, and the etheric double is a scientific fact.

The origin of the emanations is the next point to deal with, since this too impinges directly upon an understanding of the Drown instruments. There can be no doubt that these emanations derive from the molecular activity going on continuously in everything having physical form. The molecule is the unit of mass form. The different arrangements of molecules produce different substances. The molecular arrangement that produces steel is different to that producing lead, and the molecular arrangement producing lung tissue is different to that producing liver tissue.

Any physicist will tell you that the molecules are whirling particles of electricity. These whirlings never cease. It is this activity of these particles that produces the radiance we can see all around all substances in the manner described above. Except in terms of the amount of radiance observed, the eye does not perceive any essential difference between emanations. Yet, since they are in each case the result of a specific type of activity individual to each substance, these emanations must be characteristic in some way of their source.

It is these very emanations that are drawn into the Drown Instrument when any substance is being examined. In diagnosis and in “setting a rate” it is therefore the electrostatic energy that is involved. This operation of setting a rate concerns itself with expressing the emanations drawn into the instrument as a number.


The Drown Instrument is analogous to any other instrument used for the reception and detection of a broadcast. It must have an antenna. In fact, the whole Drown Instrument is nothing but a tunable antenna, so simple in layout that electronics experts have been deceived into thinking that it is nothing but a straight wire, electrically speaking.

The Drown Instrument consists of nine dials, each of which is made up of ten small brass studs. Each dial therefore has ten positions that may be selected by the operator, just like any other radio dial.

Just as when you turn your TV set from channel to channel you alter the electrical characteristics of the set to fit the station you wish to receive so are the dials of the Drown instrument moved for tuning. Whereas in TV we deal with the known electromagnetic spectrum, with the Drown Instrument we are dealing with the very subtle, fluidic emanations from the molecules described earlier.

Since these “molecular broadcasts” are of a totally different order to the recognized and accepted spectrum, we must expect that the means by which these broadcasts are tuned and handled will be different. Through the years, more than one blundering fool with too much formal education in electronics and too little grasp of the laws of life, has said that it is impossible for Dr. Drown’s instruments to do anything she claims. Only recently, the writer, who has held a professional radio operator’s license for fifteen years, was discussing these instruments with an electronic expert. The expert delivered himself of his weighty opinions. Then he was shown the emanations from a pencil, his checkbook and his own hands. Asked about these radiations and how to tune them the man simply folded up like an undertaker’s chair. It is very easy in this world to be down on things before you are up on them.

The arrangement of nine dials with then studs each permits combinations of these tiny impedances going into billions. The sensitivity of the instrument is absolutely remarkable, when we consider that with it we may pick up from the human body, with its jumble of molecular broadcasts, those of each individual organ and gland.

To establish a “rate” for a substance, i.e., to express it as a number, in terms of dial readings, that substance is placed on the foot plates of the instrument. The footplates are actually the end of the antenna. The operator then begins to stroke the detecting pad which is connected between the instrument and ground. The dials, beginning with the first of “disease” dial (impingement of function produces the base rate of vibration or disease vibration) are slowly rotated as the detector pad moves these minute molecular broadcasts through the instrument when the arrangement of the dials is such that resonance exits between the instrument and the sample being examined. This subtle energy flow manifests as a stickiness of the pad. With an expert operator such as Dr. Drown, the fingers adhere strongly to the rubber pad, and a distinct and quite loud snapping sound is produced. The detection is therefore both tactile and audible, and very positive with the properly trained operator.

One at a time the various vibratory components from the sample are extracted. The dials are arranged like the octaves on a piano. When, say, 8 has been recorded on one dial, the operator then begins from zero on the next, and so on until no more vibratory components come in from the sample. For the physicist or student, it may be stated that this process of setting a rate is equivalent to a practical application of Fourier’s Theorem. The periodic partial vibrations are extracted one at a time. Their sum, expressed as a number, is the total vibration.


No pains must be spared at this point to lay down with force and clarity that these reactions are gained without the psychic participation of the operator, efforts to use extrasensory perception, or the conscious effort to generate specific thought forms. This type of activity leads into a separate and bewildering realm that the physician especially at all costs must avoid if he is to get accurate diagnosis. Let there be no doubt in the mind of anyone that these instruments which are sensitive enough to pick up the molecular emanations of physical substances, will react to the operator’s thought forms, or to those of others. The operator must set himself aside from the instrument. Having diagnosis dependent upon the doctor’s state of mind, or ESP, or psychic powers, is at this stage of human evolution a cumbrous and unwelcome humbug. The Drown system, and physicians trained in its use, aim at avoiding this.

Pathological and histological specimens, mineral samples, photographs or any other articles may be placed on the input of the instrument and “rates” established. Systematic work, over the period of almost forty years with which Dr. Drown has been involved in this work, including thirty years with her own instruments, has led to the recording of sufficient rates to permit the detection of virtually every major disease and most minor ones. These are all classified in an Atlas, to which new rates are constantly being added.


As far as pathological specimens are concerned, it is obvious that when tissue is diseased, it changes. Consequently, the molecular broadcast changes. If the correct broadcast is missing, the patient’s symptoms and case history send the doctor looking for other likely broadcasts. Through the years and years of work that she has put in with the instruments, Dr. Drown has become a diagnostician of formidable proficiency; she is accurate and phenomenally fast.

As far as any tests of these methods are concerned, it is to be expected that in more than thirty years in practice, Dr. Drown’s diagnosis would have been verified many times against the slower, orthodox method. This has been the case. There have been very minor differences between her results and those obtained by the longer processes of the hospital laboratory. By numerical methods she has painstakingly worked out, Dr. Drown is able to make a blood chemistry, urinalysis and blood count while the patient sits there with his feet on the plates. All these analyses and checks are made in the body, not with the fluids removed from the body. Hence the minor differences between Dr. Drown’s results and those of the regular laboratory.

The checking of all organic functions is also carried out in this method of diagnosis. The writer knew, for example, as the result of a regular examination, that his eyesight was 20/20. During the diagnosis Dr. Drown asked the writer if he knew what his eyesight was. He replied in the affirmative without giving the figures. A moment later her assistant held up the diagnostic sheet, on which the version had been recorded by the Instrument as 20/20. This is but one of the flabbergasting proofs the writer has had concerning the accuracy and efficacy of Drown diagnosis.

The cornerstone of the diagnosis is the case history. This is made as complete as possible. Then the patient sits with his feet on the plates, a few feet to Dr. Drown’s right. Her assistant sits on her left with the diagnostic chart. Dr. Drown can in this position read the dials, talk to the patient, or her assistant, as she chooses. This she does, all the while getting reactions from the instrument. In connection with the comments concerning psychic participation made earlier to see Dr. Drown at work is to develop the conviction that it is the instrument that is telling the story, as read directly from the patient. There is no “holding a thought”, merely the confident movements of a lady who knows what she is doing.


On the diagnosis chart are more than a hundred separate entries. As Dr. Drown tunes the instrument through all the various parts of the body, the process is something like a frequency check run by the FCC, to ensure that a radio station is broadcasting on its assigned wavelength. The broadcast rates of all the organs and glands are known, function can be measured, diseased conditions detected and verified. After about forty minutes, a complete blueprint of the patient’s body has been made.

There may be, say, several instances of very low function in different organs and glands, and the presence of certain infection established. One of the most fascinating aspects of the entire Drown diagnosis now takes place, something that in itself is a golden gift to medical science. This is establishing the first cause of the patient’s difficulties.

Dr. Drown herself described this as “checking the blueprint”. Homeopathic organ and gland substances are used in connection with this phase of the diagnosis, being contained in small bottles appropriately labeled kidney, liver, heart, etc.

From these bottles come emanations distinctive to the substances inside. Thus the homeopathic extract of kidney gives off the vibrator rate of normal, healthy kidney. If these bottles are studied in the same way as other substances it will be seen that they have an emanation. These are now placed in turn in the specimen well of the instrument, so that they are between the patient and instrument. There are thirty of them. The purpose is to establish which organ is he underlying cause of the diseased conditions in the patient.

The placing of these substances in the specimen well is tantamount, electrically speaking, to connecting a perfectly functioning organ into the body of the patient. By a process of elimination, the substances which are capable of dissipating the disease reaction on the instrument’s detector pad are separated from those which do not. The final step involves setting the dials to the organs and glands which are low in function. One substance and one substance only survives these finer tunings, and dissipates all disease reactions. This therefore represents the organ or gland that is the first cause of disease in the patient.


Having established the first cause of disease, and made a full blue print of the patient’s body, the doctor using the Drown system is now in a position to choose and direct the correct and most efficacious treatment of the patient. It should be pointed out that no energy enters the Instrument except that of the patient. What is examined on the instrument is therefore as individual as the patient’s fingerprints. There are no connections to the power socket, no transistors, no solar cells, no batteries. Just the subtle energies from the patient himself, by the means herein outlined, are examined in the diagnosis.

There is no doubt that these instruments can only be effectively used by well trained and knowledgeable physicians. A thorough knowledge of human body and all its workings is a prerequisite to efficient and effective diagnosis by the Drown methods. The Instrument is not now and never has been a substitute for skill, training and knowledge, although it is an agency through which these elements may be more effectively applied in the service of suffering humanity.

The first question that arises in connection with diagnosis and the whole system of therapy invented and developed by Dr. Drown concerns its proof. This is a logical question. It is also far more easily and overpoweringly answered than most persons imagine. The proof is derived from Dr. Ruth Drown’s Radio-Vision Instrument, an extension of the diagnostic instrument. The writer considers the Radio-Vision Instrument to be the greatest single invention in the history of mankind, bar none.

This view may be deemed extravagant by some. Yet the evidence is incontrovertible that a Drown Radio-Vision Instrument, tuned in accordance with the principles herein outlined, will cast upon a photographic plate pathological and histological cross-sectioned pictures of both the soft and hard tissue of the human body. These pictures may be made from the blood crystal of the patient, no matter where he is on earth. Where in all history has there been a greater scientific achievement? And where in all history has there been anything more clearly destined to open up the whole philosophy of the fine forces?

Radio-Vision pictures of this type have been made since 1935,when Dr. Drown invented the Radio-Vision Instrument. It is not a machine like a camera. It is used, and can be used only after a complete diagnosis of the patient concerned has been made.

In effect it is a diagnostic instrument with a simple attachment that permits the minute body currents to be scanned on a photographic plate. The pictures are closely akin to X-ray pictures, but they are capable of recording things that elude X-ray.

The astounding cross-sectional nature of these pictures indicates that some definite tuning involving magnetic lines of force is employed for the tissue in, say, a gall bladder, is perfectly sectioned by the photographic process. It is as though a scalpel had cut the organ from top to bottom, and the wall of that incision photographed. What you get depends on what you tune in to. You photograph a gall stone because you tune in on gallstones. The principles of resonance ensure that you get nothing else, any more than you get Channel 2 on TV when you are tuned to Channel 7.


This evidence is stupendous in its power to convince. The writer has studied hundred of these Radio-Vision photographs in comparison with standard anatomical drawings and charts of the areas photographed. There is simply no doubt as to what the instrument is doing. Surgeons at times have asked Dr. Drown to take Radio-Vision photographs, and have subsequently confirmed their truth by both surgery and postmortem surgery.

The writer felt that something describing this incredible contribution should be made available to the public. Accordingly, he helped Dr. Drown prepare a booklet containing some 20 Radio-Vision photographs with a brief review of the theory entitled “Radio-Vision, Scientific Milestone. (reprinted in Radionics – New Age Science BSRF, Bayside, California).


In this rapid survey of Dr. Drown’s work and contributions to world science, which one day will be acknowledged as one of the great American contributions to mankind’s emancipation, we must deal with a common generalization about her work. This is an effort to rationalize the subject, found in those quarters where men of feeble temper would rather not truthfully pursue the orderly revelation of natural law. “Dr. Drown,” goes the saying, “took over Albert Abrams’ work and hers is another version of his.”

Did Marconi invent television? He did not. He was one person who contributed discoveries to the basic technology that ultimately led to television. Dr. Abrams, in similar fashion, first opened for modern humanity the field where Dr. Drown, after many years of devoted, lonely and original labor, developed the system of diagnosis, therapy and soft-and-hard tissue photography that is her own distinct achievement. Radio-Vision, which has no predecessor, is the greatest of all devices to come to mankind; for by its very operation it verifies the truth of the technology upon which it is based.

Dr. Albert Abrams was a genius. He tapped a phase of cosmic law that was too strong a medicine for his contemporaries. His investigations into the masses of electric forces that operate around, into and through the human body are a landmark. But to say that the Drown and Abrams work are the same as is untrue as attributing the transistor to Marconi.

Ruth Drown’s first experience in radio therapy was as a nurse with Los Angeles doctors who were using Abrams’ methods. In those days medical men were not the servile, frightened prisoners of their own totem that they have subsequently become in the United States. It was Ruth Drown’s good fortune, and undoubtedly her destiny, to work with these able, imaginative men, who immediately saw in her a person of unusual ability.

Throughout this period and during her own studies, Dr. Drown saw that a way might be found to offset some of the drawbacks of the Abrams’ methods. To these original paths she directed her attention. When her own first instrument finally was introduced in 1929, it had surmounted the basic problems of the field and made notable advances. These advances may be briefly summarized as:

  1. Abolition of the clumsy patient-diagnostician-subject triad. Only the patient and the diagnostician were involved now.
  2. Localization of the disease, instead of being carried out on the “subject,” was carried out on the instrument, on the detecting pad Dr. Drown devised.
  3. No electrical energy of any kind was involved in the diagnosis save that of the patient. Diagnosis had become as individual as the fingerprints.
  4. The Drown instrument was not subject to disturbances by such extraneous vibrations as electric lights and colours.

Dr. Drown had exhausted herself financially making the first instrument. The interested doctors subsidized production and soon they were being manufactured, the present-day, 9 dial instrument replacing the original 7 dial device. When this was in hand, Dr. Drown’s mind turned logically enough to the use of the same instrument for treatment. After all, she reasoned, the subtle broadcasts from the human organs and tissues were being detected and expressed numerically by means of the instrument. Why could not access be gained to these same tissues and organs by an adaptation of the method?

A system of treatment was worked out, the cornerstone of it being the common electrical phenomenon of resonance, as applied to the subtle energies involved in the human body.

Again let it be stressed that while these energies are related to those dealt with in conventional electronics, they are not identical with them. The electronics specialist attempting to analyze this work on the basis of what is accepted in industry and taught in universities, simply does not have the mental tools to make a valid evaluation. These energies used in the Drown instruments may be brought under direct observation with new methods and devices, but there is nothing about them in any university text book.

The critic who does not come with an open mind, is now likely to leave with a red face. In this article, as the drama of what lies behind the instruments unfolds, the student will see why he must go slowly and softly if he is going to go far.

In treatment, the patient is placed in a complete circuit. A plate of block tin goes over the patient’s solar plexus, his feet are set upton footplates of German silver. On the tiny current flowing between these dissimilar metals, through the instrument, are borne the patterns of his molecular “broadcasts,” sent out from all the organs, glands and tissues. Suppose the kidney is to be treated for a diseased tissue, i.e., it is set on the “diseased” tuning. The energy is thus focused back into the tissue from whence it came. The purpose is to induce the production of new, healthily vibrating cells to replace the diseased cells. Unless the energy is directed into the diseased tissue, this will not occur.

The biology lab provides a simple analogy. When a beam of light is directed against a one-celled organism, the beam intensifies the activity in the cell until cleavage, or splitting of the cell and cell nucleus takes place. In Drown therapy, cell division is accentuated in the region under treatment. New cells come in at the correct vibratory rate, and the diseased cells fall away. Diseased cells cannot continue to exist in normally vibrating tissue. It is analogous to taking away the swamp to overcome the mosquito. No swamp, no stagnant water – no mosquito!


The diagnostic instrument provides a verification and constant monitoring of the progress of the treatment. As the function of the diseased organ is restored, the vibratory rate of the organ alters. Finally it returns to normal. The doctor directing the treatment must check on its progress in this way. Why? If the doctor did not know the extent of the alteration in the vibratory rate of the groups of organs and tissues being treated, he could not keep the treatment instrument in resonance with the tissues under treatment. Thus, cell division would not be accelerated in these tissues.

The same treatment may be given to a patient through a dime-sized spot of his blood held as a crystal in a blotting paper and connected to the instrument as shown in the diagram. The entire pattern of human body energy passes through such a blood crystal as long as the patient is alive, and no matter where on earth he goes. The blood crystal is the visible end of an invisible line permanently connected to its owner. The energy patterns may be tuned into and a diagnosis made regardless of geographical separation. Hemorrhage control in this manner is one firm proof that this is so. The irrefutable proof is to be found in Radio-Vision photographs, by means of which cross sectional pictures of internal human organs may be photographed across oceans and continents.


These Radio-Vision photographs have been made with consistent success and astonishing results ever since 1935. They are being made today. Their power to convince by their very nature, makes them evidential material of the highest order. When Dr. Drown was charged by the Foot and Drug Administration in 1951 with mislabeling her diagnostic instruments, she was not permitted in her “trial” to place Radio-Vision photographs in evidence before the court. (This is the same Food and Drug Administration whose Antibiotics chief, Henry Welch, was “allowed to resign” without further punishment, after taking a quarter of a million dollars in drug company payola). Three can be no doubt of the result had she been permitted to do so. The photographs prove that this marvellous instrument does in fact tuen into the organs, tissues and bones of the human body. A layman, studying these photographs with histological sectional drawings will need no further proof. The skilled physician will grasp it easily. On top of this, pathologies and bacteria photographed in this way give off, from the photograph itself, their own distinctive vibratory rates. The degree of checking, rechecking and verification permitted by the Drown system is a pure delight to anyone honestly interested in science as the orderly revelation of natural law.


The healing process is a natural one, since no energy save that of the patient is involved. The doctor merely directs the healing process, but for this he needs solid professional skills and a firm background in the medical arts. We are not dealing with “health machines,” from which health is dispensed like a candy from a vending device, nor with a cure-all. The doctor, in addition to making correct use of the instruments for diagnosis and treatment, has to enlist the patient’s aid in the correction of bad living, dietary and emotional habits. The metaphysician has no difficulty in comprehending that we are the architects of all our own bodily troubles, except in the case of direct trauma.

Borderlanders will be interested in the fact that persons of some sensitivity, i.e., bodily sensitivity, can actually fell the focus of the energy when they are under Drown therapy.

The writer himself has had this experience over a long period, and the worse any particular affliction is, the more you will be inclined to feel the treatment. It is a common part of the writer’s life to feel his “rates” being changed and the focus of the energy altered in his body. This has been confirmed so many times that it no longer has any aspect of novelty.

Dozens and dozens of Dr. Drown’s patients have the same experience so it has long since seemed to be novel to her. Such evidence lies outside the boundaries of what Anthroposophists correctly term the “Onlooker Consciousness.” That is to say, this sensitivity is not in the form of a pointer reading, and is therefore outside the range of present day scientific consideration. Associates however, will find it of interest. For the workaday scientists and physicians, there stands the inexorable, almost fantastic evidence of Radio-Vision.

One aspect of Dr. Drown’s therapeutic methods involves the control of Hemorrhage. When a patient’s blood is placed on the treatment instrument and that instrument is set to the rate of the parathyroid glands, then that patient does not bleed, no matter where in the world he goes. Some drugs disturb this operation, but the means exist by which they may be overcome. The writer has had numerous personal experiences with hemorrhage control in his own case. One of these included being jammed against a wall by a trailerload of furniture. This resulted in a deep gash in the leg, almost to the bone; but the wound sealed off and not a drop of blood was lost. A large aluminum sliver, driven into the writer’s finger also failed to produce bleeding. There are in Dr. Drown’s files, records of the efficacy of hemorrhage control in hospitals and in dental hospitals that are dry, factual and irrefutable evidence that hemorrhage control is a thoroughly proven device.


There is no need to name the opposing powers to do this, among other benefits to humanity. The horror of it all is manifested most intensely in Dr. Drown’s offer in 1941 to the American Red Cross to supply hemorrhage controls for American servicemen. Naturally, it was turned down, and thousands of Americans bled to death on battlefields and in airplane cockpits who may well have been saved by this simple yet marvellous device.

Borderlanders will not find much of this surprising as we proceed to reveal what lies behind the instruments and the whole system Dr. Drown has brought to humanity. That which is manifest in th form of the instruments, is only a tiny aspect of that which they embody, express, manipulate and interpret and on the earth plane. The Drown instruments use and verify the Qabalah, or ancient wisdom teaching of the West.


In the early nineteen thirties, Dr. Drown was given a copy of MacGregor Mathers’ Kabbalah Unveiled. Like many another student before her, Dr. Drown found the book heavy going. She pawed at it periodically without getting much out of it. All the while, her working life in this period was devoted to consolidation of her own work and inventions. “Rates” for the various diseases were being established, and the method of therapy outlined above was being systematically proven. This work required that almost all of Dr. Drown’s waking hours be spent dealing with numbers.

As is often the case with those who approach numbers in the right way, ideas began to flow to Dr. Drown connecting the numbers she was dealing with to the Tree of Life of the Qabalists. Certain consistencies began to present themselves over and over again. The fundamental affinity for truth possessed by numbers came through to the earnest woman who had made these instruments her life’s work. The pattern that began to emerge, has in all reality, started a new scientific epoch, one in which the serious metaphysical student will be at home.

The findings of the instrument in the human body showed that all the relationships and connections between Man and the Cosmos embodied in the Qabalah are correct and demonstrable.

A digression is necessary here to swiftly outline what the Tree of Life or fundamental glyph of Qabalism is. The Tree of Life represents symbolically the decent of power from the Great Unmanifest through the various densities of spiritual existence to the physical-material world of which our physical-mineral bodies are a part. This final condition is known to the Qabalists as Malkuth.

From the Great Unmanifest various levels or densities exist, each of which has certain properties and purposes. Each of these densities is known as a Sephirah, and to each number is assigned. Thus, the First Manifest is Kether, to which is assigned the number 1. Each Sephirah may be likened to a bowl in one of the waterfalls now commonly sold for American households. As each bowl fills, it spills over to supply the bowls below it. Thus, each Sephirah may be deemed to contain within itself all the Sephiroth which follow it. Malkuth, the material world as we know it to our unaided senses is Sephirah 10.


Each Sephirah is positive to the Sephirah following it. Thus, each Sephirah is negative to the Sephirah preceding it. A practical demonstration of this is that the human etheric double is positive to the physical-mineral body, and also it is positive to the light that illuminates the world of Malkuth. In Drown Radio-Vision, which is made possible by tuning in the vital energy, i.e,. the energy of the etheric double, the film processing to obtain images contains an extra step over the regular film processing. The purpose of this step is to obtain the polarity reversal required to record the effect of vital energy on film. Under normal processing it will not record. The writer’s experience in the photographing of hundreds of “flying saucers” as ghostly but unreproducible forms in film emulsions, enabled him to immediately see the significance of this step in Dr. Drown’s work and to science as a whole.

From the beginning, because of the harmony of the methods and therapy with Cosmic Law, the whole power of that law was behind the development of the Drown system. Little wonder is it, therefore, that on these mighty tides many were carried to health and healing. As the various relationships between the organs and their place on the Tree of Life were divined, verified and reverified, a complete new healing art was having its silent advent. Diagnosis, therapy, and soft and hard tissue photography, all of them freed from geographical limitations were linked in their turn via the Qabalah, to the mental and emotional factors causing disease and organic deterioration.

Some examples of the numerical consistencies and relationships will now be given:

Kether the Crown, Sephirah 1, corresponds to the Pineal Gland in the human body. It is point of entrance of the Life Force.

The Pineal Gland rate in Drown therapy is 98.

The optic nerve rate in Drown therapy is 647.

The base of the brain rate in Drown therapy is 44.

These three parts of the human body correspond with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sephiroth they represent the Supernal Triangle of Qabalism.

Using the process of reduction we find that each of these three rates reduces to 8. We also find that 3 x 8 equals 24, and this in turn reduces to 6. The numbers assigned to the Sephiroth involved, 1,2 and 3, also reduce to 6. Coincidence? Let us proceed down the Tree of Life.

Heart (256)4Chesed (4)
Liver (4 lobes – 48, 481)5Geburah (5)
Solar Plexus (321)6Tiphareth (6)
Spleen (4651)7Netzach (7)
Kidneys (Metanphrose 4, Glomeruli 4)4 + 4 = 8Hod (8)
Sex Organs (Male 999, Female 954)Both reduce to 9Yesod (9)
Skin (10)10Malkuth (10)

An extensive relationship has also been found by correlating all the rates of Pineal, Pituitary, Small Brain and the associated cranial nerves.

The consistency shown in this table between the Drown rates and the ages-old approach to they mysteries of the Cosmos cannot be denied. In the face of such massive correlation, and this is only a fraction of one percent of the correlation that has been found out, it is impossible to discard the rates as being arbitrary, meaningless and of no application outside the Drown system.


We can take a rapid look at the manner in which these relationships permit the mental and emotional causes of organic deterioration to be traced. An example would involve a man well known to the writer. On the same Sephirah as the kidneys are found certain qualities of the mental and emotional makeup. The left kidney for example, is related to veracity and truthfulness. The patient in question was diagnosed by Dr. Drown and amid fairly widespread deterioration of his organs the left kidney was found to be the first cause of his troubles. The man was honest enough to admit that for many years he had pursued activities and habits that caused him to consciously and willfully be untrue to his own higher impulses. In other words, he was not being true to himself. His physical body was out picturing this situation with an accuracy that spoke for itself.

Physicians nowadays are coming to the view in increasing numbers that the mind and the emotions make people sick. They don’t know how, but they say it and write it. The Qabalah, the Tree of Life and the Drown instruments give us the slide rules and tools we need to tackle such problems and present them to each other in coherent form.


As long ago as 1938 Dr. Ruth Drown was casting pearls of scientific knowledge before official science. One of her contributions stands as a landmark in verifying that the foundations of the Universe are mathematical. The official scientists, like the swine of the bible, trampled these pearls underfoot, leaving them to a later, more enlightened and comprehending age.

In 1938 Dr. Drown detected 101 elements passing over the cranial nerves of the human body. She found it necessary to name nine of these elements herself. At that time there were 92 elements only, according to orthodox science, and heaven help anyone who disturbed this comfortable arrangement. The incredible, almost fantastic part about Dr. Drown’s 1938 Cranial Nerve Chart, on which the vibratory rates of these element atoms were printed, was that the vibratory rates, when reduced, gave the number of the cranial nerve on which they had been found. Furthermore, the final digit(s) of these vibratory rates were identical with the actual Atom Number of the element concerned. That is, Dr. Drown’s rates correlated exactly with the findings of atomic science, since the Atomic Number is the experimentally determined number of electrons in the orbital system of the atom of each element.

In subsequent years and with further research, Dr. Drown has found seven more elements passing over the cranial nerve system of the human being, bringing what seems to be the final of elements to 108. In the interim, atomic science has added a further ten elements to the 92 deemed to represent the totality of elements back in 1938.

Only one point now remains to be made in this thumbnail sketch of a native American genius, and that concerns the opposition to her work. Our society is free enough that one may endlessly talk about metaphysics, write books about the higher nature of man, publish courses and give instruction.

When any person or group of persons sets about systematically proving things occult, and above all proving that Man is a spirit-being among spirit-beings and not 170 pounds of meat, other Cosmic forces, not regulated by the national laws, are set in motion.


Borderlands and other serious students of the exoteric sciences recognize this as the power of Ahriman, whose particular role is to keep man separated from the spiritual world that is his true home. When the full story of evolution is known to the student, and especially to those few with the higher perceptions to study them for themselves, it is realized that Ahriman exerts his power within us, simply because in the scheme of things he is a part of us until we set ourselves free of his influence. Were he not a part of us, he could not manifest through us.

In giving talks about Dr. Drown’s work, especially to men of scientific training and background, the writer has seen this power at work. Were one introducing merely a new idea, a new product, a new tool of some kind, the reaction would be mild skepticism and a “show men” attitude. When you discuss this work, you tap awake forces within people of almost volcanic potency. If such persons are to be led into these new methods of understanding the higher laws of the Cosmos, they will be kicking and screaming as they go.

The same power exerts itself over professorial groups and other organizations and individuals who have sought through the years to smear Dr. Drown and to destroy her work, her ability to survive in the teeth of earthly powers thousands of times stronger on the face of it than she, indicates that her work has come into the world to stay.

As a commercial proposition, the Drown instruments promise such fantastic applications, some of which have already been examined, that their widespread, non medical use cannot long be thwarted. It is the opinion of the writer, after many years in the electronic field, that al conventional electronics is but the foundation of and the stairway to the infinitely more sophisticated uses and understanding of energy brought to mankind by Dr. Drown.

The great beauty of her contributions is that the instruments are still incredible aids to man, without any of the metaphysical aspects being introduced. Yet who could long refrain from crossing the bridge from physics to metaphysics which Dr. Drown’s work has so nobly fashioned? The crossing of that bridge, which leads directly into the science of man as a spirit, takes the researcher clear across the man-made chasm between science and religion. That is a contribution to evolution which can hardly be put into words.

Want more information on Ruth Drown and her contributions to radionics, in her own words? The Borderland Sciences Research Catalog carries several of Ruth Drown’s own papers and manuals on the Drown Homo-Vibra Ray, individually and as a bundle (at 25% off the normal price).

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The Borderland Experimenter: Expanding Perception Thu, 01 Jan 2004 07:00:14 +0000 ]]>

Article by James Borges — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 58, No. 1, Annual for 2004)

Our only real tool on the Borderlands of Science is our perception, so it is common to view the teachers and healers of Radionics as special, and they are special, but no more so than the rest of us. These pioneers have by chance, or genetics, had an advantage perceiving the invisible realms of vibration — the natural ability to detect vibrations in these individuals was some how heightened. Many times these individuals learned to train their talents and focus their perceptions with meditation and other techniques they acquired from the Mystery Schools.

So it is on the path of technique and training that even the most insensitive person may develop these natural senses. The human nervous system was built to detect radiations of an extremely subtle nature — it is hard wired into the survival system of our bodies. The nervous system is sensitive to the cells pulsating and the atoms revolving, and to the rhythms of the etheric; we can identify even the radiation of particular atomic structures like gold or liver tissue. It merely takes experience and practice.

We will here outline two experiments that will train the nervous system to detect both gold and liver tissue. If the experiments are strictly adhered to over time the results will get better and better; this is the evidence: the gradual improvement of the ability to detect the presence of a particular energy structure, be it gold, tissue, or even auras and such subtle fields. You will become familiar with the sense of success, and also that of failure. You will learn to listen to your nervous system and muscular system interacting with the vital forces, subtle manifestations, and all forms of physical vibrations.

You can use a pendulum, Cameron Aura-Meter, or L-rods for the experiments, whichever tool you are most comfortable with. The tool is just a focus for information from the nervous system; it is transduced into very subtle electro-muscular responses that cause the tools to move. The skill is in using your nervous system to perceive the radiations, and eventually the tools themselves will be cast aside as the perceptions become heightened.

For the first exercise you will need a gold coin, three or more envelopes, and cardboard to slide into each envelope. You can get a Year 2000 gold dollar from any bank without much trouble. Cut three or more strips of cardboard so that all are exactly equal and that they fit inside the envelopes. On one of the pieces of cardboard cut a round hole in just the top layer of the cardboard, large enough to insert the gold dollar. Tape over the dollar to keep it in place, as it should be a flat surface. Put it in the envelope and put a tiny red dot on just one side. Put the other two cardboards into the envelopes. Seal all three envelopes.

Shuffle the envelopes until you have forgotten which is which and place them on the floor. You can try many variations: place one in each direction, place them all in same direction, etc. Now try to determine which envelope contains the gold coin, being certain to keep notes of your observations, every hit and every miss. Determine the best set up and stick to it for a while until you get better and better at it.

The second exercise is to give a practical experiment in medical radiesthesia. We can detect the radiations of particular tissues. To determine if a organ is unhealthy, it seems that some time should be spent getting to know that frequency of radiation, then we can determine if an organ is diseased or about to become so. This second exercise needs a hunk of liver from a chicken or from a cow, three bowls, and three cardboard covers that cover the bowls. Place the liver in one of the bowls. For this it is best to have someone else shuffle the bowls, as you can feel the weight difference. (You have a good friend who will help you shuffle raw liver in a bowl, don’t you?) Determine with whichever instrument you have chosen which bowl has the liver. Over time you will be able to detect liver vibrations. While these are dead cells, the atomic structure is intact as long as the liver is fresh; our own attempts to see if we could determine how long liver tissue had been dead was a bit gross and had to be tossed before we could get any real idea.

Dowsing Clips

Dowsers have frequently conducted experiments at dowsing conventions in which they passed electricity through ground, and found they could easily pick up the resulting electromagnetic energies. Scientists have identified three sensors that can pick up this electromagnetic information. One is near or in the pituitary gland (in the brain), and there is one on each adrenal gland (near each kidney). The theory is that by comparing the information from these three internal sensory points, the brain can determine both the distance and direction of an electromagnetic-source without our conscious awareness–much in the way the brain uses the two eyes to calculate how far away an object is, another thing the brain does without us consciously thinking about it.

Divining rods and all common dowsing devices, are the simplest forms of electroscopes. The bent rod for example is just a variation of Gilbert’s straw needle electroscope. The divining rods are charged with static electricity from the dowser’s own body. This static electricity can be seen quite adequately with a simple millivolt meter. This voltage is measured between the hands of the dowser, to measure this voltage accurately a diff amp should be used at the input to the voltmeter, “this eliminates stray signals which are common to both hands”. The amount of voltage will vary depending on the person. A good dowser will have a high reading, “above 100 mv” while a poor dowser may read as low as,”0 mv.”. For males the right hand is usually a negative polarity, and the left hand is positive in polarity. These polarities are usually reversed in females.

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Lunar Influence on the Electrochemical Production of Colloidal Silver Thu, 01 Jan 1998 07:00:20 +0000 ]]>

Article by Michael Theroux

It is well known that the quality of homemade electrochemical colloidal silver varies with every batch made. While some of this variance can occur due to mechanical and/or operator malfunction, such as improper voltage due to low batteries, the use of impure waters (other than distilled), incorrect duration of electrode contact, etc., there are other factors which play an important role in producing high quality electrochemical silver colloids.

The research work of Eugen and Lily Kolisko in the 1920s and 30s introduced the idea that certain celestial events had a profound effect on metals, and that the ancient traditional relationships between specific metals and planets could be demonstrated via laboratory experiment. The process of these experiments involved placing cylinders of special filter paper into dishes which held measured amounts of the various metal salts. Then, the capillary patterns which subsequently emerged, could be studied with reference to specific solar system events (a complete detailed description of the experimental process is contained in the book, The Metal-Planet Relationship by Nick Kollerstrom, available from BSRF). Early on, the Koliskos observed the effects that the moon’s phases had on solutions of silver chloride, and that profound effects could be viewed during lunar eclipses.

This information prompted the idea that lunar influence could produce exceptional differences in the quality of electrochemically produced colloidal silver. We immediately began preparing the necessary experimental equipment for the upcoming lunar eclipse (March 23, 1997, 8:45PM PST). Two CS-300 colloidal silver generators were used for the electrochemical process and a digital countdown timer would ensure that each batch ran for the exact prescribed time of 20 minutes. The first and second of four batches were initiated just prior to, and during the eclipse, and the last two just after the eclipse. The electrodes were checked and cleaned before each batch was run to assure a consistent voltage throughout the experimental run. The water used was distilled and was provided from the same bottle, and then pre-measured into 8 oz. glasses of identical size and make. Normal batches of colloidal silver produced in this way yield a count of about 6000 to 8000 ppb (parts per billion) of silver.

It had been noted with earlier batches of colloidal silver that a simple taste test easily detected differences in quality. Some batches would produce a heavy metallic taste, while others had no distinguishing differences from plain distilled water. After the eclipse experiment was completed, an initial taste test was conducted on the four batches. The first batches run just before and during the eclipse were perceptually absent of the characteristic metallic taste usually associated with a strong batch of colloidal silver. The two batches after the eclipse proved very metallic in taste. These samples along with a control were then taken to a local lab for analysis. The results shown in Figure 1 indicate that the amount of silver began to decrease nearing the eclipse, with a reduction to 1900 ppb during the eclipse. The last batch revealed a rise toward normal levels.

This data strongly suggests a lunar influence on the electrochemical production of colloidal silver. But, the lunar influence presides over other factors which are a part of the experimental test setup. Most are familiar with the lunar effect on tides, and going back into the distant past, many understood that the moon exerts a powerful influence on water itself. Folklore and fact abound with tales of lunar influence upon water, moisture, and other liquids. Plutarch instructed that the full moon caused such an increase in moisture that it made timber, wheat, and other grains which were cut at this time more likely to become decayed and rotten. If cut at the new moon, they would be dry and brittle.

The medieval medical practise of bleeding was to be governed according to lunar phases and their attendant proportions of moisture. Dr. E. J. Andrews, in 1960, confirmed that bleeding is worse around full moons than at any other time. Thousands of post-op records were compared to the dates of lunar phases showing a remarkable 82 percent of post-op bleeding episodes occurred on or around the full moon. Several other researchers and doctors would confirm his findings.

The medicinal effects of many folk remedies were also governed by the phases of the moon due to fluctuating moisture content. Bread was said to rise and leaven better during a full moon, owing to a better retention of moisture. There is a vast catalog of such correspondences between the moon and water, and more still with recent scientific investigations. G. Piccardi, a pioneer on water structure and water activation, demonstrated that cosmic energy forces are important factors in the modification of standardized laboratory chemical and phase-change experiments. He also discovered a dynamic and energetic movement to the Earth’s path in orbit that corresponds to seasonal changes.

The moon is not without its effects on electricity and electrical conductivity. Variations have been recorded in the electrostatic strength of the atmosphere caused by lunar-phase influenced fluctuations in ionization. H.S. Burr discovered that the electrical potential of trees climaxed during full moons, and was unrelated to fluctuations in barometric pressure, humidity, or the weather. The only outside influence the tree’s electrical potential fluctuation kept pace with was that of the changing phases of the moon. L. Ravitz found that people also possessed peaks of potential difference in accord with full and new moons. E.K. Bigg observed over an 81 year period that magnetic storms peaked in intensity just after full moons, and were lightest around new moons. Disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field have been found to follow lunar cycles.

It is obvious that these associations indicate that the entire process of the electrochemical production of colloidal silver is ruled by lunar influence. For that matter, all chemical processes are inextricably directed by celestial authority. It is essential to understand then, when the most propitious times occur to conceive these suspensions. With respect to the production of colloidal silver, lunar influence tables must be consulted. We know that tides are a direct manifestation of lunar forces, but there are also atmospheric tides which play an important role in the understanding of how the moon affects chemical reactions. D’Alembert, in 1746, was the first to discover lunar tides in the earth’s atmosphere. Atmospheric tides attend daily and monthly lunar cycles similar to ocean tides. High tide is observed when the moon is directly overhead or on the exact opposite side of the earth. This is called upper and lower transit respectively, or “souths” and “norths”. The highest atmospheric tide can be measured as air pressure, and occurs at lower transit every day. These daily high tides peak twice a month at new and full moons. The highest tides occur when the full or new moon is at perigee (closest approach to the earth), and higher still when the new or full moon at perigee crosses the ecliptic, or geometrical plane formed by the path of the earth’s orbit.

From a quantitative viewpoint, these tides are extremely small causing the barometer to rise only .001 inches in a day. This influence is location dependant, and may be as much as three times higher near he equator as it is in middle latitudes. This still seems too quantitatively minuscule to have any effect on silver electrodes in an 8 oz. glass of water.

Here we must turn to the work of John Alden Knight. In the mid 1920s, while fishing with a friend, he was told about the folkloric “moon-up/moon-down” theory. The basic premise is that fish feed only at certain times of the day, and that the best times could be found when the moon was either “southing” or “northing”. Knight went on to develop this theory over the next few decades into what is now known as the “Solunar” (combining Sun and Moon) theory. Of course, this theory didn’t just apply to fish, and he would discover that animals, including humans, would become more active and have more energy at these times than at all other times of the day. One might wonder why they wake up in the middle of the night full of energy only to consult the tables Knight created, and find that a Solunar period was in progress. These periods last anywhere from 1½ to 3 hours dependant on the moon’s relationship to other celestial processes. Minor Solunar periods are indicated during the rising and setting times of the moon, and Major periods are indicated during the two transits. These periods are, of course, location dependant, and Knight has created tables which are available for every major fishing location in the country (see references). The easiest way to roughly calculate this for yourself is to add 6 hours to the rise and set times for the moon. If you are connected to the Internet, you can obtain moon rise and set times for your local area for the entire year by going to the Naval Observatory’s website at Once you have these, simply add 6 hours to the daily rise or set time to find the major periods.

These appear to be the best times for the production of colloidal silver. If on a new or full moon, even better. Although we haven’t had lab tests done on every batch (the cost is $40 per sample), taste tests and light yellow color confirm a fairly good batch every time they have been made during major Solunar periods. Minor periods produce a somewhat fair batch, and in-between times have consistently yielded a poor quality colloid.

Other moon factors to consider are high and low runs/rides, and the traditional full moon names. When the moon “Runs High”, or “Rides Low” on the equator, this refers to how high the moon is in the sky that day. The moon is always highest for that day when it souths, but its height above the southern horizon at southing varies during the month. It’s at its highest above the horizon when it souths on a “Runs High” day. It’s at its lowest on a “Rides Low” day, which happens about two weeks later. On the celestial equator, the moon is about halfway between these extremes and this occurs twice during the month. This is caused by the interaction of the moon’s phases and the seasons. For the Northern hemisphere the midsummer full moon is always low in the sky, whereas the midwinter full moon is nearly overhead.

The traditional names of the full moons for each month of the year represent the qualities possessed by each individual moon. For example, “Harvest Moon” in September was said to be responsible for the ripening of produce. To the Romans, Diana’s day fell at the time of the Harvest Full Moon, and offerings were made to her at this time to ensure the ripening of their fruits. Some of the names associated with each month’s full moon are derived from the traditional Algonquin Native American or Colonial Full Moon Names as follows:

MonthFull Moon Names
JanuaryWolf Moon, Old Moon, Winter Moon, Yule Moon.
FebruarySnow Moon, Hunger Moon, Trapper’s Moon.
MarchWorm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon.
AprilPink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Egg Moon, Planter’s Moon.
MayFlower Moon, Corn Plant Moon, Milk Moon.
JuneStrawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Honey Moon, Hot Moon.
JulyBuck Moon, Thunder Moon, Summer Moon, Hay Moon.
AugustSturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Dog Days Moon, Wood Cutter’s Moon.
SeptemberHarvest Moon, Fruit Moon, Dying Grass Moon.
OctoberHunter’s Moon.
NovemberBeaver Moon, Frosty Moon.
DecemberCold Moon, Long Nights Moon.

While this is fascinating from the standpoint of folklore, no correlations have yet been made between these full moon names and their respective qualitative influences. The Solunar theory seems to hold true at all times of the year, but can be slightly altered by these other factors, and delicate adjustments to your tables (plus or minus a maximum of 45 minutes) would then be in order.

As you become familiar with these Solunar periods, you will also begin to notice how many other daily events are directed by the moon’s influence. Once the connection has been made, there is no turning back, and many new discoveries concerning celestial influences will surely appear in time. The practical benefits of these correspondences are starting to reveal themselves to us in many ways, and hopefully will point us in the direction of a greater quality of scientific endeavors.


  1. Moon Up — Moon Down: The Story of the Solunar Theory by Johm Alden Knight, Solunar Sales Co., 1972.
  2. Moon Madness — And Other Effects of the Full Moon by Paul Katzeff, Citadel Press, 1981.
  3. The Metal – Planet Relationship: A Study of Celestial Influence by Nick Kollerstrom, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1993.
  4. Metal Power — The Soul Life of the Planets, by Alison Davidson, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1991 (out of print).
  5. The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology by Georgio Piccardi, Charles C. Thomas, 1962.
  6. Climate and the Affairs of Men by Nels Winkless III and Iben Browning, Fraser Publishing, 1975.
  7. “Planetary Influences on the Matter of the Earth”, by Trevor James Constable, Round Robin – The Journal of Borderland Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, March 1962.
  8. Personal correspondence — Jack Payne, Solunar Services, Rushville, IN 46173 (Solunar tables may be purchased here for $30 a year).
  9. Luna _97 Lunar Almanac Version 2.10, clySmic software, 1997,
  10. Geo-cosmic relations; the earth and its macro environment – Proceedings of the First International Congress on Geo-cosmic Relations, Amsterdam, 1989. G.J.M. Tomassen, Pudoc, Wageningen, 1990.
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America’s Amazing Alchemist Sun, 31 Aug 1997 07:00:15 +0000 ]]>

Article by Vincent H. Gaddis — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 46, No. 05, Sept.-October 1990)

Did Dr. Stephen H. Emmens find the key to the dreams of the medieval alchemists, or was he a clever imposter? The question remains unanswered. But there is no doubt that he did produce gold from some source which he sold to the United States Mint. Moreover, another scientist, by following his instructions, attained partial success. Dr. Emmens, however, like the fabulous sorcerers of legend, carried to the grave his fundamental secrets.

If Dr. Emmens was truly a modern Rosicrucian, the re-discovery of his methods may threaten the gold standards of world markets. On the other hand, if he was a fraud, his scheme of disposing of gold was probably the most ingenious ever devised. The facts in the story, however, indicate that Emmens did find a way for artificially increasing the gold content of coined silver.

First, Emmens was a scientist whose discoveries cannot be lightly dismissed. His name ranks high in the development of explosives; and he invented “Emmensite,” a high-explosive officially accepted by the U.S. government. He was a member of the U.S. Board of Ordnance, the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the U.S. Naval Institute, and the U.S. Military Service Institute. His reputation as a chemist was international in the scientific world. He was the author of a number of books on a wide variety of topics.

Second, when the famous English physicist, Sir William Crookes, duplicated the Emmens experiment, he succeeded in gaining a gold content in silver amounting to almost 27 percent.

Dr. Emmens, a large, well-built man with a walrus mustache, started his experiments about the year 1895. While making some geological studies, he noticed a curious fact — that gold is found in greenstone that has made its way from the interior of the earth under conditions permitting very slow cooling. He also observed that gold is not found in ordinary lava flows where the heat has been quickly dissipated. Since lava and greenstone are composed of similar elements, he decided that “a non-auriferous limestone, subjected to the same natural laboratory treatment as an auriferous greenstone, is capable of producing gold by the transmutation of some of its own constituent particles.”

Likewise, Dr. Emmens believed that a relationship existed between gold and silver, since both were geologically associated with each other. He suggested that in the course of natural chemical evolution silver becomes transmuted into gold, or gold into silver, “or that some third substance exists which changes partly into gold and partly into silver.” This third immediate substance he called “argentaurum.”

Experiments were started in his New York laboratory. Several years later Dr. Emmens claimed to have produced argentaurum by a method which he kept secret, although he revealed the general principles involved in the process. He used as his material Mexican silver dollars, certified by the U.S. Mint as containing less than one part in ten thousand of gold. First, there was a mechanical treatment. The silver was subjected to continuous hammering at very low temperatures in a special cylinder. He called the apparatus a “force=engine,” and it seems to have a combination riveter and hydraulic press. A special arrangement rapidly carried away the heat generated by the hammering.

Next, there was a process of fluxing and granulation. This action, Dr. Emmens wrote, rendered the “molecular aggregates susceptible of displacement and rearrangement.” The mechanical treatment was again applied to the silver, followed by a chemical process in which modified nitric acid was used. The final step was refining. It was necessary that the silver contain at least a trace of gold, and the Emmens process served to increase this gold content.

In 1897 Dr. Emmens started selling his gold to the U.S. Mint. Official figures for the amounts of “argentaurum gold” purchased by the assay office in 1897 reveal a fineness of gold ranging from .305 to .751. A year later the content varied from .313 to .997 — the latter being almost pure gold. It is obvious that the results of the process were not consistent. The ingots contained an alloy of silver and gold, with occasional traces of other metals.

Public knowledge of this modern alchemy did not come until early in 1899 when the New York Herald printed a feature article on the Emmens discovery. A storm of discussion and controversy immediately followed. James Gordon Bennett, the publisher, issued a challenge to Emmens to present a demonstration of his process before a committee of scientists.The inventor immediately accepted. However, the famous publisher found it impossible to form a committee. He invited a number of scientific experts, including Nikola Tesla, to witness a demonstration, but they all refused. Again, it was found that the cost of the demonstration would be no small matter. The expense of equipping a new laboratory was estimated at $10,000. On the other hand, if the experiment was made in the inventor’s own laboratory, the cost would be even greater. Emmens pointed out that the fraud-suspecting committee would demand that one floor be torn up and all his other equipment dismantled.As a result the New York Herald withdrew its challenge, claiming that the conditions for a demonstration could not be arranged. Meanwhile, Emmens quietly continued his work of apparently manufacturing gold and selling it to the Mint. During one nine-months period his sales of gold to the government amounted to $8,000.

Rumors of Dr. Emmens alchemy had circulated throughout the scientific world before it reached the public. In May, 1897, Sir William Crookes wrote to Emmens from England inquiring about his experiments, and their correspondence continued for about a year. Almost from the beginning, however, the personalities of the two men came into conflict, and their relationship ended in bitterness and controversy.

Sir William was a scientist — placing the acquisition of knowledge above all other considerations. But Dr. Emmens was first an inventor, and he demanded that his work bring a financial return. In one letter he wrote: “The gold-producing work in our Argentaurum laboratory is a case of pure Mammon-seeking. It is not being carried on for the sake of science or in a proselytizing spirit. No disciples are desired, and no believers are asked for.”

Sir William questioned the theory of argentaurum as an immediate substance between silver and gold. In reply, Dr. Emmens outlined his general method, but he never revealed all the details of his process. He told the English scientist to take a Mexican dollar, and “dispose it in an apparatus which will prevent expansion or flow. Then subject it to heavy, rapid, and continuous beatings under conditions of cold such as to prevent even a temporary rise of temperature when the blows are struck. Test the material from hour to hour, and at length you will find more than the trace (less than one part in ten thousand) of gold which the dollar originally contained.”

In duplicating the experiment, Sir William used a steel mortar with a close-fitting piston. The piston had a weight of twenty-eight pounds, and was raised and dropped a foot sixty times a minute by means of a cam on a rotating shaft. The mortar was enclosed in a coil of pipes containing liquid carbonic acid, and immersed in solid ice. The hammering process covered a period of forty hours. As a result the gold content of the silver was raised from .062 to .075 — a difference of 20.9 per cent. It should be pointed out that no chemical processing followed the mechanical treatment.

Dr. Emmens considered this experiment a valuable independent testimony on the truth of his theory. Without asking Crookes’ permissions, he published an account of the results, and the English physicist never forgave him for taking this liberty. Sir William complained bitterly that Emmens had betrayed a confidence, and had placed an importance on the experiment that it did not deserve.

Later Crookes made a second experiment that resulted in total failure. In this attempt, however, the physicist used chemically-pure silver. Emmens had previously stated that the silver must contain at least a trace of gold in its composition for the “force-engine” to produce more gold. But Sir William had either forgotten this statement or regarded it as unimportant.In March, 1898, Emmens wrote the following paragraph in a letter to Crookes: “You have made two experiments. In one you employed metal from a normal Mexican dollar and obtained an increase of nearly 21 per cent in the contained gold. In the other you employed abnormal Mexican dollars, and obtained no gold. It seems to me that your duty is to dispassionately announce both experiments.”

But the English scientist apparently had no desire to have his name linked with modern alchemy. Moreover, Sir William made a second unfortunate mistake. He asked Emmens to send him “a small piece of the gold you have made.” Emmens sent him a sample of the product he was selling to the U.S. Mint, which, naturally did not contain “argentaurum,” a substance which Emmens considered a temporary one in his process.

However, Crookes called the sample “a specimen of argentaurum,” and published a detailed analysis of its composition in a British scientific periodical. He pointed out that it contained only well-known elements, and that the spectrograph revealed “no lines belonging to any other known element, and no unknown lines were detected.”

By this time the correspondence between the two men had been strained to the breaking point. Sir William had spent a lot of money on his experiments, and the refusal of Emmens to go into exact details regarding his process was an added source of irritation. He, likewise, felt that Emmens had violated his confidence by publishing parts of his private letters.

The inventor, on the other hand, was annoyed by the Englishman’s suspicions, and his refusal to continue or publicly report his experiments. In May, 1898, he wrote his final letter to Crookes: “Really, don’t you think it poor sport to ride the horse of grievance? You and I are growing old, and we may surely turn our time to better account than in exchanging complaint and repartee over such a trifling matter as the whether an experiment with a bit of metal should or should not be treated as a weighty secret?” The English scientist never replied.

A year later Emmens published a book entitled Argentaurana, or Some Contributions to the History of Science. It contained a general outline of his methods, together with his correspondence on the subject with Sir William Crookes. Shortly later he exhibited his process at the Greater Britain Exhibition.

Did Dr. Emmens actually created artificial gold which he sold to the U.S. Mint? In one assay report of “argentaurum gold” made by the government, it was stated that the ingots contained impurities of a kind “constantly present in old jewelry.” In referring to this report some twenty years ago, the British writer Lieut.-Commander Rupert T. Gould, R.N., stated that this “was as neat a way of calling Emmens a ‘fence’ as could be imagined.” On the other hand, the same impurities — traces of copper, platinum, lead, zinc and iron — are to be found in coined Mexican dollars.

Dr. Stephen H. Emmens died shortly after the turn of the century, and his secret died with him. No evidence of fraud has ever been found to discredit America’s only alchemist. And his mysterious argentaurum gold, in coins and in bars buried below Fort Knox, is now a part of the wealth that supports the monetary system of the United States.

Vincent Gaddis

The BSRF Vincent Gaddis Bundle

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Scorpionic America Sun, 01 Jan 1995 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Article by David Solté — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 51, No. 1, 1st Quarter 1995)


“The Declaration is a masterpiece of propaganda…”
Howard Mumford Jones
Lowell Professor Emeritus, Harvard

The Uranus-Neptune conjunctions of 1993 marked the beginning of a new era. The entire globe now stands on the verge of a New World Order – political, spiritual and astrological. Those convictions all of us hold most dear are not immune to the quantum leaps of consciousness inspiring the billions of humanity worldwide.

In our nation, the societal parent role is assumed by teachers and historians. As individual adult, we all share the same deep fears of abandoning our cultural past that we experience when leaving our parents. If a majority of a generation fear to take the plunge and renew their own mythology, cultural amnesia may ensue. The societal parent tapes of the previous generations may then develop into a cultural trance that hypnotized the next generation. The July Fourth myth was the foundation stone for generations of Americans during the 19th and 20th centuries. As Communism was demystified by Uranus (revolutionary) and Neptune (ideals) in Capricorn (the establishment history), so must Capitalism be reexamined. As Lenin was demystified, so must George Washington be reborn in the light of factual history. Let us not forget that amnesia is a hypnotic state, induced by a mental suggestion most often originating from outside the ego consciousness of the subject. Those in positions of institutional authority within a society are its hypnotists. It is up to the supra-conscious moral impulses of the individual citizens who comprise the forthcoming generations to assume the responsibility of self-dehypnotization. Every human soul is mythological in its unconscious state of awareness. The questions, therefore, are not whether “to mythologize or not to mythologize,” but rather “which mythologies” and “how will they be created and transmitted.”

In the 1940′s, Manly Palmer Hall revived Ebenezer Sibly’s astrological chart cast for the late afternoon of July 4, 1776. Although he was a contemporary of the founding fathers, it has not been demonstrated that Sibly’s information source was any other than the official published version of the Declaration and the comments of Thomas Jefferson, its primary author.


The testimony of Thomas Jefferson is powerful, and yet as early as 1884, Mellen Chamberlain proved that Jefferson (as well as John Adams and Benjamin Franklin) was inaccurate in his recall of the events surrounding the Declaration. By the mid-1940′s, Chamberlain’s conclusions were universally accepted by historians. Chamberlain was the first person to examine the original manuscript minutes of the Journals of Congress, otherwise known as the Secret Journals. On July 19, 1776, they stated, “Ordered that the Declaration passed on the 4th be fairly engrossed on parchment with the title and style of ‘The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.’” An entry on August 2 stated: “The Declaration of Independence being engrossed and compared at the table was signed by the members.”


When Congress published the public Journals, it purposely transferred the July 19 and August 2 entries to July 4 in order to cover up the fact that the vote for independence was not unanimous and the declaration was not signed in the heat of an all-consuming patriotic passion. Yes, it was politics as usual — even back then with our own Founding Dads! Paul Leicester Ford, editor of The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, openly acknowledged that the published journal was “fabricated.” After examining Jefferson’s “Notes,” Hazelton announced that they had been written at one sitting sometime after Jefferson retired from Congress in September 1776. Charles Warren believes that Jefferson relied on the official published journal of Congress to jog his memory, and was unknowingly led onto the path of error. One wonders how a brilliant mind like Jefferson’s could think the eloquent phraseologies of unalienable rights in one moment and then instantly forget the chronology of their acceptance and approval by Congress. What’s even more suspicious is that John Adams and Benjamin Franklin also gave similar public testimonies about a July 4th signing. Privately, however, John Adams had written a letter on July 9, 1776 stating: “as soon as an American seal is prepared, I conjecture the Declaration will be signed by all the members.” How could the three brightest minds in America forget the actual events surrounding Independence, with each making the same error? Theoretically it is possible that Adams and Franklin were also led astray by the published Journals, but it is most unlikely. Their motive in altering the records was to make it appear to the public that the motion was adopted unanimously and without hesitation. Politically, what better action could be taken to assure public support for the venture? It is reminiscent of televised political convention where a motion wins by a large majority and is then ramrodded through to a unanimous vote by the party chairman. Years later, Jefferson commented that the Founding Fathers’ intended purpose for the Declaration was as “an appeal to the tribunal of the world.” In other words, as Garry Wills so aptly put it, “the Declaration… was not a legislative instrument . . . it was a propaganda overture, addressed primarily to France.”


July Fourth was, in fact, made into one of the major media opportunities of the 18th century. The renowned painter, John Trumbull, became a key player in moving the minds of the masses. Photo opportunities were unheard of in those days; paintings were the photographs of the 18th century, and Trumbull was aware of their media impact. He knew how they remained etched in the American collective unconscious. He recreated the signing of the Declaration of Independence out of his imagination, exactly as he would have liked it to be. Trumbull was determined to perpetuate the myth of the Fourth of July for posterity. As we already learned, the signing of the Declaration occurred August 2, or more accurately, that’s when it began. Fifty delegates signed on August 2, one on August 27, three on September 4, one on November 19, and the final signer, Thomas McKean, waited until 1781. By portraying all the eventual signers at one meeting, Trumbull reduced historical truth to obscurity and gave birth to a great American myth. It is no coincidence that Thomas Jefferson was intimately connected with the creation of Trumbull’s painting. While Trumbull was visiting him in Paris, Jefferson proposed that he paint the Declaration and the proceeded to sketch the layout of the main hall as he remembered it. Using Jefferson’s sketch, John Trumbull drew the layout for his masterpiece, which he completed in 1819, 43 years after 1776.


The teaching of the Founding Fathers’ fearlessness is also coming into question nowadays. Popular belief assumed that the American people knew the names of the signers when the Declaration was made public. The fact, however, is that only the signatures of John Hancock, President of Congress, and Charles Thomson, Secretary, were inscribed. The delegates withheld their names from the public for another live months after the August 2 signing because, if independence failed, their treason to the Crown might result in death. Not until after Washington’s victory at the Battle of Trenton were the signers willing to go public!


The proponents of the July Fourth chart have Jefferson as their main witness, and yet they cannot rely on his testimony. His claim that the Declaration was signed on the Fourth is fictitious, along with the late afternoon time. The fact that the Fourth of July was the climactic moment of Independence is a myth; all the Founders did was tidy up the wording and stoically approve an articulate press release.

In actual fact, the Fourth of July is one of the more insignificant dates in American history! Daniel Boorstin claims that the Fourth of July’s “commonly assigned significance is a mystery that may never be solved.” Not until the highly coincidental, dual deaths of John Adams and Jefferson on July 4, 1826, did the date become immortalized. Garry Wills writes: “The first American histories of the Revolution did not find the Declaration an important part of the process . . . Detweiler thinks it did not become a generally accepted ‘national charter’ till after the War of 1812.”

On July 4, 1776, John Adams wrote home to his wife: “The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival.” On the evening of July 2, The Pennsylvania Evening Post stated: “This Day the Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States.” This was the first announcement that publicly declared independence, and it proves that July 2 was the climactic turning point of history. This day marks the moment that the Founding Fathers conceived a united States of America and (to prove the point) spelled its future name with a small letter “u”. This first Declaration of Independence was actually the twinkle in daddy’s eye, not the moment of the infant’s first cry.


Almost everyone has an opinion about the birth date of the United States, and rightfully so. Even the Founding Fathers had opinions — if only we could read their minds. It’s important for all of us to realize that today, due to the vast quantity of firsthand documentation now becoming available, we can do just that! The following research is based on the contemporary vantage point of the Founding Fathers themselves; it seeks to unravel their opinions and attitudes. The primary sources include rarely published, well-documented quotations extracted from their writings and that of their contemporaries. Secondary sources are the writings of distinguished historians, experts in their specialized fields of study. This approach eliminates subjective speculation two centuries after the fact, allowing us to regain a real time perspective of late 18th century America.


“The child Congress has been big with, these two years past, is at last brought forth . . . I fear it will by several Legislatures be thought a little deformed, – you will think it a Monster.”

Cornelius Harnett to Thomas Burke
November 13, 1777

Richard Henry Lee of Virginia boldly addressed Congress in the summer of ’76, putting forth a radical resolution on June 7 that called for independence from England and a plan of confederation, although the latter fact is commonly ignored. Both proposals were incorporated into this single resolution and simultaneously offered to Congress. Beginning in the nineteenth century, emphasis was placed on the dramatic act of separation that initiated the entire sequence of revolutionary events. Of course this makes for more exciting history lessons at school, but ultimately it detracts from the essential fact that in the minds of the Continental Congress such an emphasis would be misplaced.

Articles of Confederation - title page

On June 11-12, 1776, in accordance with the Lee Resolution, Congress created two committees. The first was headed by Thomas Jefferson and was to prepare a statement of independence. The second was headed by John Dickinson and was to draft a workable plan of union. Exactly one month later the Dickinson committee presented its report to Congress bearing the title “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.” The ink that inscripted the Declaration had been dry a mere week.

It becomes immediately obvious that from the very beginning, it was the intention of the founding fathers to politically separate the individual states from England and then form a nation. The Articles of Confederation took their final form after sixteen months of soul searching and interrupted negotiations. They represented the first institutionalization of that unique American contribution to political science – federalism, the principle of divided sovereignty. Although the Confederation’s national government did not receive the wider, centralized power base later delegated in the U.S. Constitution, it retained many of the powers of a modern nation (regulating weights and measure, creating post offices, borrowing and minting money, directing foreign affairs and declaring war / making peace, building and equipping a navy).

When the Constitutional Convention assembled in Philadelphia in 1878, the delegates were greatly influenced by Article IV of the Articles, absorbing much of its language into the Constitution’s fourth article. Article IV is often called the “federalizing article” because it defines the relationship among the states, and between the state and national governments.

Articles of Confederation

“The free inhabitants of each of these states… shall be entitled to all priveleges and immunities of free citizens in the several states…”

“Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these states to the records, acts and judicial proceeding of the courts and magistrates of every other state.”

“If any Person guilty of or charged with treason, felony, or other high misdemeanor in any state, shall flee from justice, and be found in any of the United States, he shall upon demand of the Governor or executive power, of the state from which he fled, he delivered up and removed to the state having jurisdiction of his offence.”


“The Citizens of each state shall be entitled to all priveleges and immunities of Citizens in the several states.”

“Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.”

“A person charged in any state with treas on, felony, or other crime, from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.”

November 15, 1777 is, therefore, that isolated moment in history when the deal was made which established the United States of America. A new institution of federalism was initiated on the stage of world history. This is not the opinion of the author nor any other citizen of the 20th century. Instead it is the opinion of one of the prominent (but lesser known) founding fathers, Cornelius Harnett (see quotation above). Here was a man present on the stage of American history – at its very center. Here are the private written words of a contemporary Founding Father who was intimately involved in the drama of a renegade Congress running from its enemy while it debated the Articles sentence by sentence. Like a quantum leap revisited from the turning point of America’s destiny, the thought of Cornelius Harnett come back to haunt us.

From September 5, 1774, the Continental Congress had been serving as a provisional government without the legal sanction of a constitution. Until it was given proper authority by the states, the Continental Congress had been powerless to establish a permanent government.

Article One stated: “The Stile of this confederacy shall be The United States of America.” Now the newborn’s name began with a capital “U” instead of the small “u” it had been granted by the original heading of the Declaration of Independence. The well-publicized document of July 4, 1776 referred only to “the thirteen united States of America.” As Librarian of Congress Emeritus, Daniel Boorstin, put it, “the uncertainties of the situation were expressed in the fact that the word ‘united’ . . . was treated as a mere adjective rather than as part of the proper noun.” The Founding Father “used a small ‘u’ for united because it was still only a hope.”

Not until after the victory of the Second Battle of Saratoga on October 7, 1777 were the Founding Fathers confident enough to establish a permanent government, including the capitalized “United” as part of its legally sanctioned title. Newborn nations are just like infants — the moment of birth normally coincides with the receiving of a name!


The approval of the Declaration of Independence is commonly accepted as the moment of the United Stats’ birth. In actual fact, the thirteen colonies were declaring their independence from each other as well as from England:

These united colonies are, and of right out to be, free and independent states; … as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do.

Clearly, this document was not one of permanent union; instead, it declared that each colony had complete sovereignty over its own affairs. These new states united as allies against England in order to defend their own individual freedoms. John Adams wrote: “there have been in fact thirteen revolutions, for that number of established governments were overthrown and as many new ones erected.”

Daniel Boorstin comments: “Independence had created not one nation but thirteen. At the time of the Declaration of Independence when John Adams spoke of ‘my country,” he meant Massachusetts Bay, and Thomas Jefferson meant Virginia.”

The fact of the matter is that not one country, but thirteen new sovereign entities (nations) came into existence with the unanimous acceptance of the Declaration of Independence on July 19, 1776. Originally, each of the thirteen newly created mini-nations chose to establish its own private constitution before entertaining the dreadful thought of creating any kind of centralized government at all. It had been a simple matter to revolt against the King of England in comparison to the highly complex task of bringing thirteen individualized “ego-states” into any form of union. The very reason they had just broken loose from their Motherland was to be free from any form of higher power whatsoever. The level of statesmanship required to succeed with this second phase of the revolutionary experiment was much greater than that of the preliminary independence phase. Its all quite obvious – the Declaration of Independence demanded 23 days for its creation, the Articles of Confederation 16 months! The Declaration lacked the force of statutory law, the Articles of Confederation became the law of the land.

In the strictest legal sense, the vote for independence was an act of separation, not one of political union. From a traditional mundane perspective, the act of declaring independence form another political power is not viewed as the birth of a nation. Nicholas Campion, noted mundane astrologer, author, historian and political scientist, addresses the issue of independence horoscopes head-on: “The attaining of independence by a state is therefore not a magical point at which it comes into existence . . . but a point at which power shifts irrevocably from the old to the new order . . . Many national horoscopes are set for the moment at which states achieve their independence from a colonial master, yet it is entirely false to describe independence as marking the foundation or beginning the stage.”


Unjustly, the Confederational government has not been assigned a prominent role in our nation’s history. Instead, it has been treated as an instigator of the social chaos and economic depression after the Revolutionary War ended. Noted historian, Henry B. Parkes, wrote: “The gloomy portrayals of this period have been derived mainly from the propaganda of the group working for a stronger central government . . . in many ways the Confederation period was one of rapid progress.”

Who would think it appropriate to blame the Constitution of the United States for the 1930′s Depression, the Saving & Loan bailout of the 1990′s, or even the chaos created by gang violence in the streets? Today such outcries would seem ridiculous, and yet these are 20th century equivalents to the charges leveled against the Articles of Confederation by the Federalist party of the late 18th century.

Under the direction and control of the Confederational government of the United States soon became a success:

  1. The Revolutionary War was concluded with a major victory;
  2. an exceptionally favorable peace treaty was negotiated and vast, new territorial boundaries were secured;
  3. the central core of the United States government’s bureaucratic administration was established and developed;
  4. the first executive branch of the U. S. government was created when four major departments were set up;
  5. prosperity slowly returned despite the innumerable economic problems arising from the war;
  6. the territorial lands issue was permanently resolved by the Northwest Ordinance – the first of its kind in all of world history – insuring equality between the a newly admitted states and the original states;
  7. national citizenship was established: full-faith-and-credit across state lines, creditors from one state frequently sued in other states’ courts.

The Confederational government’s record was one of exceptional achievements, especially when considering that all these projects were implemented in just eight years! Typically, such acts become the foundation stones of nation; they are the fundamental reasons why the United States came into existence. Recorded history proves that the Articles of Confederation was not the do-nothing government some 19th century historians liked to portray. Although imperfect, it was a solid, credible government; otherwise it would never have received the massive amounts of foreign aid it obtained from France. Andrew C. McLaughlin, a leading authority on American constitutional government, wrote about the articles of Confederation: “… They were in many respects models of what articles of confederation ought to he, an advance on previous instruments of like kind in the world’s history . . . as far as the mere division of powers was concerned, the Articles were not far from perfection…”

Despite the burdensome concerns of his private domestic life, Jefferson took part in the discussion which shaped the Articles of Confederation. On July 29, 1776 he wrote an urgent letter to his colleague from Virginia, Richard Henry Lee: “The minutiae of the Confederation have hitherto engaged us, the great points of representation, boundaries, taxation, etc., being left open. For God’s sake, for your country’s sake, and for my sake, come. I receive by every post such accounts of the state of Mrs. Jefferson’s health that it will be impossible for me to disappoint her expectation of seeing me at the time I have promised, which supposed my leaving this place on the 11th of next month . . . I pray you to come. I am under a sacred obligation to go home.”

Although committed to an August 11 departure, Jefferson stayed on more that another three weeks, until September 3. At this crucial time in his nation’s development, Jefferson’s commitment to the writing of the Articles of Confederation was uncompromised.

July Fourth ’76 romantics like to portray the Articles of Confederation as inadequate and, therefore, invalid as our nation’s founding document of state. It is historical irony of the highest order that the key witness testifying on behalf of the Articles of Confederation would be none other that the very author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. He enthusiastically proclaimed that the confederation was the best government “existing or that ever did exist.” Jefferson compared it to the governments of Europe, noting that the contrast was the difference between “heaven and hell.” Although he ended up supporting the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Jefferson went on record as still preferring the Articles of Confederation! He viewed the Constitution as a substitute for America’s original founding government: “Indeed, I think all the good of this new Constitution might have been couched in three or four new articles, to be added to the good, old, and venerable fabric.”


The U. S. Constitution is deeply rooted in the Articles of Confederation. Historian Max Farrand has pointed out that the “surprising thing, especially to one accustomed to condemn the Articles of Confederation, is to see how large a part of the powers vested in Congress were taken from the Articles of Confederation . . . it is not too much to say that the Articles of Confederation were at the basis of the new Constitution.”

The writings of James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, corroborate Farrand’s remarks. In all of American history, there is no one more qualified as an expert witness to write about the Articles’ impact upon the constitution than Madison himself: “If the new Constitution be examined with accuracy and candor, it will be found that the change which it proposes consists much less in the addition of NEW POWERS to the Union, than in the invigoration of its ORIGINAL POWERS. The powers relating to war and peace, armies and fleets, treaties and finance, with the other more considerable powers, are all vested in the existing Congress by the Articles of Confederation. The proposed change does not enlarge thee powers; it only substitutes a more effectual mode of administering them.”

Madison’s texts fully refute accusations from historians who content that the Constitutional Convention rejected the Articles of Confederation and redesigned a new government from the ground up. Furthermore, even the Preamble to the Constitution itself stated Madison’s view, boldly announcing to the world that the Constitution was an extension of an already pre-existing government: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…”


The official ‘bottom line’ is reached when a major legality arises and an individual (person or nation) must produce proper identification. After the Revolutionary War, during negotiations at the Treaty of Paris, John Adams was challenged by Austrian and Russian mediators to allow separate negotiations between England and each of the thirteen states. Adams responded swiftly. He referred the ministers directly to the Articles of Confederation and the clauses surrendering the independence of the thirteen states as separate sovereignties. Adams then pointed to Articles which expressly delegated the U.S. Congress with the authority to negotiate with foreign nations. This incident established a clear precedent for international legal matters. When the time had come for the U.S. to show its legal ID – its birth certificate – the articles of Confederation and perpetual Union were produced, not the Declaration of Independence!


Contrary to the 19th century’s popular belief that the Articles of Confederation were not in force until officially and unanimously ratified in 1781, the Confederational government went into effect at the time of the Articles’ approval in 1777. Delegates to the Continental Congress had been freely chosen or elected directly as representatives of the people from their respective colonies. This was a case of grass-roots democracy in action. Consequently, the people entrusted their delegates with full legislative powers and specifically instructed them to establish a Union. Article XIII stated that the delegates were direct agents for the states and had given the powers of legal ratification themselves. This means that the act of approving the Articles of Confederation was, by itself, an unofficial ratification.

The Circular Letter from Congress, dated September 8, 1779, sets the record straight about the legal function of the Articles of Confederation after their adoption. Prepared by John Jay, president of the Confederational Congress, the letter informed the states that: “For every purpose essential to the defense of these states in the progress of the present war . . . the States now are as fully, legally, and absolutely confederated as it is possible for them to be.”

Distinguished constitutional scholar and eminent historian, Richard B. Morris comments: “This remark has peculiar relevance, because the Articles of Confederation had already lain on the calendar for a good two years and still lacked ratification by one state. Here was the president of Congress, acting on behalf of that body, declaring that such unanimous ratification was not necessary, a position supported in some part by the fact that the Articles were silent on the number of states needed for ratification.”

And if that weren’t enough evidence to prove a point, James Madison, future Father of the Constitution, responded to President Jay’s remarks with his full approval! With strong nationalistic tones, he noted “a sense of common permanent interest, mutual affection . . . and splendor of the union conspiring to form a strong chain of connection, which must forever bind us together.”

Several other facts point to a pre-1781 existence of a national government as well:

  1. Eleven of the thirteen colonies wrote their state constitutions prior to March 1781 and yet not one of them claimed powers of national sovereignty, i.e. military defense and foreign affairs.
  2. On February 6, 1778, less that three months after adoption of the articles, the Confederational government entered into two official treaties with France – a military and a commercial alliance. For centuries, the capacity of a government to enter into relations with other states and exercise its own foreign affairs internationally has been recognized as the add test of national sovereignty. To this day, it still remains a commonly accepted tenet of international law.
  3. The Confederational Congress began issuing international passports in 1778, another action that officially confirmed its status in the international community of nations.
  4. The pre-existence of the U.S. as a single, sovereign nation was France’s primary condition for economic and military aid. French foreign aid was being received by the U.S. already in 1778.
  5. Writing in 1779, James Madison stated that the Confederational government had long ago assumed the war debt. This could not have occurred if a national government did not exist until 1781. In that case, the states themselves would have been responsible for the majority of the Revolutionary War debt as it had been prescribed by the Declaration of Independence.

All these factors combined lead to the conclusion that government under the Articles of Confederation was alive and well from the moment of its inception on November 17, 1777.

Although imperfect and weaker than our present Constitution, the Articles of Confederation created a solid, credible government. The primary argument historians offer to discredit the Confederational government is its weak beginning. Boomerang logic, however, turns this contention against its promoters. New-borns are, by definition, inherently weak. Can you envision “proving” that an infant is unborn simply because it is weaker than an adult?

Imagine now, for just one moment, what our continent would be like had the Articles of Confederation not been approved. What is now the continental U.S. might have remained, even to this day, a vast conglomeration of separate countries not unlike Europe. Think about it. The Declaration of Independence is the document that headed America toward a collage of political and economic boundaries. It would have inspired a high level of competition and infighting that might have even paralleled Europe in the first half of this century. The Founding Fathers averted that course after spending one and a half years in and out of intense negotiations to forge a legal agreement acceptable to each of the individual states. That’s why November 15, 1777 is the key turning point in U.S. history. It is that moment when all the philosophical eloquence was put into action. It is that moment in history when the Founding Fathers walked their talk. As for the Declaration, historians freely admit it lacked the force of statutory law.


Our last contemporary witness is John Rogers, a personal consultant to General Washington during the Revolution: “Again, the formation and completion of that social compact among these States, which is usually stiled the Confederation, is another instance of the great things our God has done for us. This is that which gives us a national existence and character . . . By this event, the Thirteen United States . . . became ONE PEOPLE.”


Money is the very lifeblood of a society, directly affecting every human transaction between citizens of a nation. It established a legal basis for the existence of a government and also provides an ever-present symbol of a national consciousness. As a consequence, its importance as historical evidence should not be overlooked. Referring back as early as Ancient Rome and the biblical times of Herod the Great, historians have utilized numismatic research as their best evidence in determining the accurate date of inception of a ruler’s reign Why shouldn’t this time-tested chronological instrument also be employed in historical research for the date of inception of the United States of America? The legal status of numismatic research is beyond reproach, and its mythical-symbolic representation of national consciousness remains unsurpassed.

The United Colonies - Thirty Dollars - July 22, 1776

The first emission of Continental Currency was put into circulation in August of 1775. It bore the date of the May 10, 1775 session of the Second Continental Congress. The title, THE UNITED COLONIES, was engraved in fancy script on the top and bottom borders of the various denominational notes. This established a systematic pattern that continued without exception – even after the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776!

The July 22, 1776 resolution of the Continental Congress authorized a new emission of currency. More than two weeks after voting for independence, the same Founding Fathers consciously avoided the title, THE UNITED STATES. One wonders “Did the Founding Fathers absent-mindedly forget to change the engraved cuts due to the hectic pace of business after the Fourth of July?”

The United Colonies - Three Dollars - February 26, 1777

Hardly! Instead, they actually took extra time to change the style of fancy script that inscribed THE UNITED COLONIES, reverting back to a style almost identical to that employed for the November 29, 1775 resolution. Then one wonders, “was there some sort of miscommunication between the Congress and the Currency printing office?” Apparently not The subsequent November 2, 1776 resolution continued usage of the inscription, THE UNITED COLONIES, and so did the February 26, 1777 resolution, and then the May 20, 1777 resolution as well. More than ten months and four resolutions after the Declaration of Independence was approved, the Founding Fathers stubbornly resisted changing the legal name of the colonies.

After the November 15, 1777 founding of our nation at York, Pennsylvania (Yorktown), a dramatic change occurred in our currency. On April 11, 1778, for the first time in America history, the title THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was engraved on the top and bottom borders. All semblances of the original titles had completely vanished! This was the first currency resolution to be passed by Congress since the founding on November 15, 1777. Because Congress was still located at the site of the nation’s founding when the resolution was authorized, this emission was known as the Yorktown issue.

All currency resolutions from April 11, 1778 and after bear THE UNITED STATES title engraving without exception. These include both the resolutions of September 26, 1778 and January 14, 1779. The 1779 resolution added North America to the title, becoming THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA.

CONCLUSION: As you can well imagine, there are a lot of philosophical arguments that can be offered to avoid the truth about our nation’s birth date. However, one piece of evidence which Declaration proponents cannot avoid is numismatic evidence. It leaves July Fourth advocates, both astrologers and historians, with a lot of explaining to do. If the Founding Fathers truly believed they were founding the United States of America when they declared independence, they would have appropriately removed the old title, THE UNITED COLONIES, and replaced it with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


“The eagle typified the sun in its material phase and also the immutable Demiurgic law beneath which all mortal creatures must bend. The eagle was also the hermetic symbol of sulphur and signified the mysterious fire of Scorpio . . . the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America . . . the American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix . . .”

The symbols of a nation are direct reflections of its archetypal myth. The more we contemplate this myth, the more we are able to understand the national psyche itself. As a symbol, the Eagle has dominated the American psyche from its earliest years. With its selection for the Great Seal in 1782, the Eagle was officially recognized as the national archetype. Defined in the simplest of terms, one can say that an archetype is “a universal image or idea affecting billions of people over centuries of time.”

The landing of a man on the moon was one of the United States’ greatest achievements. The Scorpionic symbology of the feat was verified by Neil Armstrong when be announced to the entire world: “The Eagle has landed.” A billion people listened to those first words from the moon, words etched in the mind of the human race for future aeons. Across the deep, infinite void of outer space, the word “eagle,” the national archetype of the United States of America, had been transmitted to the far corners of the Universe.

The astrological heritage of America is very real. The entire identity of our nation and government is permeated by Scorpio’s symbology. As a people, we are in contact with it and reminded of its significance daily. The Eagle’s symbol has been minted on billions of coins and engraved on trillions of one dollar hills. The Star-Spangled Banner depicts our nation at war with airborne rockets and “bombs bursting in air,” leading to an eventual victory of the forces of light over darkness. Through its words and melody, our national anthem represents the Scorpionic struggle for existence at its fullest, most dramatic expression. In our schools, we still remember the ultimatum voiced by Patrick Henry – “Give me liberty or give me death” – as one of the most fundamental expressions of the national psyche. The final words of Nathan Hale – “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” – reinforce that example. National and state elections are the very heart of our democracy and the freedom it bestows, and they occur during Scorpio’s annual cycle.

From the historical perspective developed earlier, the United States’ date of birth has already been determined as November 15, 1777, however, the exact time of day is not provided in any of the records. Nevertheless, there are sufficient clues. Pages 395 and 401 of the Journals of Congress, Vol. III., point to sometime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. By turning to rectification procedures to fine tune, 12:46 p.m. LMT surfaced as the indicated time of the Articles of Confederation’s approval. (see chart)

America's Natal Chart

Traditional astrology profiles the Scorpio personality as one based on power and self-control. These qualities in turn create a character that is intense, strong-willed, secretive, courageous and passionate. More than any other sign, Scorpio has the potential to destroy and regenerate, to resent or forgive, to rise to spiritual heights or self-destruct. An inner sense of moral truth and self-honesty is the key to unlock the Scorpio personality.

Andrew Shapiro’s book, We’re Number One (New York, 1992) stands as a clear indictment of the July 4, 1776 Cancer chart. His hard facts provide irrefutable evidence that America’s children are the most neglected in the developed world. IN FACT, EVERY CANCERIAN CHARACTER TRAIT TYPICALLY ASSIGNED TO THE UNITED STATES TOTALLY FAILS WHEN COMPARED TO HIS STATISTICAL RESEARCH – WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Those areas in which the Cancerian chart should excel are the very ones which cast it to the bottom of the data heap. Shapiro utilized the most reliable statistical data available from the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, the World Values Survey and similar sources dated from the late 80′s through 1991.

Among the nineteen major industrial nations of the world the United States is Number One in homelessness, Number One in children living in poverty, Number One in the murder of children, Number One in infant mortality, Number One in infants born at low birth weight, Number One in not offering paid maternity leave, Number One in abortions, Number One in preschoolers not immunized by vaccination, Number One in single-parent families, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’re also Number one in:

  • percentage of population without health insurance
  • death of children younger than five
  • death due to breast cancer
  • reported rapes
  • junk food consumption

The plot. thickens as we turn to categories where America finishes

  • teacher’s salaries
  • spending on the poor, aged and disabled
  • humanitarian aid to developing countries
  • paid vacation days (time with family)

Although Cancers are known to hold on to their money, America is last in investing and saving. America doesn’t even hold on to things around the house – we’re Number One in garbage per capita. Far from being the Cancerian caretakers of the world and the environment, the U.S. is Number One in hazardous waste per capita, Number one in greenhouse gas emissions, acid rain, air pollutants, and forest depletion. If ever a nation existed with four of its seven traditional planets in Cancer, America is NOT it!

Instead, it’s a tough cruel Scorpionic world out there. The U.S. is Number One in:

  • AIDS
  • murder
  • gun ownership
  • deaths by gun
  • murderers still at large
  • percentage of population willing to fight for their country
  • defense spending
  • R&D funds devoted to defense
  • military aid to developing countries
  • percentage of populations who have been crime victims
  • incarceration
  • drug offenders per capita
  • drunk driving fatalities
  • robbers and thieves per capita
  • cancer among men
  • coronary bypass operations
  • divorce
  • real national wealth
  • unequal wealth distribution
  • executive salaries
  • inequality of pay
  • billionaires
  • bankers
  • credit cards
  • ATM machines
  • bank failures and bailouts
  • budget deficit
  • foreign debt
  • Fortune 500 international companies that lose money
  • lawyers
  • litigation
  • nuclear reactors shut down, suspended and canceled
  • nuclear reactors in operation

This statistically derived profile of America points to one fact – the United States is a SCORPIOPATH, i.e. a nation trapped within its own obsessions, addicted to secrecy, money, sex, weapons, power, gambling, religion, entertainment, drugs and denial!!

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The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres Sat, 01 Oct 1994 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>


being Chapter I of

The Etheric World in Science, Art, and Religion

(Volume II of the Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth, and Man)

by Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth

Are Science, Art and Religion the work of man alone? Would they have taken the same form even if the Earth on which man lives, learns, thinks, had assumed a form different from that which we now experience? To what extent does Man create his Science, Art, and Religion out of his own force and his own being, or, out of the force and being of the Earth? To find the well-spring from which Science, Art, and Religion are born, we must try to recognise the common destiny of Cosmos, Earth, and Man, to establish how the life-history of the one trinity is bound by the laws of evolution to the life history of the other trinity, to discover, finally whether Man cannot grow into a free creative being within this common destiny.

To understand the microcosm, in investigating living things, we must begin with the study of the macrocosm. For in organic life, not only do forces radiate from some central focus, influencing the world around, but more important still are the impulses which work inward from outside the Earth. These are the forces, which radiating inward from cosmic space, fashion the microcosmic entity and determine the process of its evolution. Hence, in order to understand the working of consciousness, and also of physico-material and etheric forces, to realise how these evolve within the Earth-Sphere, and become the substance of the Science, Art, and Religion of Man upon Earth, we must first make for ourselves a picture of these formative forces which coming into it from the etheric sphere of the planets set to work to shape the Earth-Sphere.

The forces of planets and other heavenly bodies cannot be fathomed by a purely quantitative phenomenology. A sublime decree, a rhythm reigning in space and time, an organic plan, forms the basis of this world of forces, which once its principles are recognised, gives meaning and order to all single phenomena, and reveals a part of the hidden primal plan of those creature forces, whereby the When and the Where of all evolution was established, and is still maintained, in an enduring world-harmony.

The cosmic genesis – from the point of view of time – presents a process of condensation, whether we follow its evolution materially from the “primal nebula” to the solid mineral earth, or genetically from the purely spiritual to the condensed content of our present sense perception. Similarly in space, a rhythmic process of condensation is indicated in the plan, the “rough draft of the Cosmos.”

We showed (in Vol I. Ch. 2, et seq.,) that four etheric formative forces give rise to and govern our world-organism.

Condition Produced
Warmth etherexpandingWarmth
Light ethercentrifugalGaseous
Chemical ethercontractingFluid
Life ethercentripetalSolid

As a mighty tidal wave releases ever new undulations and rhythms, even so the creative forces surging inward from cosmic space waken, in exalted rhythm, ever new spheres of force. In this way each new force-sphere creates always, even under altered laws – new conditions of material substance.

If we set the earth-planets, as the true starting-point of our investigations, in the centre of these happenings, the accompanying figure results.

The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres - Fig. 1.

It shows a macrocosmic genesis in space and time, repeating itself rhythmically and increasing toward the centre, through ever new conditions of existence. We see the force-sphere of each planet governed by its special formative force; as follows:

SaturnWarmth ether
JupiterLight ether
MarsChemical ether
SunLife ether
MercuryWarmth ether
VenusLight ether
MoonChemical ether
EarthLife ether

As then the four etheric formative forces have evolved phylogenetically out of one another in a definite series (warmth, light, chemical and life ether) in time, so also they govern the arrangement of the planet system in space, in similar succession and harmony.

The wave of the four formative forces surges from the region of Saturn to that of the Sun, and then releases a second wave which governs the world-spheres between Sun and Earth. The Sun-sphere is the starting-point of new force-wave, which is a repetition of the first rhythm.

The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres - Fig. 2.

If we now pursue the wave-beat of the formative force spheres further inward, we penetrate into the sphere of the Earth. But while the first two rhythms of the series were of equal strength when we penetrate into the region of terrestrial law, steps in that primal rule of reversal, of turning upside down, which we have shown, in Vol. I., to be binding on both macrocosmic and microcosmic evolutionary processes. When the world-rhythms reach the Earth, they release, not a rhythm of the same series of force-spheres (warmth, light, chemical, life-ether), but a wave tumbling over itself; as it were, so that the force-spheres follow one another in exactly the opposite order (life, chemical, light, warmth-ether) a process of reversal which likes the outside in, and the inside out, and is repeated many times within the Earth-globe, and toward its centre. While this third reversed wave dies out within the still purely etheric Earth-envelope, let us penetrate with its last, inmost series into the real substance world of the Earth; into that heat-covering which surrounds the Earth-globe, and which encroaches upon the atmospheric phenomena of the Earth’s air-envelope in ways which have been shown by many meteorological examples in Vol. I, For here we are on ground which we already know.

If the organisation of the Earth-sphere, (as it appeared from the study of geological, meteorological and terrestrial-magnetic phenomena in Vol. I) be set here in the series of planet-spheres, we now see that the Earth, in her organisation, mirrors in wonderful harmony the rhythm of the macrocosm, and that the law of reversal, of turning upside down, governs this reflection of the microcosmic spheres within the Earth.

The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres - Fig. 3.


a-d, purely etheric spheres of the Earth’s envelope
1-4, outer Earth
5-7, inner Earth


1 = 7 = d
2 = 6 = c
3 = 5 = b
4 = a

I – IV, outer planet-spheres, 1st wave.
V – VII, inner planet-spheres, 2nd wave.


a – d, purely etheric spheres of the Earth’s envelope, 3rd wave.


1 – 4, outer Earth, 4th wave.


5 – 7, inner Earth, 5th wave.

If we glance once more at the figure of these formative rhythms moving from without inward, the sublime principle of the spheres of formative force, we realise that the 1st formative force wave created the spheres of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun.

The 2nd created the spheres of Mercury, Venus, Moon, to Earth. The 3rd led to the organisation of the outer, purely etheric Earth envelope. The 4th to the organisation of the outer Earth (heat-covering, atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid Earth). The 5th, to the organisation of the inner Earth.

Five times the mighty formative force wave makes a new onset, releasing and giving impulse to innumerable new rhythms in each of the spheres produced. Twice the waves are repeated in the same way, then they are reversed three times: first, as they pass from the region altogether outside the Earth into the outermost etheric Earth-sphere (the third wave), again as they pass into the atmospheric outer Earth, and thirdly, as they pass into the interior of the Earth.

Now when we investigate the effects of these cosmic formative forces, for example, on the plant-growth of the Earth’s surface, we must remember that the growth of plants, as already shown in Vol. I presents a triple rhythm of expansion and contraction. This threefold rhythm of plant-growth is, however, only a continuation of that fourfold rhythm in the alternation of expanding and contracting forces, which governs the planetary spheres from the outermost, right in to the Earth’s surface. When we see in each alternation of expansion and contraction, a breathing rhythm of the Cosmos, we recognise that the four breathing rhythms which flow from the outermost spheres of cosmic formative force right in to the Earth’s surface, are there in part reflected, and then release three breathing-rhythms of plant-growth in the opposite direction. Thus seven breathing-rhythms of the formative forces take part in the cooperation of cosmos and Earth for the creation of at terrestrial plant. By this natural means the planetary constellations exercise an important influence on the differentiation of plant-growth. We understand now why the ancient Indian wisdom spoke of the “breath of Brahma,” and Christian wisdom of the “breath of God.” This process, may be diagrammatically illustrated in the following way:

The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres - Fig. 4.

We recognise the world-harmony of this formative force wave, surging with its shaping influence, from outside in, and again from inside out Thus we obtain a deep and satisfying insight into the plan of creation.

We are reminded of the “harmonices mundi” of Kepler, and the magnificent song in which Goethe speaks of the “brother-spheres”:

“The sun-orb sings in emulation,
Mid brother-spheres, his ancient round;
His path predestined through Creation
He ends with step of thunder-sound.
The angels from his visage splendid
Draw power, whose measure none can say;
The lofty works, uncomprehended,
Are bright as on the earliest day.”

Bayard Taylor’s Translation

Now to understand the individual phenomena shown by the systematic arrangement of the different planets in this macrocosmic system: their density, visibility, color, etc., we must study yet another law which underlies the force-world of these spheres. If we describe the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mais as “outer” planets, and, on the other hand, Mercury, Venus and the Moon as “inner” planets, another distinction is established between the first force-wave which formed the “outer,” and the second force-wave which formed the “inner” heavenly bodies. While, to wit, in the first rhythm, the phylogenetically older group of formative forces (warmth and light-ether) predominates, in the second rhythm, which is dying out within the world-organism, the phylogenetically later group (chemical and life-ether) in general predominates. So that each individual force-sphere of the “outer” planets is modified in its influence by the first group of forces, while every individual of the “inner” spheres is modified, that is, strengthened or weakened in its peculiar properties, by the second group of forces.

In the outer planets, taken collectively, warmth- and light-ether preponderate.

In the inner planets, taken collectively, chemical- and life-ether preponderate.

The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres - Fig. 5.

So, for instance, Mars, which, as an individual planet, is chiefly governed by the chemical ether because it belongs at the same time to the combined group of outer planets, is modified by the forces of warmth – and light-ether, that is, it is weakened in its peculiar properties. Saturn and Jupiter, which, even as individual planets, are subject to the warmth- and light-ether, are, on the contrary, strengthened. The Moon, which as an individual planet is subject to the chemical ether, because it belongs to the group of inner planets, is strengthened in its essential character by the chemical and life-ether forces which govern the inner planet-spheres. Mercury and Venus, which are warmth- and light-ether planets in the inner group, are nevertheless modified by the forces which govern that combined group.

All individual phenomena which we can read and register by observation of the planets, their position in the Cosmos, their density, their colour, their ray-force, their condition as a whole, now arrange themselves rationally in the system presented above; indeed, they can be established organically and intelligibly only by this means. From a more or less chaotic registration of innumerable data determined by observation, we can pass on to a systematic reasonable explanation based on fundamental harmonious principles. From an insight into the plan of the world-structure, we can unriddle the purpose, the composition and the articulation of every link, of every “building-stone” in the fabric of the world. That Saturn must have a minimum and the Moon a maximum density, these are no longer peculiar apparently arbitrary facts which we can merely register; on the contrary, they result organically and as a matter of course from our knowledge of the world organism and its arrangement. From being astonished observers of one-sided details we become fellow-thinkers in the world plan.

Let us remember, for instance, that the individual formative forces lead to the following four different conditions of substance:

Warmth-ether to a condition of warmth
Light-ether to a gaseous condition

Chemical-ether to a fluid condition
Life-ether to a solid condition

So that the two forces of the first group operate in an expanding, centrifugal way, while those of the second group have a contracting, centripetal effect — a fact which we can demonstrate by many examples in quite distinct realms of natural philosophy. Hence, it is a natural consequence of the formative forces which govern there, that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, which belonging to the outer planet-group, are controlled by heat- and light-ether, should show much less density than Mercury, Venus and the Moon, which, belonging to the inner planet-group, are controlled by the centripetal condensing forces of chemical- and life-ether. The outer planets, built up in the domain of the first ether-group, are more foreign by far to the dense substance of the Earth, than the inner planets, built up in the domain of the second group. Among the inner planets-working from without inward the centripetal forces of condensation preponderate for the first time, becoming stronger, more intense, in the third and fourth wave, right into the solid Earth.

The inner planets are, therefore, denser than the outer, not only because they have come into existence later (Kant-Laplace Nebula theory), that is for a time-reason, but also, for a space-reason, because — in accordance with the plan of macrocosmic world-structure — they are still within the domain of that sphere-group where centripetal, contracting formative forces preponderate. The outer planets, on the contrary, are still – in space – within the domain of those sphere-groups where the dissolving centrifugal etheric formative forces preponderate.

If we know the principle given above of the etheric system of this Cosmos, we can predict, without reading it off by observation, that Saturn, being allied to the warmth-ether, must have a finer condition, lying above the solid, fluid and gaseous, precisely a warmth-ether condition; and this is verified by observation. From the ether-theory we can predict that Jupiter, because lying in the light-ether sphere, must show a condition chiefly analogous to the terrestrial gaseous state; that Mars, governed by the chemical ether, must exhibit distinct traces analogous to the terrestrial fluid condition; and to all this confirmation is given by observation and practical knowledge. From the ether-theory, from the cosmic arrangement of formative forces, we can detect in the most clear fashion the properties of a heavenly body, and in doing so we shall discover that the individual facts correspond exactly with the
general principles.

    (1) The importance, therefore, of this knowledge of etheric formative forces, lies in the possibility, not only of logically interpreting the heavenly bodies, as in Kant-Laplace’s Nebula Theory, from the genetic principles, but also – of being able to expound a spatial principle of force-systems in the universe.

    (2) Suppose, for instance, the planet Saturn were hurled out of its orbit by some cosmic occurrence, and landed in the Moon-sphere, it would rapidly become dense and rigid; on the other hand, if the Moon, freed from the fetters of Earth, should be hurled into the Jupiter-sphere, it would soon expand into a gaseous wandering star of great size, in obedience to the formative forces governing that cosmic sphere.

The contraction and densification of the planets is not only a result of decreasing temperature, but both phenomena – decreasing temperature and contraction – are results of the influence of the force-group of chemical and light-ether, which stamps its character on the inner spheres of cosmic substance.

Even Jupiter, dwelling now in the light-ether sphere and shedding its gleaming golden beams into the universe, would, if it passed into the warmth-ether sphere of Saturn, take on the drab colourlessness of that planet, which receives no light of is own from the warmth-ether governing it. Mars, on the other hand, which now, through the chemical ether of its own sphere, has dimmed the light-ether forces governing the outer planets, and hence shows the darker colour-tones of red and blue, would, if it were to pass into the pure light-ether gleaming sphere of Jupiter, brighten into Jupiter’s gleaming, yellow-gold. Similarly Venus, belonging to the light-ether sphere of the inner planets, is distinguished from the other wandering stars by its outstanding brightness. For that reason also, Venus, the morning-star, bore in old days, the significant name of “Lucifer”, “Phosphorus”, the “Light-bearer.” The dullness of Saturn, and, in contrast, the powerful light of Jupiter and Venus are, then, not accidental circumstances, not can they be ascribed alone to the respective densities of their atmospheres, nor to any questionable secondary cause; they are dependent on the region to which the individual heavenly body belongs, within the differing etheric waves of the world-forming forces. Now whether we are studying density, light-intensity, colour, or any other property of the planets, it will always become explicable by the ether-theory; and each phenomenon will, in the end, be evidence for the all-governing principle and harmony imprinted on the universe and its individual spheres by the formative forces.

After studying the planets, the wandering stars, something may be said here too of the relation between the fixed stars and the different formative forces.

Actually the expression “etheric” ceases to be correct for the formative forces which hold sway in the region of the fixed stars, for the forces in that region bear characteristics other than the pure etheric. But a presentation of these peculiarities would lead beyond our limits, and the analogies and contrasts are of such a nature that it is not necessary in this connection to translate them into the force-speech of the fixed-star region, especially as their effects are only experienced through the medium of the etheric. We can therefore for the present disregard such niceties.

The Etherworld of the Planetary Spheres - Fig. 6.

In earlier, differently acquired knowledge of this relationship, spoke indeed of “fiery, airy, watery and earthy” signs and constellations of the Zodiac. In this view lies something more than a childish picture-puzzle as we of today often carelessly suppose; the secret of an actual matter-of-fact is concealed in it. If we study the formative forces of the separate signs of the Zodiac, four groups, each containing three constellations, appear, in such a way that each group is governed by one of the formative forces, which, together give the twelve-fold plan of the Zodiac.

We have then sets of three constellations which are thus allied:

To the warmth-etherLion (Leo), Archer (Sagittarius), Ram (Aries)
To the light-etherBalance (Libra), Water-carrier (Aquarius), Twins (Gemini)
To the chemical-etherScorpion (Scorpio), Fish (Pisces), Crab (Cancer)
To the life-etherGoat (Capricorn), Bull (Taurus), Virgin (Virgo)

The deeper we penetrate through knowledge of the formative forces, into the diversity of the fixed-star spheres, discovering there the laws of Nature which regulate them, the more astonished we are to see what deep relationships our forefathers revealed in the images corresponding to their way of expressing themselves. So that it cannot be the mission of our age lightly to accuse thousands of human generations of absurdity, but often, rather to express the same truth in our own language, that is, to decipher and review the facts revealed in the study of forces, according to our consciousness instead of in the picture-speech of the ancients.

Let us turn again to the region of the wandering stars. That the planets and their spheres naturally undergo a constant metamorphosis, and in their positions and shifting relations to one another are subjected to an alteration, generally organically slow, but sometimes sudden, is shown by the history of each of the planets. Facts taught by the Mysteries of old, and by the researches of spiritual science since, for instance, that the Moon was once severed from the Earth, and will one day join with it again. Such facts have become in the natural philosophy of today, acknowledged constituents of our conception of the universe.

Concerning two points in this question, opinions are indeed still divided, and require a nearer approach and a clearer understanding, namely, concerning this epoch of the severing and the reuniting of the Earth and the Moon, and concerning the nature of the consequences which result from these events.

Professor Emanuel Kayser says in his lucid, comprehensive “Textbook of Geology” (p.17), “Actually the Moon and the Earth form a double planet which moves round a common centre of gravity about the Sun. Originally the two bodies must have formed a coherent mass, from which the Moon only later disengaged itself.”

Concerning the Moon’s reapproach to the Earth from which it was split off, Professor Joseph Plassmann says in the first volume of his “Himmelskunde (Astronomy),” which has already been mentioned several times in Vol. 1. (p. 320)

“The movement of our own Moon has experienced in thousands of years a slight acceleration, independent of its many periodic inequalities, and after study of the relationships between the Earth and the Moon”, he also concluded that, “the attraction must increase, and so quicken the movement of revolution; this actual acceleration exists as well as the apparent one; and even though the system moves in so fine a resisting medium, yet the theory shows that the two bodies are getting nearer and nearer to each other, and in the end must crash together.” These statements coincide exactly, then, with the researches of spiritual knowledge, although modern theory generally postpones the reentrance of the Moon to a distant future reckoned in millions of years, whereas Dr. Rudolf Steiner estimated a period no later than 8,000 years hence for the reuniting of the Moon with the Earth. Though the interval of time occupied in the severing and reuniting of the heavenly bodies may still be under discussion, yet the nebula-theory and the view of spiritual science are at one in this that the whole of the fixed stars, the wandering stars and the satellites once belonged to a common, united heavenly body, then separate from this, and differentiated themselves, finally to strive toward union again. To avoid falling into a complicated registration of facts in our knowledge of the bodies which have been thus differentiated, we must study those impulses and forces, whose work is this process of differentiation and reuniting. To this study the etheric world is the key. But while we make use of this key to penetrate into the hidden chambers of the universe, we must not forget that, in furnishing us with it, the world-forces whose tool it is, are calling us into cooperation.

Summarising we can say: The planetary spheres outside the earth are formed, governed and systematised by a two-fold etheric wave and each of such waves hears within it – in space – the same rhythm which has led- phylogenetically in time – from the coming into existence of the warmth-ether, on to the light-ether, to the chemical and to the life-ether. This outer two-layered sphere-world is continued inward into the three-layered world of the Earth-spheres. Between the spheres of the outermost Earth-waves, which form the purely etheric Earth-envelope, and the innermost sphere-world, which forms the inside of the Earth, there lies, as a rhythmic adjustment, the atmospheric outer covering of the Earth. If this intermediary layer were not there, the polarically contrasted principles of the purely etheric Earth-envelope and the wholly-material Earth-body, would necessarily bring about a violent catastrophic adjustment of their difference. Cosmic and Earth-principles would promptly come into collision, and mutually destroy each other. Now, however, the elastic, atmospheric covering of the Earth acts as a separating and softening mediator, bearing within itself something of both polarities, and thus making it possible for man to live in a sphere where the war between cosmic and terrestrial polarities is toned down to the more peaceful skirmishing of atmospheric weather-changes. Mankind of today is exposed to wind and rain, heat and cold, thunder and lightning, hail and snow, the finely powdered dust of former volcanic lavas from the interior of the Earth, and the dust of former cosmic meteorite swarms in our atmosphere; and what are all these meteorological occurrences but a softening, mitigating adjustment of above and below, outer and inner, through the intermediary spheres of the three-layered Earth, in which Mankind of today, with his consciousness, his body-building formative forces and substances can develop his characteristic being.

The complete text of “The Etheric Formative forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man: A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living” by Guenther Wachsmuth is available through our Borderland Sciences Research Catalog. Essential reading for understanding the nature and workings of energy and matter. Includes: New Theory of Motion; Organic and Inorganic World; Etheric Formative Forces; Breathing Process of the Earth Organism; Circulatory Process of the Earth Organism; Rotation of the Earth; Etheric Currents in the Earth Organism; Gravitation and Terrestrial Magnetism; The Sun; The Planets and their Spheres; The Interior of the Earth; Ontogenetic Origin and Disappearance of Substance; New Theory of Light & Color; Tone; The Dissolution of Radioactivity; Shape-Building Forces and Archetypal Forms in Nature; Etheric Formative Forces & the Art of Healing.

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