Journal of Borderland Research » Reviews Serving Higher Intelligence Since 1945 Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:18:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “The Evolution of Forces”, “The Evolution of Matter” (Review) Mon, 03 May 2010 22:56:19 +0000 ]]>

Review by Gerry Vassilatos of Gustav Le Bon’s books “The Evolution of Forces” and “The Evolution of Matter” — from Borderlands (March – April 1990, Vol. 46, No. 2)

The work of Dr. Thomas Moray has been so thrilling to most of us over the years, and it is not without some sense of frustration that we often find ourselves grasping for straws in the face of our own ignorance as concerns his basic premises. In his writings and biographies we often hear the name Gustave Le Bon mentioned with some great degree of importance -as if to give us strong direction in our quest at reproducing his designs. Studying the writings of Dr. Moray, one does indeed find clues of every possible kind, and these are often multiple in meaning. I would like to point the serious student of radio electric phenomena into the purchase of Prof. Gustave Le Bon’s two texts: The Evolution of Matter and The Evolution of Forces, now made available to us by Borderland Sciences through the very gracious donation of photocopies obtained and safely kept by Mr. Dan Winter. Mr. Winter has been an invaluable friend and source of vital information concerning the Moray Devices, because of his own deep researches and contacts. As well, he has been a very good friend – although we have never met in persona! My sincere hopes lean that way, however, and we thank you again Mr. Winter for your gift of these two vital copies.

The two texts were, at one time impossible to obtain, and even supposedly illegal to possess. In fact, Dr. Moray, on several occasions encountered great difficulty in obtaining ordinary library copies of the books – during the war. This indicates, as I indeed found, that Dr. Le Bon’s texts contain secrets – very deep secrets as concerns radioactivity and the various means of releasing the intra-atomic energy of which he is the true discoverer. As has been validated, Dr. Moray often would study these texts of Le Bon in order to further pursue his various directions in the field of materials science and of vibratory dynamics. Presumably, these topics were advanced far beyond what we have been told, although we see very clear indications that Dr. Moray was learning the exact modes of applying techniques which Dr. Le Bon had begun to utilize in his Belgian laboratory.

There is, as we have subsequently been informed, a third text – virtually impossible to obtain, which Dr. Le Bon had printed and published privately. Le Bon’s ideas were not received at all by the majority of his own contemporaries. Because of these pressures he had been forced to quit the publishing of his groundbreaking discoveries, resorting to the underground network of questors. This last text is in possession of another researcher, and we have been given permission by him to generate copies for the public. The text is printed under an assumed name, and deals with some of his more outlandish assumptions with proof: This text is entitled The Evolution of Matter And Energy released under the name of “Girard Le Beau” – this done under great personal pressure. All records of Professor Le Bon have been stricken from the various bastions of our academic monuments. It is as if these persons, pathologically affected by any mention of presence of Life, instinctively purge out the Living Either they are acting on their own, or they are being used by others who possess the truth and who make use of the pathological fears of the academicians against them. So close to the flame, yet unable to feel the warmth! Who to pity most, I do not know.

Both these books deal with Dr. Le Bon’s own realizations and excellent experiments (described for all to reproduce) on the energy of the “intra-atomic” structure in matter. Both his basic premise and subsequent experimental evidences in the 1890′s make. him one of the planet’s greatest minds. He encountered no end of difficulty in convincing others of his own ranks that intra-atomic energy was the future course of humankind, but to no avail. These very academicians, once having rid themselves of Le Bon, then went about reproducing the experiments in a perverted manner – limiting the research to uranium and the uranium series of metals in obtaining freed energy. While Le Bon spoke of these radioactive materials as intense evidences of universal radioactivity, he did not limit his discussion to them.

Le Bon makes strong, repeated statements concerning the truly universal nature of material dissociation into etheric fragments; this was his assertion before Becquerel and the Curies. What he maintained was that matter, ordinarily and naturally, spontaneously dissociated into etheric fragments. Some of the more energetic dissociations were termed “radioactive” by those researchers who had not taken sufficient time to notice the various means of which other materials were, in fact, dissociating. The majority of substances, he claimed, were equally “radioactive” – and this he both measured and proved in a marvelous series of demonstrations. What Le Bon managed to do was to bridge the ground between the radionics researchers and the inert sciences which have taken the lead in obtaining support of institutions and general acceptance. By stating that all materials are radioactive, and with such clear demonstrations, he showed the continuity along the line of thought which stems from the pre-1880′s science. If inert science, with all its financial resources and rapping demands of respect and devotion, could ever bring the great fruitfulness which the early etheric sciences of the 1800′s had given us, then we would have all been members of the club. What Le Bon’s texts represent to us is but another basketful of light from that once openly accepted etheric science; one which gave us such astounding discoveries that we have hardly begun to assimilate the implications of it.

There are several marvelous discoveries which Prof. Le Bon advances to us – demonstrations which totally alter what we have been told to believe about radiation, radioactivity, and related phenomena. The cardinal tenets of inert science as concerns radioactivity give us to accept the notion that not all substances are so energetic, radioactive materials are not capable of being neutralized or of being weakened. Le Bon shows how matter passes through a series of harmonic transformations, ultimately leading us into the very pure ether itself. His claim is this: that ether and matter, matter and ether are interchangeable by nature. He states clearly and emphatically that these transformations are spontaneous and normal for all material universally.

Dr. Le Bon tells of the similarity of the emanations from X-Ray tubes and radium alike. The analogy, he says, is too much more than coincidental. The prevalent belief of such notables as Nikola Tesla and Le Bon concerning the cause of radioactivity was due to the mysterious bombardment of certain nuclei by an effluvium-etheric – a particle bombardment so very fine as to be intercepted by certain dense nuclei with greater statistic cross-section than others. Thus, uranium with its dense nuclear structure, could intercept more of these mystery particles. The successful interception of these would, in fact, cause the explosion of the nuclei in question. The less dense a nucleus, the less frequently it would intercept such a particle, and thus exhibit radioactivity of such energetic levels as radium. An alternative school of thought, which included Wilhelm Reich much later, held that materials are generated “ex nihilo” and maintained by a natural sequence of transformations. In this process, certain fractions of the evolving material might spontaneously dissociate as evidence of the process itself (being due to instabilities within the core of activity). Both views are marvelous and thrilling in their transportative ability of placing us in higher mental frames.

Le Bon found that heating radium to red hot was sufficient to depress its radioactivity for a week. Thereafter, the activity began in a very feeble way to assert itself. He discovered that a mysterious effluvium -”emanation” he called it – was responsible for most of the radiation of any energetic material. He was able to artificially generate radium-like materials by simply allowing the proper frequency of ultraviolet light to fall on certain materials. This last fact paved the road to true atomic science, for here was the very means of releasing vast amounts of reservoirs of power (directly as electrical effluves) by simple solar ultra violet focusing. This fact makes the uranium investors very nervous, very anxious indeed! For here is a means of achieving resonant nuclear disintegration by fine tuned rays. This eliminated the fission market entirely. The waste from Le Bon’s atomic is nil. The process is clean, cost efficient, and plentiful in abundance. It would clearly spell the defeat of all the energy barons, and requires extensive research and development. This we mention, not because the effect is questionable or dangerous, but because we need to learn the specifics of the reaction series and the subtleties thereof. Le Bon made the claim that such a reaction had, time after time, produced far more energy than was involved in triggering the dissociation. This vast reservoir of energy was held in the intra-atomic structure of the material used as fuel. These assertions brought Dr. Le Bon into a great deal of harassment by the “scientismic” community who were spellbound in asserting their pitiful dogmas of thermodynamics. The energy of intra-atomic structure is vast, yet requires but a small key to release it.

Dr. Le Bon investigated a phenomenon which had eluded many of his own contemporaries, and one which he classified along with radioactivity. The phosphorescence of materials under invisible light, lying in the infrared frequencies, made possible his assertions concerning a kind of radar which was surprising in its scope. This lightform, he discovered, was everywhere to be seen by the proper detectors, for this energy was capable of penetrating all materials, with relatively few (metals of a certain group and carbon) exceptions. In fact, this energy so saturated all things, that it was possible to take photographs of objects while inside a darkened room. While we suspected that the energy he discovered was not at all common infrared light (for a number of reasons had in studying these passages) we do believe strongly that he had again seen another bridge in the gap between the purely inert energies studied by accepted scientism and the living energies which we pursue.

What becomes fascinatingly apparent to us as we study these texts is the clear message that all materials are radioactive. Matter is becoming pure ether over varying time periods, after undergoing successive levels of natural dissociation into observable particles and energies. Also, we see clear indications that no separations existed in Dr. Le Bon’s mind concerning phosphorescence and radioactivity. In fact, the actions of Crooke’s tubes, Tesla coils, Oudin coils, and Roentgen tubes were all taken as equivalent actions with naturally occurring radium. To him they were all accomplishing the same results in dissociating matter into progressively finer particles until pure ether was reached.

Many of his noted experiments were made in order to determine just what materials would dissociate freely into specific particles. He performed and described many reproducible experiments whose aim was the triggered release of intra-atomic energy via high frequency bombardment. Thus several experiments pre-date Moray’s transmutation experiments, and show us arrangements whereby points of specific materials are made to forcibly disintegrate into particles. In one such arrangement, particles were actually made to project through several “solid” screens of mica, ebonite, etc.. These experiments I found most instructive, as they reported so many dishonored and suppressed facts, that it was difficult at first to assimilate the new knowledge. Further reading cleared up the difficulties. It became obvious that a group consensus had been arrived at in those early days of research, and the more competitive person jammed all the free channels of discourse, arriving at hasty group conclusions. Most of these are replete with errors and half-truths concerning natural actions and phenomena. It is a wonder that we had not rebelled against their edicts much longer ago.

Le Bon managed to prove that transmutations can be made to improve materials by successive stages and suitable energies available. He particularly was making valid points as to the design and operation of atomic furnaces. The true atomic energy he was working with dealt with the dematerialization of fuel into pure ether, not the mere fission of uranium atoms with its hideous waste products. Had Le Bon persevered the cause beyond the laboratory, he would have rivaled all his competitors. Such beautiful visions summon all the older views of the Victorian Era in its quest for atomic energy sources. Theirs was the more idealistic and truer view which found its reply in Le Bon’s real research findings. As is often the case in history, the desire anticipates the truth. The darker side of this fact is the fierce competition which clouds the truth and its reply to our heartfelt desires; and which floods our world over with false campaigns and false technologies based, not upon the vision-ideal, but upon the inert scientisms of a group consensus.

Whenever frustration is met with arrogance both often give way to any expedient which seems to work. Such strategies are never designed along visionary lines. The accumulation of these actions, over the last several centuries, has led us progressively into the ignorance of the inert worlds with their degenerated technologies. We must and will persevere against these powers with patience and vision. We must learn to wait for answers rather than implementing the vagaries of electrodynamics and thermodynamics as the power-elite would have us do. These has been left us such a plethora of wonders, not only reported but real – real in every aspect and awaiting implementation. Such an army of products would conquer the existing technology if sold at the grassroots level without benefit of patronship. Dr. Le Bon fought this fight all his life, and was at last utterly rejected by his associates. His name has been stricken from the record, his books removed from all worthy libraries.

A scientist who discovered the means of altering the half-life of radium and measurably proved it should never have seen so vilely treated; unless what he had to say and prove were so threatening that the pathologic academia was repelled. What he had found so altered their fixed dogmatic notions that they were helpless before his assertions. Le Bon claimed that to remove “emanation” – a radioactive substance he had isolated – from radium, was to deplete its store of radiance almost to zero! What this represented was the true core of etheric interaction within any energetic material. Le Bon envisioned a world which would utilize Tesla coil-like engines, whose minor electrical bombardments would easily release more energy than that used in the trigger process. Intraatomic energy results in the dissociation of materials into ether, with the subsequent release of huge amounts of stored energy. Neither would this energy be lost, claimed Le Bon, for the natural process which formed the condensed ether (matter) would again recreate and regenerate the released ether, man would simply harness the transformational stages on earth in the proper furnaces.

For those who are truly interested in discovering the sourcebooks of Moray and many others, we here present these valuable texts for the general fund of knowledge. We believe more good will come out of their release that the keeping of them among ourselves. Experimenters will love these texts, since they are filled with reproducible experiments of every kind, and which contain some generally unknown marvels which should have been shouted aloud from the rooftops. In truth, these facts together form the foundations of a new and better world. We should take, their good advice and uncover their true implications.


This is a photocopy of a rare and sought after manuscript from 1906. Le Bon was the first to deduce that all matter is continually in a state of dissociation and decay and that the atom is a great reservoir of energy, and itself the source of most of the forces in the universe. This is backed with scientific researches into invisible radiations, phosphorescence, and electro-magnetic waves and delves into the variability of emanations from “radio-active” elements aftervarious treatments. Modern “nuclear” energy is nothing more than use of the waste heat from the atomic reaction to make steam and drive electrical generators. Le Bon provides an objective background on which to approach the electrical-atomic forces in such a way as to utilize them properly, for the betterment of humanity instead of the use of the grossest attributes of matter we see today.


A continuation of the original theories of Evolution of Matter, now extended to the forces of the universe. Covers the Transformation of Matter into Force: Magnetism, Magnetic Induction, different forms of Electricity, Electric Waves, Heat, Light, Black Light, Visible & Invisible Phosphorescence, Gravitation, Hidden Forces, Molecular & Intra-Atomic Forces, and, Forces Manifested in Living Beings. The basis for a new physics.

Both titles are available through our Borderland Research Catalog.

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“Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” (A Review) Wed, 01 Jan 1997 07:00:43 +0000 ]]>

Review by Trevor James Constable of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj M.D.’s “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 53, No. 1, 1st Quarter 1997)

YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (cover for 2002 Global Health Solutions second edition)

“Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj M.D.
(cover for 2002 ed.)

RARE indeed are those books destined to become all-time classics. Even rarer are books destined to accomplish a paradigm shift in any major area of modern knowledge. Of still greater rarity are books destined to benefit significantly the health of countless millions of human beings, at no cost to them. Such a landmark book is “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. He is a London-educated Iranian medical doctor who has made revolutionary discoveries about the water metabolism of the human body. His astounding basic breakthrough was made while he was confined to a Tehran prison, this being a unique circumstance in itself.

Dr. Batmanghelidj is of aristocratic lineage in his native Iran, and when the Shah was overthrown, the doctor was arrested and jailed with more than 3,000 other well-born victims of the Khomeini revolution. While these unfortunates wore awaiting execution, Dr. Batmanghelidj was assigned as their medical officer — pending his own appearance before a firing squad. He had no medical resources other than water, in an environment pervaded by stress and terror. Indeed, the doctor found himself incarcerated in a gigantic stress laboratory.

This became the milieu in which fundamental discoveries were made regarding the medicinal and functional value of water. These are discoveries that have eluded giant medical trusts, vast hospital complexes, battalions of medical professors, universities that boast about their sophisticated research facilities, and all the vaunted resources of the pharmaceutical industry. None of them, or indeed, all of them combined, were capable: of penetrating to the bedrock of human health: adequate daily water intake.

Without realizing it initially, Dr. Batmanghelidj was working with clinical controls in place. Prison discipline enabled him to follow up his patients, who had no possibility of evasion. Forced to use water medicinally, and water alone, Dr. Batmanghelidj was astonished in following up his patients, to find that water was effecting full cures of diverse, normally ineradicable diseases. These cures occurred in a complete fashion not seen in response to medication, which “treats” or “controls” such recalcitrant and diverse diseases as asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure and ulcers. Official medicine has only palliatives for these conditions, not cures.

If such diseases do not bother you personally, just ask anyone so afflicted how frustrating it is to be perpetually treated but never cured, by doctors who are manifestly flummoxed by such diseases. This bafflement and medical inability to effect cures is almost universal in orthodox medicine, and largely accounts for the stupendous and ever-mounting cost of medical care. People get treated, not cured. They are not cured because the basic cause of their diseases is not known to classical medicine. America harbors and husbands a vast army of people receiving medical “treatment”.

Dr. Batmanghelidj was blessed by a first class medical training at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University, one of the most respected medical schools in the western world. He was one of the last students of the eminent discoverer of penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming. Thus steeped in classical orthodoxy, Dr. Batmanghelidj was totally embarrassed to find that water was doing in a dependable way, what medication had never been able to do. In his classical medical training, like orthodox doctors world-wide, Dr. Batmanghelidj was taught that it was the solid material in the body (the solute) that was important. Only an incidental status was assigned to the solvent aspects of the human body — to water.

Irrefutable clinical experience in the controlled prison environment, forced the doctor to conclude that conventional medicine — of which he was himself a product — was hobbled and handicapped by a false paradigm. The false paradigm undergirded, and locked in place, the illusion that water was not significant in human metabolism compared with the solutes, with which medical “science” has been vainly wrestling, generation after generation. The truth of basic human functioning, as Dr. Batmanghelidj’s research progressively confirmed, is that the solvent (water) and not the solute, plays the cardinal role in human health.

Orthodox medicine has been ineffective in dealing with a wide spectrum of diseases, whose etiology is classically listed as “unknown,” because it has this fundamental polarity of solute and solvent back-to-front. The ramified and fundamental role of water has simply not been comprehended. After three years doing basic research in the Tehran prison, Dr. Batmanghelidj was released, and came to America. Here he continued his pathfinding research on the water metabolism of the human body for a further decade or more. He worked with established institutions like the University of Pennsylvania, lectured widely to physicians, and wrote learned papers for professional publications such as the Journal of Gastroenterology. The fallout from Dr. Batmanghelidj’s exertions included a large number of completely cured persons who had been chronically afflicted with “incurable” diseases. Medical doctors were among these people.

Slowly but surely, numerous intelligent medical doctors and researchers who studied his work, overcame the same embarrassment that had consumed Dr. Batmanghelidj, when he first began comprehending the cardinal role of water in human health and functioning. Like Dr. Batmanghelidj, these enlightened physicians came to realize that medicine was confronting a fundamental paradigm shift. Some of these board-certified physicians are quoted in the book. More physicians are recognizing this central truth as the months pass.

Nothing so radical, in the root-meaning of that word, had ever happened to medical knowledge in the history of the world. Chronic dehydration was being identified as the fundamental matrix from which most human diseases emerge. This book will leave you in no doubt that America’s deplorable and desperate health care crisis is born of dehydration, midwifed by medical inability to deal effectively with diseases whose etiology in dehydration is not understood. Almost every disease arising out of dehydration is attacked with medication, or combinations of medications. Sickness therefore proliferates, while the sick cry out in many different ways for water — cries to which doctors are deaf.

Countless ingrained cultural and social customs of modern America, such as not drinking sufficient water, and guzzling phenomenal quantities of diuretic soft drinks and diuretic coffee and tea, reinforce chronic dehydration as the number one health menace in America. Dr. Batmanghelidj emphasizes that drinking coffee, soft drinks and juices does not counter dehydration or meet the body’s water needs. The only way out is by drinking water.

Elusive and seemingly unrelated conditions like dyspeptic pain, stress and depression, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess body weight, chronic fatigue, arthritis, asthma and allergies, insulin-independent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, back problems and a host of lesser complaints that bedevil human beings, have all yielded to the ingestion of adequate daily water. Dr. Batmanghelidj identifies Alzheimer’s as due to dehydration of the brain.

Eight 8-ounce glasses daily is the recommended regimen advocated by Dr. Batmanghelidj, to keep the human body fully hydrated. For each cup of coffee or other caffeinated drink, an additional, compensating eight-ounce glass of water is required.

Perhaps the most welcome and convincing finding of Dr. Batmanghelidj is the key role played by dehydration in creating back ailments in human beings. The spinal discs consist of about eighty percent water. When these discs atrophy through varying degrees of dehydration, an afflicted human is off on one of the most miserable medical merry-go-rounds known to man. The human spine has to support about 75 percent of body weight. Without fully-hydrated and resilient spinal discs, the spine cannot perform its function properly. “Back problems” ensue. Abnormal physical and nervous pressures develop and vertebrae become misplaced as the spinal discs collapse. In the U.S.A., such back problems are now on an epidemic scale, largely defy physicians and surgeons, and endlessly persecute the afflicted.

Dr. Batmanghelidj has found that rehydration restores the integrity and resilience of the spinal discs. Simple exercises he has devised, create a natural vacuum effect: that draws the needed water back into the discs, whose proper bearing function is thereby eventually normalized. Contrast this with the dead-end, mechanistic “back surgery” that now consumes hundreds of millions of dollars in surgeons’ fees and hospital costs every year.

Back pains are among the body’s many cries for water, from which Dr. Batmanghelidj’s book has appropriately taken its title. The horrific wheezing of an asthmatic, which is one of the most embarrassing and distressing things anyone can witness, is similarly the body crying for water. Dr. Batmanghelidj has demonstrated that asthma is due to the body’s natural histamines constricting the lungs to limit any further loss of water via the breath. The person so afflicted is desperately dehydrated. In the prison environment in Iran, adequate water provided a cure for asthma — one of the astonishing clinical results that first started Dr. Batmanghelidj thinking about the medicinal power of water.

Dr. Batmanghelidj views the way hypertension is classically treated as “scientific absurdity”. The dehydrated body is desperately trying to hang on to its water volume. Uncomprehending physicians intervene with diuretics and literally force more water out of an already dehydrated body. The author gives lucid, comprehensible descriptions of the exquisite hydraulic design and engineering of the human body, and the diverse functions of the cells, capillaries and membranes as they operate to compensate for dehydration. If the body’s many cries for water are ignored, as they are in contemporary America, degenerative diseases are the inevitable consequence. A congress scrabbling to deal financially with an avalanche of degenerative disease, is verification enough that the time has come for a new medical paradigm.

Our typical regular readers of Borderlands will have no difficulty in understanding either Dr. Batmanghelidj’s book, or the stony response that he received on placing his findings before the American Medical Association. The book includes reproductions of his correspondence with the A.M.A. This reviewer regards this book as the most important health book of the twentieth century, since its content can directly benefit everybody — at no cost and right now. Borderlanders should not only secure these benefits for themselves and their families, but also should make them more widely known. Dr. Batmanghelidj is making a Herculean effort to pass the blessings of his work into the lives of all human beings. He is not permitting his work to be sequestered or short-circuited by reactionary orthodoxy. He will need all the help that we can give him.

YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

“Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”
 by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

“When Dr. Batmanghelidj thinks of a glass of water, he doesn’t think of it as half full or half empty. He thinks of it as brimming over with the essential fluid of life. He thinks of it as the solvent of our ills and the deliverer of ripe old age. He thinks of it as the wave of the future.” – Wash. Times

“This book, based on a pioneering physician’s twenty years of clinical and scientific research into the role of water in the body, explains a breakthrough discovery that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) produces stress, chronic pains and many painful degenerational diseases. Dry mouth is not the only sign of dehydration; waiting to get thirsty is wrong. You will learn the different signals of thirst when your body is calling for water. Simply adjusting your water intake – yes, water! Natural, pure water!- can help you to live a healthier, pain-free life.” – 2008 ed. of “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”

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“The Ether of Space” (A Review) Sun, 01 Sep 1991 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by Gerry Vassilatos of Sir Oliver Lodge’s “The Ether of Space” (1909) — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 47, No. 5, Sept-Oct 1991)

THE ETHER OF SPACE by Sir Oliver Lodge

“General view of whirling part of Ether machine, with pair of steel disks, and motor.” (p. 76, “The Ether of Space”)

Students of the physical sciences are well acquainted with the illustrious name of Sir Oliver Lodge. This one name not only conjures up images of Victorian England and the ivy-covered walls of British Academia but far, far more. Like Baron von Reichenbach in his time, Sir Oliver Lodge was one of those academicians who dared delve into the paraphysical worlds. He was possessed of sufficient personal force, regional respect, and positional power to make his researches serious enough to be considered by his peers. The companions of Baron von Reichenbach would not be quite so kind with their illustrious colleague in Germany, but Sir Oliver ever held the distinction of respect among his contemporaries. It is in this very text, so long unobtainable, that Sir Oliver Lodge actually begins the jump from the material world into the aetheric and astral worlds. His researches are herein chronicled in a superbly British style. The atmosphere of the volume is artfully Victorian, covering that magnificent time of the 1890′s. It is a fitting tribute to these predecessors that Borderland is making such excellent works available at out own century’s turn.

Sir Oliver Lodge was one of those theoretician-experimenters, sufficiently versed in the most important frontiers of physics in his day. Awash in an ocean of new and stunning possibilities afforded the scientists of his time, he was quick to grasp the singular importance of all varieties of experiments having to do with the Aetheric Continuum. He himself had designed, built, and tested his own “aether machines” in hopes of discovering some knowledge concerning spatial realities and dynamics. Though his initial discoveries actually gave strongly positive results, we shall see that the sufficiently powerful pressures of certain academic groups would force him to so alter his views and experimental procedures, that no detection of aetheric drifts could he reported. One feels, intuitively in all these reports of his (throughout the text) that Dr. Lodge remained truly disappointed and aesthetically unable to accept the explanations of all the many “negative results” found. We also become aware of the numerous researchers (world-wide) who performed different kinds of tests directly upon the aetheric continuum. These tests were made in order to determine very specific aspects and qualities of the aether.

Each such experiment was performed from an inertialistic viewpoint, discounting all subjective sensation or participation in the aetheric sensual presence. The inertialists were predictably destined to remain alienated amid the aetheric worlds, being quite incapable of detecting any but the inertial effects of light beams upon the aethers. This base of flawed axioms was responsible, in total, for the many failed readings and falsely assumed means of performing aether tests. In spite of these varieties of failures, we yet find numerous examples of positive readings amid the garden. We remain awestruck over the many varieties of ether examinations, and are genuinely devoted to such flowing gems of endeavor; they stand forth against the blackness of space as rare flowers.

Though underground researchers are aware of the detection experiments which had given strong positive reactions to a drifting aether, we find Dr. Lodge speaking between the lines to us at every turn. All too capable of handling the rigors of mathematical explanations and the mind-distorting twists of the relativists, Sir Oliver has let us know that the Victorian views of Aether and Space yielded a more potent and fruitful legacy than that which was to follow (relativity theory). The text, originally presented as a series of lectures, should be required reading by everyone in the underground scientific academy. It is, I believe, the most thoroughly comprehensive notation of the state-of-affairs at that pivotal time period in science history. The text deals almost entirely with the opto-mechanical species of inertial aether-reading devices.

His first chapter leads us into the ancient waters of time; the history of “aether” and “aetherion” has timelessly archaic roots. Allowing us to glimpse clearly into the true nature of aether as “dreamy, mythical space” he takes us into the growing inertialistic view which climaxed during his day. The analogies given by his predecessors, through which attempts were made to isolate the geometro-ponderant effects of aethereal substance, is recounted to us. Dr. Lodge retells his own mathematical examinations of the incomprehensibly multiple aspects of the (inertial) aether. Its seeming tensile strength in excess of any known metal, its unbelievable transparency and near-vacuous gossamer-like quality, its ability of supporting magneto-electric and gravitic fields, its ability of conducting varieties of wave phenomena, as well as other inconsistent aspects – all these are thoroughly discussed. We found his analogies between gravitation and steel columns especially fascinating. We know that he was to delve into paraphysical research, even as Sir William Crookes had done; we sense that he is on the verge of uttering the inner conviction that aether is far more than “ultra-substance” – something possibly incapable of being measured by mere physical device.

Chapter 2 and 3 bring us into and through the pertinent theories of his day. The aether as “interstellar medium” is broadly discussed in strictly physical terms. All the astrophysical observations made up to that date are clearly presented in a thorough discussion. This includes certain optical principles, aberrations of light in space, light beams through the interstellar medium, and the critically important concepts of Fizeau and Fresnel: to prove the mutual effects of material, aether, Space-viscosity and inertiality. Nearly every possible aspect of interactions between aether and materials, or aether and light beams, is presented for the reader. This is, perhaps, the best textbook for retracing the very steps which led to the brink of relativity theory, and the subsequent misdirection science had decided to accept wholeheartedly. Theories of light, aberration, effects of media, refraction – indeed, all the phenomena associated with fundamental (inertial) light principles are brought together under one chapter heading. There is possibly no other text which I have found to be so direct and comprehensive in such historical matters.

The fourth chapter portrays all the designs for mechanical aether-detecting machines. The engraving which show us these almost forgotten alternative experiments are truly wonderful. We are given the marvelous sense of his time; days of private invention, free-enterprise cottage industry, and empirical experiment. In these drawings and their intended purpose, described by our eloquent narrator, we are made to understand the very great difficulty of designing mechanical aether-sensitive machines. Sir Oliver, a true professor of the academic world, explains in summary fashion the theoretical reasons for choosing certain designs. The accompanying optical requirements, degrees of accuracy, and expected findings are presented to us. Of course, one feels the weight of concern and embarrassment in this lecturer’s words at every mention of a “negative” result. The very structure of the scientific paradigm was “balanced upon a pinpoint” in Space, and these aether machines were far more than mere measuring devices. As the inertialists conceived the ethers, limiting and defining them in the absence of personal participation, so they proceed in their determinations.

Dr. Lodge has presented the case held by the community of his day concerning the many reasons for seeking certain aether-drifts. He also mentions other aetheric drifts believed to exist; recounting the history preceding the choice of specific materio-aetheric interactions. It is here that we are made to understand exactly why certain aether-machines were designed. The inertial physics, invariable conclusions of the “realism” which took hold of academic circles, led all the eyes of science to these aethero-physic devices (we will describe this aspect in a subsequent article). The quest of the inertialists was destined to failure by spectator-scientists and their flawed logic. What can only be known through participational experience, what can rarely be (inertially) measured, was sought. To find the Very Absolute remains the aim of all science. It is at such edges of perception that the participant realized the true experience of mind-expansion. The reactions of Space during such expansion, and the intelligent astral regions explored and adored by more (archaic) sensitive races, must he rediscovered and developed. When each age seeks to determine the foundations of Absolute experience, it is then that new technology appears. As each questing group extends the borderlands of understanding so we reach new exposed heights. Dr. Lodge has gone into great detail concerning the aether-drift sought, and the various means of measuring those drifts, we see this important text as increasingly vital in tracing out clues to our present academic positions. Realizing errors, omissions, and successes of the quest (for identifying the aetheric continuum), we will personally ask strangely new and potent question.

Each Victorian device is explained with sufficient brevity as to permit a rapid acquisition of “Victorian” understanding. We are shown the simplicity of certain schemes made to measure the various aether-drifts, and the strangeness of the (supposed) “negative effects”. Of course Lodge was perplexed, searching for answers to this powerful paradox. Though he knows more than he says, he shows us the utter frustrations involved with the experiments. Some used specially treated optical paths.

A thorough examination of expected opto-aetheric mutations is given (shifts in light frequency, velocity, persistence of ray-linearity, and mode of propagation). He gives reasons why optical paths were chosen in the very first place. He finally recounts the Michelson interferometer as detector of infinitesimal movements, and its importance as a diagnostic tool in possibly detecting drifts in a static aether. [Curiously enough, none of these inertial aether-explorers questioned their negative results as powerful confirmations of the geocentric theory of reality. It was always assumed that both earth-rotation and earth-revolution would be revealed as fringe-shifts in optical aether detectors. But such motions were never to he found. Each positive effect was always one which revealed a "cosmical" motion: one whose specific angularity of effect seemed to descend from Space. No earth motion has ever been found. Sir Oliver's findings always involved gliding fringes across the field of view.] Fizeau used running water to slur the aether. Hook, Mascart, and Jamin used stagnant water as a medium for amplifying the aether “slur effect” upon light beams. Fresnel discussed the effects of very thick glass upon aether and light.

Chapter 5 allows us an in-depth look at some very different experiments performed in the aethereal surroundings. These were the attempts of Dr. Lodge to find aetheric drifts through the use of aethereal viscosity (which none of the others had attempted in free air). These experiments of Lodge were novel, and display his attachment to certain paraphysical concepts. The experimental apparatus of Lodge allowed introduction of electrical and magnetic charges. The significance of these latter experiments, especially in their defined effect upon gravitation, would later be revealed in time by such notables as Nipher, T. Brown, Saxl, and others. Sir Oliver chose a design which incorporated a stack of very heavy metallic discs which were to he rotated rapidly. This device was, essentially, a Tesla turbine. Its massive presence was effective in creating shears within the aether.

His hope of stirring and dragging the viscous aether by such an “aetheric engine” was fulfilled: we find Dr. Lodge making the astounding first report of a positive result. In the light of the subsequent experiments by Michelson and Gale (in which Michelson himself attempted to prove his multiple measurements of a positive effect), and the excellently documented experiments of Miller (in another great publication by Borderland), Lodge himself recounts his astonishment at the initial findings. Yet, we see him believe, doubt, and sink – in that very order! He says that he was “unable to believe” these findings – he “distrusted” the spectacle which was repeatedly witnessed in the eyepiece of his apparatus (pages 73-75); a fascinating recovery of historical significance!

The reader of this text will obtain, first hand, the fascinating description of Dr. Lodge’s “spurious positive effects” made with neutral, electrified, and magnetized whirling discs. Informing us more than he realized, Professor Lodge offers a grand bibliography for further branching studies. It is obvious that Lodge continued to maintain the belief in an aetheric continuum in spite of all criticisms (the results of experimental evidences). Not having seized his positive results, and failing to see them as true records of aetheric driftings, he conceived every other possibly alternative to explain his continued belief in aether.

Chapters 6 & 7 are marvelous sources for those interested in the zero-point dynamics. We are presented with a thorough discussion of the density, material viscosity, energetic equivalences and independent nature of the aetheric medium and its quasi-physical aspects. While we have developed concepts of the aether as forms of Space (and personal resonances of awareness within those spaces), we are shown the steps of Victorian inertialists in their quest toward the astral knowledge, Dr. Lodge brings us into the deep waters of subjects such as aetheric strength, aetheric energy and material substance, material presence and aetheric energies. Students of Moray should read these topics in conjunction with the writings of Dr. Gustav Le Bon, (“Evolution of Matter” and “Evolution of Forces”).

The last chapters of the text are appendices. These excellent discussions of certain problems (essentially, the viscosity, strain, tensions, and potential energies of the aethers) round out the reader’s increasing fund of knowledge. The bibliography excellently serves us in branching outward into other periodically of that time period. Along with this text, we strongly suggest that the reader seek after articles which described electro-aetheric devices. [Phillip Lenard performed several such tests using Plucker discharge tubes, proving that Space conducts charge anisotropically. The works of Sagnac, who also found positive aether-drift results (using rotating tables of mirrors) should be sought out. The recent positive results of Maurice Cooke in Canada (1983), using magnetic fields and inert-gas laser-beams, must be studied closely. One also must begin to realize the all-importance of personal experience with aetheric currents and winds. Such findings have been reported by such notables as W. Reich, T. J. Constable, B. Payne, and H. Meinke in psychotronic applications. The works of others, who have employed devices which conduct aether directly, must be read (G. Hodowanec, T. T. Brown). The legendaries who discovered diurnal and seasonal variations in radionic-aetheric procedures must also be intensely studied: Abrams, S. Rodgers, T. G. Hieronymous, De LaWarr, L. Kolisko, R. Hauschka.] Many of these works are available through Borderland Sciences.

This text is a bibliomancer’s dream. Definitely a must for all aetheric researchers and for developers of new technology.

THE ETHER OF SPACE by Sir Oliver Lodge

“The Ether of Space” by Sir Oliver Lodge

“Investigation of the nature and properties of the Ether of Space has long been for me the most fascinating branch of Physics, and I welcome the opportunity of attempting to make generally known the conclusions to which I have so far been led on this great and perhaps inexhaustible subject.”Sir Oliver Lodge

Why does orthodox science refuse to consider the existence of an invisible ether? Among other serious experimenters, Lodge worked tirelessly to prove the reality of the ether. You can share his keen insights into the elusive but ever present ethereal spaces here. (Includes illustrations of experimental devices).

We offer a simple photocopy edition of “The Ether of Space” for those who would like to support the BSRF directly. PDF editions are available through and

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“Mind Control in the U.S.” (A Review) Tue, 01 Jul 1986 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by Robert Larson of Steven Jacobson’s “Mind Control in the United States” (Critique Publishing) — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 42, No. 4, July-August 1986)

Those of us who are positive, knowledge-seeking individuals of the New Age understand that most problems of the world have very simple and easy solutions. But so often, common misconceptions of the nature of the problems blinds people to the solutions. Many of us know, through personal experience, of the effectiveness — especially in healing — of alternative technologies. Yet the majority of people are totally unaware of these alternatives. Indeed the majority of people accept as normal, problematic states of affairs that are totally unnecessary, Why do so many accept war, famine, disease, poverty, inflation, taxes and so many other forms of suffering and oppression? Why are so many people on going-nowhere paths, feeling helpless and powerless, feeling that everything is being done to them; that they can make no positive change in the world? Why do they fail to see the beneficial alternatives that we know exist? An understanding of this may be found in MIND CONTROL IN THE UNITED STATES by Steven Jacobson.

In this new book, Steven Jacobson examines the concept that manipulation of the way people think has become quite a refined art and that a ruling class/establishment makes extensive use of this to maintain the status quo. (The author focuses in on the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers and the International Monetary Fund as the ruling class/establishment. Although it seems a little simplistic as presented by the author, much has already been written convincingly demonstrating that these groups are at least a substantial part of a power elite.) This manipulation involves hypnosis, propaganda and mental programming. Mental programming is explained as; distracting the conscious mind, then programming the naked subconscious through repetition of an idea. The technique is used in music, TV, radio and movies.

The movie Reefer Madness is one of the better examples. This 1936 movie, while full of half-truths and lies about the dangers of marijuana, at the same time subliminally encouraged young people to try marijuana. Consequently, while legislation was being passed against marijuana, there was a simultaneous growth of interest in trying marijuana. Almost overnight a big source of revenue was created for law enforcement and organized crime.

Mr. Jacobson also points out excellent examples of language manipulation that seem to be right out of Orwell’s 1284. But this “news-speak” was out of the Nixon administration during the Vietnam War. Examples include calling bombing missions “protective reaction strikes,” a refugee camp a “new life hamlet” and the American invasion of Cambodia an “incursion.”

Other subjects discussed in MIND CONTROL include: Communism and the peculiarity of Western governments claiming to oppose it while at the same time exporting technology and economic assistance to the Soviets, Christian fundamentalist TV preachers and their precision at manipulation, Occult knowledge and church suppression of it, parapsychology and the CIA’s keen interest, and the CIA’s interest in hallucinogenic drugs.

Jacobson does not go into great depth on most of the subjects but brings them together to form an excellent outline of the field of mind control. Most importantly, the book sounds a strong warning: There are powerful groups exerting great effort — through devious and covert means — at controlling our thinking. That means suppressing alternative thinking that threatens the existing power structure. That so many people cannot see positive alternatives to world dilemmas, or cannot even imagine that world dilemmas are so often created and maintained by establishment forces to perpetuate their own control, would seem to indicate that Jacobson’s theory is correct and the manipulators are having great success. We do, however, get the message from MIND CONTROL that we can reverse the process by informing ourselves and informing others. (This book itself is a step in that direction.)

“Knowledge is power.” “They” know that this is true. So “they” try to monopolize knowledge knowledge and ration it out to us canned, filtered, processed and diluted. But “they” need our apathy. Let’s not give it to “them.”

MIND CONTROL IN THE UNITED STATES (Critique Publishing) has an excellent bibliography for those wishing to do further research.

Critique Publishing also publishes CRITIQUE – A Journal of Conspiracies and Metaphysics. This excellent journal comes out twice a year. Subjects covered include Psychic Warfare, Secret Societies, CIA, KGB, Vatican, UFOs, Sufism, Banking, Assassinations, Cults, Anomalies, Global Elites, Gnostic Gospels. . . and this incredible list goes on. Contributors to CRITIQUE have included Al Fry, Robert Anton Wilson, John Keel, Riley Hansard Crabb, Colin Wilson, Peter McAlpine, Steven Jacobson, and many others.

Mind Control in the United States

“Mind Control in the United States”
 by Steven Jacobson

“Subliminal perception is a process, a deliberate process created by communications technicians, by which you receive and respond to information and instructions without being consciously aware of the instructions. Scary? You bet your life it is. And, as Jacobson details in this book, it is happening in America today. Mind Control in the United States is an introduction to the history and practice of subliminal communication. It outlines the principles of mental programming, i.e. that an initial distraction must be followed by repetitive commands, and it tells you how these ideas are implemented.” – from Preface by Antony C. Sutton

Includes chapters: Nineteen Eighty-Four • Principles of Mental Programming • The Power of Music • T.V., Radio, and Movies • Hypnosis and “Reefer Madness” • Information Control • Manipulation of Language • Monopoly of Mass Media • Mental Programming and Mass Media • The Power of Money • The Ruling Elite and “World Government” • Education as Propaganda • Communism • The Bible and Fundamentalism • Occult (Secret) Knowledge • Parapsychology • Drugs • The Secret of Marijuana • The Origin of Man • Powers of the Subconscious Mind • • Kali Yuga • and extensive bibliography.

This title appears to be out of print, and has limited availability.
Online, there is a PDF edition on, with used editions on

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“Harmonic 33″ (A Review) Mon, 01 Sep 1969 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by L.G. White of Bruce Cathie’s “Harmonic 33″ — from JBR (Vol. 25, No. 5, Sept-Oct 1969)

Sensational is the only description of the ideas conceived in the mind of Captain Bruce Cathie, an airman who in daily life is a New Zealand National Airways pilot. Bruce had experiences to arouse his interest in UFOs before the sightings during his work as a pilot that clinched his interest.

In his book, “Harmonic 33″, published in 1968, the flyleaf sentence in italics says: “Even while you read this interplanetary space ships are rebuilding a world grid system from which it appears they can draw motive power and they are possibly using the grid for navigational purposes.”

Captain Cathie, a modest, native born New Zealander with only a high school education, maintains that as a result of his observations he has provided a key that may unlock the secret of the UFOs. In this book he traces his investigations to build up the case for the very accurate geometrical pattern of UFO sightings along the National Airways routes which he travels regularly in his occupation as a passenger-carrying plane pilot.

Using New Zealand as a starting point the investigations moved over the whole globe to reveal a geometrically accurate pattern of intersecting points that in each instance are over an active or extinct volcano — a place of known UFO activity — one of the controversial “craters” of which there are a number of well known ones scattered up and down the globe — one of the world famous places such as the Sphinx and the Pyramids in Egypt or the Potala in Tibet — and several in England, the most famous being the Stonehenge.

Captain Cathie is sure in his affirmation that UFO activity is currently rebuilding some of the Grid Points or maybe constructing new ones. The big question mark centres around the query: When the Grid is complete, what?

Auckland is New Zealand’s largest and most northern city. It is situated over several long since extinct volcanoes. On Sept. 25, 1966 at 4 a.m., in Avondale just out of Auckland city, a terrific explosion heard nearly 50 miles away tore apart a foundry building and caused a fire which destroyed the premises. The comment of the foreman was, a wartime Block-buster bomb couldn’t have made a bigger mess.

Because of the mystery centreing around the incident, Bruce Cathie had to obtain permission from the foundry manager to examine the area. Neighbours living within 100 yards had windows blown in and their homes shifted on the piles, as well as a grand stand view of the mysterious shaft of light — something like a long welding torch flame, seen from the factory roof level — down to the ground level where later a 12-inch round hole was found in the concrete floor. This shaft of bright light slowly disappeared from roof level down into the ground where a small dome of light formed. From this point the fire spread to the rest of the factory.


The conclusion arrived at after all the evidence had been sifted by Captain Cathie was: 1. A UFO had been seen about this time in the area and it was there to put down a new Grid Point (unfortunately, in this case, it had to be under the site of a factory!); 2. The column of light was pure energy similar to a laser beam, and this penetrated the building and floor and in doing so destroyed the building; 3. Once the energy had penetrated to the correct depth it was converted into a material state to form the Aerial Grid Point.

It must be here remembered that it was Einstein who said energy and matter are one and the same thing and to UFO personnel this change would be readily understood and controllable. It was indeed fortunate that the author of “Harmonic 33″ was on the spot to investigate this first hand evidence to substantiate theories he had been building up in previous months. There have been other mysterious explosions up and down New Zealand but none in such a closely populated area where the details could be so closely observed. While the author of the book is not a mathematician he challenges anyone else, preferably with the use of a computer, to “prove his theories correct”.

The geometrically precise placement of the points over the whole globe rules out the possibility of chance in the locations; so they must be there for a specific reason. This conclusion plus the almost continuous UFO activity over many of the areas such as Warminster in England present a challenge to further investigation.

On page 169 of the book the name of Nikola Tesla is mentioned, along with a number of his discoveries. Readers are reminded that this great electrical genius discovered that “power could be obtained from the earth” and he devised a generating system to obtain and control it. Tesla did not live to develop this generator; so the idea still awaits someone to unlock this source of energy. “Harmonic 33″ is an endeavour to probe deeper into this mysterious power.

The already mentioned ideas are surely revolutionary but author Cathie steps out further and presents documented evidence of the relationship between atom bomb testing and earthquakes. The same geometrical precision is used to plot the site of the bomb test in relation to the earthquake center over the whole globe.

This well-bound book of 200 pages presents completely new and exciting views for those keen to probe deeper into the UFO mystery. Since the book was first published in 1968 the author has been busy with further investigations and latest information is that another book is on the way. We in New Zealand are literally holding our breaths and waiting. We will keep you posted.

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Here is part of the Southern Portion of the WORLD GRID developed by Capt. Cathie, and copied from his book, “Harmonic 33″.

Grid Aerials and B are the first hints we’ve ever seem as to the possible location of Rainbow City in the Antarctic, or of some flying saucer base there. And the location of the “Eltanin” photo, a deep sea directional antenna, right on Cathie’s grid, is significant!

Mimeo copy of Bruce Cathie's WORLD GRID for New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica

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“UFO’s – Identified” (A Review) Sun, 01 Dec 1968 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by Trevor James of Philip J. Klass’s “UFO’s Identified” (with Riley Crabb‘s collected CQC on gruesome acts committed by Klass’s “freak atmospheric phenomena”) — from JBR (Vol. 24, No. 7, Dec. 1968)

The late Wilhelm Reich, M.D., used to say that in any human controversy every participant is right in some way. This is certainly true of the newest contributor to UFO bibliography, electrical engineer and aerospace magazine editor Philip J. Klass. His book, “UFO’s Identified” (Random House) is the result of his two year investigation of UFO’s, from which he emerges convinced that, UFO’s are merely freak atmospheric phenomena — plasmas formed near high voltage transmission lines and by poorly understood functions of atmospheric electricity.

Experienced students of UFOlogy, and BSRAssociates in particular, will find Mr. Klass’s cursory two-year investigation a slender thread on which to try and swing the author’s assertion that he has broken the mystery. Suspicion of Mr. K1ass’s motivation is unavoidable for more reasons than his brashness. With commendable frankness he admits he was driven to his investigation as a result of his resistance to a proposed 1966 IEE Symposium on UFO’s which was to be open to the public. He reports in his book that he was “disturbed” to find this project afoot, and by the interest shown in UFO’s by IEE members. He thus took up the study of UFO’s on a less than rational basis. His goal was to refute the “fanatics” that he anticipated would attend the symposium.

Mr. Klass had no prior knowledge of UFOlogy. From a character analytic standpoint, the orientation and attitudes of Mr. Klass are basically established by these events. His book further verifies the presence of an awkward compulsive element that impairs the author’s clarity of thought. This is nevertheless not a book for light dismissal.

Mr. Klass’s contribution to Ufology is far larger than his many antagonists to date are willing to grant. Having found what he terms “the fingerprints of plasma” in a number of authenticated sightings, Mr. Klass concludes that UFO’s are plasmas — bundles of electrified particles showing motility, plasticity, luminosity and pulsation. His failing is that having reached this conclusion early in his investigation — earlier perhaps than common prudence would allow — he ever afterwards looks at his subject through a plasmatic prism.

The resultant distortions do not preclude the essential truth of most of his findings, but the impact of this truth is diminished by the author’s tendency to invade the sense perceptions of other persons with his prism. His attempts to establish, months after the actual participation of persons in a sighting, that they saw plasmas rather than anything else results in his frequently transcending his competence as an electrical engineer. BSRAssociates are familiar, after two decades or more, with the boring futility of such post mortems on UFO sightings. Mr. Klass also indulges the old scientific conceit of the so-called trained observer who, by inference, would not have made the observational errors freely attributed to plain folks.


In his advocacy of the plasma theory Klass strikes some telling blows against the interplanetary hypothesis, and in his investigation excited the hostility not only of high personages in NICAP but also of Dr. James McDonald of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Tucson. Klass asserts, for example, that the U.S. radar network established to monitor the presence of every spacecraft in the vicinity of the earth has never detected a UFO. This devastating but undocumented statement would seem to be a body blow against the mechanistic concept (a la NICAP) that UFO’s are vehicles from other planets or outer space. At the same time, the statement helps vindicate Meade Layne’s “Etheric Interpretation” of the discs promulgated more than twenty years ago by BSRA.

In plasma theory, Mr. Klass has hit upon a cardinal element in the UFO mystery that has been too long minimized by those who now deprecate his efforts. Unfortunately, he has made his contact with the UFO subject tangentially, and as a prisoner of his mechanistic training and outlook he cannot follow the functional leads that are everywhere evident in his findings. He does not conceive of plasmas as other than freak atmospheric phenomena — creations of Mother Nature’s electrical workshop in possible interactions with the electrical works of man. Mr. Klass vigorously denies ever having attributed intelligence to plasmas when he reports in his book that J. Allen Hynek broached this idea at a Washington meeting of MIT alumni.

BSRAssociates and friends who obtain this book will find many fascinating connections between Mr. Klass’ postulates concerning plasma UFO’s and the invisible atmospheric life-forms photographed by this reviewer and James O. Woods during the past eleven years. The creatures we photographed in such profusion in both stills and movies. are, of course, plasmatic, and they were recorded exclusively on infrared film. With a new project and improved methods, they are still being recorded today. For over ten years this reviewer has held that the sporadic appearance of these creatures in the visible spectrum makes up a considerable portion of ufology’s most puzzling sightings. The inference is inescapable that what Mr. Klass asserts are freak atmospheric phenomena (without specifying satisfactorily how they are produced) are these same plasmatic living forms that will eventually have to be acknowledged as a hitherto unsuspected form of life — Macro-bacteria, for want of a better term.

This reviewer’s personal experience abuts on Mr. Klass’ theories in another way. Klass postulates much concerning ball-lightning, coronas and plasmas in the atmosphere — at second hand. For more than eight years the reviewer has plied the oceans of the world as a ship’s Radio Officer, and has seen his share of plasmas, coronas and ball-lightning. On one occasion a globular plasma came whistling down the antenna trunk, shot across the radio room and expended itself with an explosion against a bulkhead. These phenomena are familiar to the reviewer at first hand, and they are most assuredly not what thousands of persons describe as UFO’s.

The same methods used by the reviewer to photograph the invisible plasmatic creatures in the atmosphere also yielded photographs of vehicles — electrically propelled constructs. These two general classes of UFO’s, both belonging in essence and in the main to an invisible-physical level of life, have been mutually confused for over twenty years. No amount of evidence can persuade the spaceship bunch that there are also plasmatic living forms involved, and Mr. Klass as an advocate of plasma (lifeless) UFO’s doggedly refuses to see the merit in NICAP’s case for spaceships. Modern man’s split character splits everything he considers.

“UFO’s Identified” is a good example of how this splitting-up process takes place, of how a mechanistically-oriented person once settled on a mechanistic idea cannot follow the golden filaments of functionalism to their source. Mr. Klass’ book is the first strong orthodox pitch in behalf of plasmas as the solution of the UFO mystery, and Klass doesn’t hesitate to boast that he has cracked the enigma. BSRAssociates will disagree with the author’s obviously excessive estimate of his contribution to ufology, but the book is nevertheless valuable in drawing official attention to plasma phenomena in ufology. If a physicist can be found with the guts and functional mentality to pursue what Mr. Klass has started, the scientific world is in for one hell of a surprise, even if it will be “old hat” to BSRAssociates.

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Mr. Klass didn’t see this story in the Orlando, Florida “Sentinel” and reproduced in Joan Whritenour’s “Saucer Scoop”, December 1967. Researcher John Keel pulled the material together:

“A rapidly mounting mass of reports from all over the world indicates that many people are now convinced that those elusive unidentified flying objects (ufos) are busily stealing and dissecting dogs, cows, and horses. Irate farmers and pet owners everywhere are confusing local law enforcement agencies with these far-out claims backed up by the dismembered carcasses of hapless animals. Strangest of all, the blood, bone marrow, and certain vital organs have all been expertly removed from the bodies!

“Last November, William Watson of Gallipolis, Ohio, discovered his missing German shepard dog in the center of an isolated field. The knee-high grass around the dog’s body was pressed flat in a perfect circle, 20 feet in diameter. Although there was no sight that the dog had been attacked by any ‘ordinary’ animal, every bone in its body was crushed and there was no blood in evidence. Innumerable residents in the area had reported seeing low-flying, saucer-shaped objects shortly before the dog’s carcass was found.

“A few months earlier, a registered nurse living alone on a nearby farm had complained to the police and the FBI about mysterious ‘cattle rustlers’ who were slaughtering her cows late at night. She said that she had seen strange luminous objects hovering at tree-top level above her pastures on a number of occasions. One night she glimpsed a tall male figure dress in white coveralls in her field. She ran out with a shotgun and the figure left hurriedly, leaping over a tall fence with astounding ease. The cow carcasses had been expertly butchered in part and the bodies were bloodless…

“Another case was reported on April 1, 1963 at Chileno Valley, California here a farmer told police that a Flying Saucer had stampeded his herd of cattle. Aroused by the rumpus he said he reached the scene just in time to see a group of short men in white coveralls grab a calf and haul it into the object. Early in September 1967 a baffled vegetarian was called upon to examine the bodies of several strangely butchered cows near Allentown, Pa. Parts of their hides had been removed, and all of their blood and bone marrow was inexplicably missing. Ordinary animals of prey were ruled out as the culprits. . . Several pigs also reportedly vanished from their well-protected pens at the Agricultural college in Farmingdale, L.I., this August (1967) at a time when there were repeated power failures in the area and UFOs were allegedly appearing nightly.

“During the massive wave of UFO reports in Nov. 1956 there were several well-documented cases of dognapping. A Dante, Tenn., farm boy, Everett Clark, told reporters that he saw four people get out of an oblong object on Nov. 6th and make an effort to catch his dog, Frisky. Hundreds of miles away on that same night, John Trasco of Everittstown, N.J., complained that a strange little man with frog-like eyes tried to take his dog. Trasco said he angrily ordered the creature off his property and it got into a luminous, egg-shaped craft and flew off . . . ”


Go back to your Jan-Feb 1958 Journal, page 15, of the article on the “Gruesome Etheric Border Patrol” by Andy Hardy. There in the brief message from Myron, of the Ashtar Command you’ll read how these Elementals use electronic beams to dissect animals and remove the blood and other “raw meat” delicacies they enjoy. In their way these humanoids are just as bloodthirsty and brutal as we are. And now the heart-transplant fad is making big business out of the traffic in human flesh!

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“The Principles of Light and Color” (A Review) Wed, 01 Nov 1967 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by Lyle Stuart (Mystic Arts Book Society) of Faber Birren’s re-edition of Edwin D. Babbitt’s “The Principles of Light and Color” (with closing comment by Riley Crabb) — from JBR (Vol. 23, No. 6, Nov. 1967)

Faber Birren's re-edition of Edwin D. Babbitt's "The Principles of Light and Color"

“The Principles of Light and Color” is the result of a remarkable collaboration between a living man and a dead one, each a genius in his own right. To begin with the living man: Faber Birren is known to many of you as the author of “Color Psychology and Color Therapy”, “Color: A Survey In Words and Pictures” and “Selling With Color” ~- all published by University Books.

Mr. Birren, now nearing seventy, is the renowned consultant on color to such industrial giants as DuPont, Monsanto Chemical, General Electric, Eastman, Minnesota Mining (SM), etc. He has grown wealthy telling them what colors to use on their products, how to color their factories and offices, how to increase work efficiency and reduce accidents by using the right colors. He has done the same things for the U.S. Navy. All this is especially interesting when we learn that Mr. Birren has never tried to conceal that he learned his trade at the feet of occult masters!

One of these masters is his collaborator in this book, Edwin D. Babbitt (1828-1905). Mr. Birren never knew him in the flesh but has devoted decades to the study of his writings; he has now taken Babbitt’s great book and edited and annotated it, carving away what is dead and preserving everything which remains alive.

Birren has also provided an Introduction in which he explains clearly what he has done and gives us a biography of Babbitt. In 1878, at the age of 50, Babbitt published this book and it immediately became famous as a masterpiece on color therapy. It gave rise to numerous colleges, schools and cults — many of which persist to this day.

It seems to be part of human nature to believe in the efficacy and salubrious benefits of color and light, and Babbitt, more than anyone else, has been prophet, leader and saint incarnate in this belief. Babbitt was a genius, but a verbose one. His original book runs to 560 pages and more than 200,000 words. Mr. Birren has cut this to less than half that — and the reader is so much the gainer. Babbitt’s phenomenal powers of observation and his fertile and fluent imagination come through in this edition of the book — shorn as it is of his outdated optics and physics.

The point of view from which Mr. Birren has done his work is indicated by the following: “That color has direct therapeutic action may be questionable. That it can have value in many psychosomatic disturbances is probably true. But there can be no debate as to its psychological benefits.” Mr. Birren also summarizes the latest scientific findings and shows how these corroborate Babbitt’s work.

The main body of the book remains Babbitt’s. As Mr. Birren says: “In effect, I want Babbitt to present his own theories in his own inimitable style. I will merely come on stage at the beginning, then walk off and let Babbitt act alone.”

The result is a magnificent presentation of the healing power of color. The original book sells today in antiquarian bookstores at $100 and more a copy! This special new edition is published at $15.

* * *

Those of you who share your Director’s interest in color as Art and as Therapy must also be thrilled to learn that the best parts of Babbitt’s masterpiece on Color will again be available in print at a reasonable price. Members of Lyle Stuart’s Mystic Arts Book Society, New Hyde Park, New York 11040 — for one month only — were allowed to purchase this new re-print at only $8.95.

In the last Journal, S.L. Jamison predicted that the rapidly increasing cost of medical care will force Americans to practice “home brew” healing. Years ago a president of the American Medical Association confidently predicted that hospital care would be profitably boosted to a cost of $100 a day by 1970! This is fine for those who can afford it. For those who can’t, Babbitt’s studies on “The Healing Power of Color” may be a useful and usable alternative — for cleaning out the aura and re-establishing a balanced flow of life forces.

While Babbitt was developing and experimenting with his ideas in Philadelphia in the 1860s and 70s, Dr. S. Pancoast was actually using Kabalistic principles of color with great success in his medical practice in Philadelphia. These principles, from Pancoast’s book, “Blue and Red Light”, are outlined in our talk, “Three Great Aquarian Age Healers”, BSRA 2-M, a mimeo book, illustrated, 62 pages. If you want to do borderland research on color and its affects on consciousness — your consciousness, this is a good place to begin.

* * *

“We cannot but remark that Light was the secret and universal medicine of the Ancients; they knew all its properties far better than modern science is yet capable of teaching them. With it they were able to cure the most inveterate diseases. They knew how to condense, or fix, light so as to administer it in wine or oil. The medicinal qualities of Light and modes of applying it were among the great secrets of the Kabala and of the Eastern Wise Men.” – Seth Pancoast

* * *

Cover page of Edwin D. Babbitt's 'The Principles of Light and Color' (1878)

“The Principles of Light and Color”

“But from the nature of things there must have been an almost infinitely subtle elastic, infrangible Intersoul, all-penetrating, all quickening, and filling the whole realm of being. This may be termed Spirit of the soul of things. If we should take these two great departments of the universe separately, we should have Spirit on the one side as a limitless, unformulated substance, and matter on the other side, as an unpolarized and lifeless mass.”

Edwin D. Babbitt’s original edition of “The Principles of Light and Color” may not be so packed with dead weight as the review above suggests, but we’ll leave that to you to judge for yourself! We offer a spiral-bound edition; but, if you prefer PDF, you can download a copy for free.

Books on Therapeutic Light and Color are available now
through the Borderland Sciences Research Catalog.

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“The Waves That Heal” (A Review) Sun, 01 Dec 1963 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by Riley Crabb of Mark Clement’s “The Waves that Heal” and a more general overview of early BSRA experiments with the Lakhovsky Multi-Wave Oscillator — from JBR (Vol. 19, No. 9, Dec. 1963)

Bob Beck has loaned us a copy of the late Mark Clement’s brief, illustrated, 64-page review of Georges Lakhovsky’s work. This contains excellent photographs of Lakhovsky’s Multiple Wave Oscillator antenna, or transmitter, of before-and-after skin cancers apparently cured by the Oscillator, and of cancerous plants returned to normal health by Lakhovsky oscillating circuits.

Clement translated from the French Lakhovsky’s own book on his work, “The Secret of Life”. This was published in 1939 by Heinemann (Medical Books) Ltd., London, and contains a preface by Professor d’Arsonval. Then in 1949 Mark Clement wrote and published his own review of the Russian’s radical researches in the field of electronic medicine. Here are a few quotes from his Introduction.

“On the day Hitler’s mechanized hordes drove into Prague a book was published in London entitled ‘The Secret of Life’ by Georges Lakhovsky, a Russian-born engineer resident of Paris. The book had previously appeared in French, German, Italian and Spanish translations and Lakhovsky’s theories were well known on the Continent long before the English translation was published.

“The evil designs of the Nazis soon gave rise to depressing repercussions in all spheres of human activity and Lakhovsky’s remarkable work was left virtually unnoticed in this country (England) by the medical profession and the public alike. A few discerning critics, however, expressed their views with appreciative understanding. The Hospital said ‘Lakhovsky’s theories are so interesting from the point of view of future developments that it will repay any keen hospital officer to give them his close attention.’ . . . Science Forum ‘The admirable translation of Lakhovsky’s ‘The Secret of Life’ will be heartily welcomed in progressive circles. The general theory is one which physicists, biologists, and medical men cannot afford to ignore.’ . . . But these were voices in the wilderness and the field for experimental investigation was left open to a few amateurs devoid of scientific training and lacking the necessary resources. . .

“The impartial investigation of claims of cure of various diseases by unorthodox methods demands high qualities of mind and character possessed by very few men indeed. Scientific truth is no respecter of persons or of vested interests, and Lakhovsky’s spectacular results in the treatment of plants and animals and human beings were inevitably bound to antagonise orthodox practitioners and exponents of popular medical cults.

“On the Continent Lakhovsky’s work attracted a great deal of attention in scientific circles, particularly in Germany and Italy. Italian investigators were among the first to study Lakhovsky’s theories and put them to the test in laboratories and clinics. It was, of course, to be expected that the new science of Radiobiology should make a Special appeal to the intellectual heirs of Galvani, Volta and Marconi. It is somewhat depressing to observe that in the country of Faraday and Clerk Maxwell (England), Lakhovsky’s theories have not yet received the attention they deserve.


“Lakhovsky has been criticised by physicists ignorant of biology and by biologists ignorant of physics! These self-appointed censors of knowledge soon found they were confronted with a redoubtable opponent who fully realised the value of experimental evidence. Its publication resulted in causing annoyance to the custodians of infallible doctrines who made up with carping verbiage what they lacked in clarity of vision. But Lakhovsky’s achievements with his oscillating circuits supported by astonishing photographs of regenerated tissues in plants and human beings could not be exploded by mere verbal fireworks, and as evidence accumulated the scepticism of hostile critics relapsed into morose silence.

“The indisputable fact remains that Lakhovsky was the first experimenter to make use of high frequency electro-magnetic waves in the domain of biology. Thus out of the application of radio-electricity to biology his work developed and gradually established the foundations of the new science of Radiobiology. The first international Congress of Radiobiology was held in Venice in 1934. A leading authority on electro-therapy, the late Dr. E.P. Cumberbatch, wrote: ‘Although it had been frequently observed that the short Hertzian waves could produce heat at a distance from the transmitter the first scientific investigation from a biological point of view was made by Lakhovsky and his colleagues who published a paper in 1924 on the effects of very short waves on cancer in plants.’ . .

“When France was occupied by German troops Lakhovsky, being a prominent anti-Nazi, decided to leave Paris and made his way to New York where he died in 1942 at the age of 73.

“In the United States Lakhovsky’s theories were put to the practical test with typical American speed. Noticing that patients treated with Lakhovsky’s Multiple Wave Oscillator showed signs of rejuvenated appearance, the possibility of exploiting this side-effect proved irresistible to an enterprising ‘beautician’. A film was made featuring cases after treatment with Lakhovsky’s Multiple Wave Oscillator, which proved to be both interesting and convincing.

“In New York Lakhovsky was approached by several hospitals with a view to testing his apparatus experimentally. The remarkable results obtained; . . in a large New York City hospital, and also by a prominent Brooklyn urologist are fully set out in the text.

“In this country (England), owing mainly to the inauspicious time at which Lakhovsky’s major work was published, very little interest has been shown on the part of those best qualified to judge its merits. The medical profession, whose conservatism is the most formidable barrier to progress, has been notoriously slack in investigating the new radio-electrical methods of treating disease as originated by Lakhovsky, . . ”

Mark Clement’s observation on the formidable conservatism of the medical profession in 1949 is still true today. Effective electronic diagnosis and treatment of disease is still a closed door here in America as far as the AMA is concerned. Those brave MDs who have tried to keep medical practice abreast of developments in electronic science have been discouraged, if not actually driven out of practice. Dr. Abrams is a good example, with his Oscilloclast, developed and proven effective in San Francisco about the time Lakhovsky was developing the MWO in Paris in the 1920s. Radical innovations in any line of endeavor usually thought up and proven by rank outsiders. Georges Lakhovsky was no doctor, but an electrical engineer!

Doctors, with their own pharmacies and with massive investments in drug industry, are not likely to show much interest in radical new ways for treating human ailments, especially if the new way is a threat to profitable practise; and, as long as Americans think they can buy health in a pill or a shot in the fanny, doctors will continue to treat them with poisonous drugs at top prices. This is good business.


But for those of us who would like to keep our bodies as uncontaminated — and as healthy — as possible, Lakhovsky’s theories offer a way out of the clutches of the medical trust. There is little likelihood that the AMA will support research in this area of electronic science for years to come. There is every probability that there will be murderous opposition to any attempt to exploit the MWO on a national scale. This means that you will have to build and test your own equipment, or make friends with some electronic technician — engineer, TV, or radio repairman — and prevail upon him to build it for you. This is the active kind of borderland research which requires that you get up out of your easy chair and get to work! If you live in an isolated spot, take a mail order course in basic radio construction. If you live near a high school that has an adult education program, sign up for the evening class in radio theory and bench work. I did at Barstow in 1958, so can you. Electronics has replaced aircraft as the basic industry here in Southern California. If you want to be a citizen of the New Age you should make some effort to keep up to date, even if the sick industry doesn’t!

What are Lakhovsky’s general theories? Mark Clement sums them up neatly in Chapter One of “The Waves That Heal”:

“The fundamental principle of Lakhovsky’s scientific system may be summed up in the axiom ‘Every living being emits radiations’. Guided by this principle Lakhovsky was able to explain such diverse phenomena as instinct in animals, migration in birds, health, disease, and, in general, all the manifestations of organic life. (Here follows the drawing of a living cell shown on page 6 of the November journal).

The Waves that Heal - Living Cell

“According to Lakhovsky the nucleus of a living cell may be compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. This nucleus consists of tubular filaments and chromosomes made up of insulating material and filled with a conducting fluid containing all the mineral salts found in sea water. These filaments constitute minute oscillating circuits endowed with capacity and inductance and capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency. They are comparable to the circuits, coils and windings of radio-receivers.”

I believe Clement’s comparison of a body cell with a radio-receiver is only half-true. The cell can also be compared with a radio transmitter when it is releasing energy. We are both radio-receptive and radio-active! Lakhovsky’s theory should be acceptable to any occult scientist. The push-pull idea, the positive and the negative, the Law of Opposites, is basic to all forms and to all life at this level of existence. By inductance Clement means that radio-electricity can be induced or put into every cell of your body. By capacity he means that each body cell can hold a charge of radio-electricity, just as the battery of your car can carry a charge of electricity. In the case of your car battery the charge is put in through wire or battery cables. In the case of your body, the charge is put in through invisible but very real radio waves. These can travel unimpeded through any solid object!

“The living cell can thus play the part of a transmitter or receiver of exceedingly short radio-electric waves which give rise to high frequency currents in the circuits of the cellular nucleus. Now the vibration of an oscillating circuit is maintained by radiated energy. But where does it come from?”

If the terminology of electronics is unfamiliar to you, let’s take an example out of your daily life, if you own and use a television set. Right now N3G’s television transmitter is oscillating (broadcasting)on top of Mt. Wilson, 6000 feet above Los Angeles and a hundred miles away from headquarters here in Vista. These “exceedingly short radio-electric waves” are bombarding this typewriter and my body, but they are so weak they don’t effect me very much. Though undoubtedly some of my body cells are reacting feebly to the N3C frequency which we call Channel 4 here. Nor do my body cells tell me the quality of the radiated NBC energy, fortunately; to discover this I turn our TV set on. As the current surges through the “circuits, coils, windings” and tubes, sound and picture tell me what is being transmitted. Now my TV set is oscillating in tune with NBC’s oscillator. The transmitter and receiver are in balance and the program comes in fine. With this picture clearly in mind now let us turn to the cells of our bodies as receivers, and Clement’s interpretation of the Lakhovsky theory.


“Scientists have established the existence of highly penetrating waves to which, by reason of their universality, they have given the name of cosmic rays. These rays, generated by the interference of astral radiations, are capable of traversing dense metals and soils to a great depth. Lakhovsky has demonstrated that cellular oscillation of living organisms is maintained by cosmic radiation. According to him, disease may be said to result from oscillatory dis-equilibrium due to either a deficiency or an excess of cellular radiation. An important factor in this connection is the nature of the soil. A reinforcement of cosmic rays takes place on soils which are good conductors of electricity such as clay, ferruginous and carboniferous soils.


“To avoid the harmful effects of loss of oscillatory equilibrium it is necessary to ensure the regularisation of the cosmic field round the living organism by filtration. Lakhovsky’s own explanation of the problem of filtration is as follows: ‘The terrestrial atmosphere is known to be impregnated by a vast range of electro-magnetic oscillations of all wave lengths and intensities as a result of unceasing electrical discharges (thunder, etc.). Besides that we know that electric motors and other electrical machines create in the atmosphere a field of auxiliary waves. Moreover, during the past 25 years the earth has been flooded with radio-telegraphic, radio-telephonic and other waves. Under such conditions it is easy to understand why any oscillating circuit of any form or dimensions is likely to find in this vast field of waves its own resonance with which it can vibrate harmoniously. It is therefore obvious that to make any oscillating circuit oscillate there is no need to have recourse to a local generator such as the Radio-oscillator used by Lakhovsky in 1924 when he first treated and cured geraniums inoculated with cancer. The oscillating circuit utilised by Lakhovsky in his second series of experiments — a circuit having no artificial source of excitation — proved equally effective in curing geraniums rendered cancerous by inoculation.”

Yes, in 1924 Lakhovsky “graduated” from electronics to radionics! He discovered and proved to his own satisfaction that in some ways a simple, one-turn coil of wire or fibre was as effective as the electric powered Multiple Wave Oscillator. The simple Oscillating Circuit, as Lakhovsky called it, has two advantages over the MWO. It doesn’t have to be plugged in to a battery or 110 volt home power supply, and it broadcasts no interference with radio and TV sets.

Clement says that “it must be particularly stressed that only Circuits made in strict accordance with Lakhovsky’s directions should be used, otherwise the results will prove to be entirely negative.”

To get back to Clement’s text in Chapter One: “Through the action of this constant field of radio-electric waves which emanates from the surrounding atmosphere the oscillating circuit is made to resonate like an instrument in tune with certain sounds. Thus the Oscillating Circuit creates a local field which calanises and filters, so to speak, the cosmic waves necessary for cellular oscillation.


“Furthermore, this filtration is a general phenomenon. It has been discovered, through the investigations of Lakhovsky, that radiations such as those associated with light, ultra-violet rays, X-rays, etc., have the property of making cosmic rays act, as it were, to the advantage or disadvantage of the cells. New the field created by an oscillating circuit is constant and emits a steady and sustained force. It invariably acts in a favourable manner on the oscillation of the body cells, facilitating by the filtration of cosmic rays, regular cellular division, a fact which explains the immunity imparted to the cells and their consequent capacity of resistance to diseases and microbes.”

It is highly significant that about the only rays and ray machines approved for general use by the American Medical Association are the destructive ones of X-rays and atomic radiation for the mis-treatment of cancer.

“Since Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuits were first used for the treatment of cancerous geraniums, an experiment fully described in communications to the French Academy of Science, the same method has been successfully applied in Continental hospitals and nursing homes.”

Photos of the successful treatment of cancerous geranium plants are included in Clement’s book, along with the pictures of the disappearing skin cancers in human beings. So Clement describes the two major features of Lakhovsky’s work in this first chapter, the simple, one-coil Oscillating Circuit powered by cosmic rays, and the electric-powered Multiple Wave Oscillator. There are photos of the Multiple Wave Oscillator, showing clearly the unique, circular antennas. These were made of metal tubing, separated and suspended with silk thread. The simpler, aluminum-foil printed circuit in Bob Beck’s adaptation is apparently just as effective.

MWO Where to Wear diagram


“The diagram on this page shows where the oscillating circuits should be worn, i.e. round the neck, waist, and above the elbows and knees the effect is intensified if more than one circuit is worn. Generally speaking, the neck and waist are the favoured sites and likely to bring about the best results.

“In the light of Lakhovsky’s theories the fight between the living organism and microbes fundamentally a ‘war of radiations’. If the radiations of the microbe win the cell ceases to oscillate and death is the ultimate results. If, on the other hand, radiations of the cell gain the ascendant the microbe is killed and health is preserved.


“Broadly speaking, health is equivalent to oscillatory equilibrium of living cells whereas disease is characterised by oscillatory dis-equilibrium. This general principle has given rise to a vast number of experiments covering the whole field of biology. Plants, animals and human beings have been successfully treated by the application of Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuits and the reader is referred to his major work ‘The Secret of Life’ for a full discussion of this important subject.”

Those of you who have been studying the Kabala with Mrs. Crabb and me must have been struck immediately by the metaphysical soundness of Lakhovsky’s basic theory expressed above. One wonders if this Russian escapee from Communism, and from Nazism, wasn’t indeed a student of the Western Mystery Tradition, perhaps even an Initiate! The Tree of Life is the ground-plan of our Tradition. On the Tree we show the descent and the ascent of power, oscillating back and forth from left to right and right to left across the Middle Pillar, or balance point.

“During recent years observations on the part of several investigators have established the fact that most animals, including insects and birds, emit radiations while they are also sensitive to the influence of external electro-magnetic waves. These radiations emitted by all living beings cover an indefinite range (infinite range?) and are characterized by a multitude of different wave lengths. In the immense range of existing radiations we can only perceive the luminous octave (visible light) but we know that whole gamuts of radiations exist beyond the narrow limits of the visible spectrum. The limitations of our senses prevent us from perceiving radiations of living beings and this sensory incapacity also excludes from the field of direct awareness the vast gamut of electro-magnetic waves traversing our atmosphere. Yet all these radiations and waves exist and affect all forms of organic life in various ways.”


In Chapter Two Mark Clement gives “Medical Reports on Lakhovsky’s Oscillating Circuits”. We’ll give only one, but Dr. Araujo, Physician at the Prophylactic Institute, Montevideo, Uruguay. “In 1929, Dr. Araujo was suffering from a long-standing infection of the larynx which his eminent colleagues had failed to cure. While in Paris he met Lakhovsky who advised him to wear one of his oscillating circuits in the form of a collar. Although feeling rather sceptical about this unorthodox method of treatment Dr. Araujo wore the oscillating circuit for several months with the result that he fully recovered and has had no relapse since. This personal experience led him to treat his own patients with Lakhovsky°s oscillating circuits. Having treated over 300 patients suffering from a wide variety of diseases Dr. Araujo succeeded in curing or greatly improving cases of rheumatism, asthma, anaemia, neuralgia, gastric ulcer, colitis, glandular disturbances, sterility, genito-urinary affections, general weakness and even cancer. . . Dr. Araujo observed that in cases in which Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuits appeared to give no definite results there was invariably a latent infection which required special treatment such as syphilis, cholecystitis, sinusitis, pyelitis, dental sepsis, etc. . . A full account of Dr. Araujo’s Report appeared in a monograph entitled ‘Cosmic Rays and Oscillating Circuits’ by Dr. P. Rigaux. Paris, 1932.”


Most of this has been Well explained by Bob Beck in his article in the November journal, though we might quote again in Clement’s own words: “After many experiments Lakhovsky succeeded in constructing an apparatus generating an electrostatic field in which all frequencies from 3 metres to the infra-red region could be produced. Hence in this field every cell could find its own frequency and vibrate in resonance. . . Thus a type of oscillator was obtained giving all fundamental wave lengths from 10 cms. to 400 metres, corresponding to frequencies of 750,000 to 3 milliards per second. . .

“Since 1931 the Multiple Wave Oscillator has been used in most European countries and in America for the treatment of many diseases including cancer. No contra-indications for the use of the apparatus nor any harmful effects on patients have ever been reported. This is in striking contrast with short-wave therapy in general, X-rays and radium whose application in the hands of experts has not infrequently been followed by the most serious consequences. . . ”

Then follow several pages of photos of before-and-after cancer cures and medical reports from doctors. This one is typical, from Dr. Nicholas Gentile, Chief Radiologist of the Clinic for Incurables of the Apostolic Ladies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Rome, published in the medical review “Medicina Nuova” XXVI, N.5., 1935, Rome: “I. Effects On The Nervous System. Generally speaking I have observed a marked analgesic action following the application of the Multiple Wave Oscillator in all affections associated with pain, particularly in the classical cases typical of such affections. For example, a patient suffering from cephalalgia, resulting from violent cranial trauma, for a duration of 10 years, was subjected to a great variety of treatments, but all in vain. This patient was definitely cured after 2 months* treatment with the MWO. Improvement was manifest after only 3 applications.”

Dr. Gentile also reported the effects of the MWO on the Central Nervous System, on Chronic Inflammations, on Metabolism, on Disorders of the Cardio-Vascular System, and on miscellaneous cases. He says he adopted the “technique of localized irradiation. Generally speaking, treatment is given every 4 days for a duration of 5-15 minutes per session. This is the technique which has given me the best results after having experimented with many other forms of application. For children, old people and debilitated women, a relatively weaker application is indicated. If results are not apparent after 7 or 8 applications, I continue until l5-30 applications are given at the rate of a single treatment once a week. I have never observed any ill-effects from the MWO treatment, whatever the number of applications was in any given case. Moreover, the general condition of patients is always improved, even if only temporarily, so much so that the patients themselves sometimes insist on having further treatments. . . ”

This chapter on the MWO concludes with four pages of reports of notable improvement or cure by American doctors. Chapter Five is concerned with the remarkable results obtained by using the Multiple Wave Oscillator on animals. Chapter Six contains Lakhovsky prophecy that some time in the future diagnosis of disease would be obtained by television! This is something which Dr. Drown’s Radio-Vision instrument and radionics instruments have already accomplished.


There were two Multiple Wave Oscillators available. These were generously furnished by Bob Beck and Ed Skilling, and were set up in the shielded seance room. Only short exposures of from 2 to 5 minutes were given, during the lunch and dinner hours on Saturday and Sunday. In that time perhaps a 100 people volunteered for tests. Until a follow up inquiry is made, no statistical conclusion can be made, or even begun! A few individual cases reported to your Director are worth of note including my own. By mid-morning on Saturday a spinal injury from my old, hockey-playing days was acting up. Doctors have called it a spasm in the sacro-iliac area. Ed Skilling invited me to sit in the rays from the MWO for a couple of minutes while the seance room was being readied for the testing. Within a minute the spasm relaxed completely and the pain was gone. This was not a permanent change, of course, but the analgesic effect was certainly noticeable.

Mrs. Fred Rannenberg, financial secretary of Harmony Grove and a BSRAssociate, told me she had had a sharp pain in the area of her left hip for ever two weeks at the time of the Convention. One 3-minute exposure to the rays of the MWO removed this completely. When I attended the Grove Board meeting a week later she said the pain had still not returned.

One Associate did report a negative reaction to the MWO. She attributed it to arsenic poisoning. She had had a severe case of this earlier in the year. When the machine was turned on she felt a severe pain through her right side, as though someone had jabbed a knife into her. It could be that some of the lead poison was still in her system and the stirring of the cells in the mid-section produced this reaction. It was endurable, however, and she sat out the exposure without a murmur. The pain persisted that night and she had to put cold compresses on her side to get to sleep. The next morning she felt fine and was eager to take another exposure to the multiple waves. This time there was no negative reaction.

The most startling subject of all was the woman who had been awake all Saturday night with a migraine headache, an old and recurring ailment. By Sunday morning, Nov. 10th, she was sick and nauseated. It was suggested that before taking her to a doctor or hospital she be given a short exposure to MWO rays. Within minutes all pain was gone and she returned to her cottage to lay down and sleep like a baby.


Ed Skilling is the only one we know of who has stayed in the MWO field or rays for longer than 15 minutes. While testing and adjusting his equipment at his microphone factory several weeks ago he deliberately stayed between the antennas for an hour! At the end of that time he was beginning to feel so light-headed and dreamy he thought it a good idea to get out before losing consciousness altogether.

An even more spectacular possibility is the Time-Machine effect in connection with rejuvenation. If, as Bob Beck suggested in his article, the MWO tends to take the body cell back down the time-track to a more youthful, more vital period, what would happen to a person who stayed in the field of the machine for four hours? Would his vibratory rate be speeded up to where he would disappear completely? Like the hero of H.G. Wells’ “Time Machine”? Anybody want to try it? It seems, from hints George Van Tassel has been dropping over the years, that his Integratron at Giant Rock, California might do something like this — if and when he gets it working! As I recall, both George and the Canadian Saucerian, the late W.B. Smith, spoke of the four dimensions of electricity: 1. is the electricity moving in one direction along a copper wire, 2. is the magnetic field around the wire, 3. is the static charge created by the first two effects, and 4. is Time — or the “tempic field” as Smith called it. The Time Field equates with Space, where consciousness is everywhere present. Seems to me Lakhovsky’s Multiple Wave Oscillator is a gadget which gives us the opportunity — for the first time — of approaching the Time Field with scientifically acceptable equipment, operating in known frequencies. Remember, that with its circular antennas it operates on the vortex principle. Each individual antenna in the group is a segment of a 60 degree cone. The 1/2 in. gaps, at alternate l80 degrees from each other, conform to the alternating principle and give a damped or pulsed wave.


Copies of our November journal have gone all over the world. Each day’s mail brings new orders. We are confident that Lakhovsky’s invention, far ahead of its time in the 1920s and 30s, has been given a new lease on life and will be pushed to its ultimate development on every continent. There will be vigorous opposition from the right-wing conservatives and reactionaries. Their resistance will furnish the platform from which electronic “medicine” will eventually sweep the world. I see the day when a device, similar to the MWO, will be a standard part of every home bathroom or cleansing center. You will consider it as necessary and as routine to take an electronic showerbath, as as to take a water bath. Home from work, tired, dirty and discouraged, you strip, flip on the MWO switch, and while shaving, doing your hair or whatever, re-balance your whole system with a two or three minutes exposure to the pulsing waves from the oscillator as they flood the whole room. For the sale of the house of the future it will be as important for the ad to say “shielded bath with MWO” as it will to say “tile bath with radiant heat”.

Mr. Skilling told me he was tired and “dragged out” after processing dozens of volunteer “guinea pigs” late Saturday afternoon. Before shutting down the equipment he sat in the nail-less wooden chair between the antennas and gave himself a three-minute shot of pulsed waves. Refreshed and revived he looked forward to a good dinner and the full evening program.

I don’t know of a better Christmas gift we could have given the Associates than the idea and the plans for the Lakhovsky MWO, researched and so generously offered us by Bob Beck in the true borderland science tradition. Now it is up to you to carry it forward in your own individual way. We welcome your comments, observations and research data as you develop equipment and a testing program.

In addition to copies of Mark Clement’s “The Waves that Heal” and Georges Lakhovksy’s translated “The Secret of Life”, we offer a collation of MWO material in the “Lakhovsky MWO Handbook”:

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook

“Chock full of schematics, diagrams, research notes, patents, pictures, ideas and suggestions for advancement and refinement of the art, this is the only source which contains the many diverse opinions as to the actual construction details of Lakhovsky’s original MWOs, and this new edition contains many new and updated circuit diagrams as well as new pictures taken at Lakhovsky’s home in Paris! You may have heard of different types of devices — this book shows you how to build them all, with reports from researchers who have. From simple experiments with copper coils stimulating the growth of plants to different types of electrical circuits and antenna patterns used in cellular regeneration research, this is THE MWO BOOK for experimenters and researchers.”

Available now through the Borderland Sciences Research Catalog.

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“The World of Flying Saucers” (A Review) Tue, 01 Oct 1963 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review by Riley Crabb of Donald H. Menzel and Lyle G. Boyd’s “The World of Flying Saucers” — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 19, No. 7, Oct. 1963)

The World of Flying Saucers by Donald H. Menzel, Lyle G. Boyd

“The World of Flying Saucers”
by Donald H. Menzel, Lyle G. Boyd (Doubleday, 1963)

According to the dust jacket, this latest addition to Flying Saucer literature is “A Scientific Examination of a Major Myth of the Space Age”. The Flying Saucer book market is deader than a doornail and has been for several years. We can only surmise that this latest piece of flumduddery from the pen of the astronomical dunderhead, Menzel, has been subsidized. Doubleday & Company, Inc., 575 Madison Ave., New York 22 are the publishers and you can get a copy of this illustrated, 300-page opus for only $4.50. I wouldn’t waste a dime on it myself but authority-crazy Americans will hold it aloft in triumph. Donald “Quack Quack” Pretzel has restored the earth to its central and unchallenged place in the universe and there ain’t nobody else around but us chickens!

Doubleday favored us with a review copy and we’re returning the favor. I hope they’re happy when they read it. The thirteen chapters include such headings as: Air-Born UFOS: Balloons to Bubbles; The Spangled Heavens: Stars and Planets; Out of the Sky: Meteors and Fireballs; Living Lights; Panic; Phantoms on Radar; E-M and G-Fields in UFO-Land; Contact!; and so on. Come to think of it, the Benzel-Boyd jiggerypook may have some value at that — as a handy review under one cover of all the major sightings — if you can stomach their nauseating conclusions!

For instance there’s the Island of Trinidad sighting covered in Chapter X, Contact! Menzel-Moyd had to spend a lot of time and space knocking this one down because the Flying Saucer photos had been taken by a Brazilian Navy photographer and were publicly released on the authority of President Kubitsohek. For the person who doesn’t want to believe that we humans may occupy an inferior planet in an inferior solar system in one of the minor galaxies, the Boyd-Benzel editorial style suits him perfectly. Here’s an example. I’ll underline the words which stick out like a sore thumb to my professional eye.

“The most famous of all purported photographs of a UFO, the Trinidade Island saucer, also came from Brazil. First published in Brazilian newspapers on February 21, 1958, the pictures showed the dark mountain crags looming against an overcast sky. Above one peak appeared a startling image (much like the O Cruzeiro saucer of l952) resembling the planet Saturn — a flattened sphere banded round the middle by a dark line that extended like a platform beyond the curved sides. According to the accompanying news stories, the UFO had flown over the island of Trinidade and had been observed by the officers and crew of a ship of the Brazilian Navy. The pictures, taken by a photographer on board, had been examined and supposedly pronounced genuine by Navy experts before being released to the press. Since a responsible military organization and a major world government thus seemed to accept the photographs as proof that flying saucers actually existed, the incident raised a storm of official inquiry both in Brazil and abroad (and made a complete ass out of Menzel and other pontifical pundits who claim that Flying Saucers are hallucinations. Ed.). Then, within a few weeks, the storm abruptly subsided. Although no explanation was given, the object in the pictures was obviously considered no threat to our planet’s security.

Although saucer enthusiasts regard these pictures as genuine evidence for the reality of UFOs, careful study of the facts strongly suggest that this case, which rocked the Brazilian government and created a short-lived but world-wide saucer scare, was merely an unusually skillful hoax.”

Professor Quack-Quack then takes nine pages to destroy the character of the photographer, Barauna, and to accuse him of perpetrating a fraud on Brazil and the world. This is most unscientific prejudice on the part of the head of Harvard’s astronomical department. It indicates to me that Menzel’s talents as a propagandist are at least equal to if not superior to whatever talent he has as a researcher in astronomy.

In the preceding chapter of the book, Chapter IX, the two propagandists take up the problem of Electro-Magnetic and Gravity effects of Flying Saucers. One phenomenon common to many UFO sightings, especially those close to the earth, electrical apparatus in the area is seriously effected, even stopped dead!

This is one of the facts the professor and his henchmen left out of the Island of Trinidad sighting, deliberately, I suppose. According to the men on the Brazilian ship, all radio and electrical equipment on the vessel went dead while the UFO was in view. This caused almost as much excitement and consternation as the presence of the aerial visitor! Of course, in Chapter IX, Moyd and Benzel do their best to explain this electrical phenomenon away, too.


The Trinidad sighting was revived again as a news item in Los Angeles recently, at least in parapsychological circles. Psychic Peter Hurkos gave an exhibition of psychometry on the stage of the Ebell Theatre on the night of May 22, 1963. The audience was asked to supply him with a tray full of personal objects, billfolds, jewelry, letters, etc. He picked up the objects, one at a time, “tuned in” on them, and described the images or information about the owner which came to him while he held them. He picked up a plain brown envelope, hunched over it, turning it over and over, and finally broke out with, “I see little people!” He was obviously puzzled and greatly disturbed. “They’re traveling at tremendous speed, far, far out in space!” He threw the envelope down and walked off the stage. “You explain it! I can’t!”

This show~stopper had to be explained. The MC held up the brown envelope and a lady came up to claim it. She opened it and held up a newspaper clipping and picture. It was the Los-Angeles published picture of the Isle of Trinidad Flying Saucer! She was just curious to see what the famed psychic would get on the controversial photo.


As we said, “The World of Flying Saucers”, could serve as a good reference work on sightings because Boyd and Menzel take on all the best sightings. They unhesitatingly and apparently give all the salient details, then cleverly destroy them. In this case these mental manipulators dare not indulge in character assassination because UFOlogy offers no more highly qualified observers!

“Two of the most famous UFO cases, the Nash-Fortenberry and the Tombaugh sightings, have never been completely explained away even though the witnesses were unusually competent, the incidents fully described, and the basic facts not in dispute.” (Really, Professor Quack-Quack! Captain Edward J. Ruppelt. head of Project Flying Saucer and author of the book, “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects”, thought so little of the Nash-Fortenberry sighting that he gave it only two or three lines in his book! And you give it 8½ pages and three illustrations?) “Although the probable type of mechanism involved is clear in each case, determining specifically what factors combined in exactly what way to produce the phenomenon has so far proved impossible. Neither case, however, supports the theory that the UFO had an extraterrestrial origin.”

This is a most unscientific opinion from the astronomical dunderhead of a department of Harvard University. The simplest explanation of the Nash-Fortenberry sighting is that the Flying Saucers observed were of “an extraterrestrial origin”. Let us continue with the Professor’s version of the story.

“On the evening of July 14, 1952, a Pan-American DC-4 was flying from New York to Miami, carrying ten passengers and a crew of three, including First Officer William B. Nash and Second Officer William H. Fortenberry. As a pilot spending much of his life in the air, Captain Nash had long been interested in the question of UFOs, and during the long night hours of over-water flights he had often out down the cockpit lights to search the sky. In five years of watching he had observed hundreds of meteors, various types of auroral display, the lights of other aircraft, and the multicolored images of stars and planets distorted by refraction, but he had never seen any unidentifiable aerial phenomenon that appeared to be under intelligent control — until this particular night, when he was not watching for UFOs.

“Shortly after 8 p.m. E.S.T. the plane was cruising on automatic pilot at about 8000 feet over Chesapeake Bay, and approaching Norfolk, Virginia. The sun had set and the night was almost entirely dark, although the coastline was still visible. Fortenberry, sitting at the right as copilot, was making his first run on this particular course, and Nash, in the pilot’s seat at the left, was pointing out the cities and landmarks of the route. Nash had just called attention to the lights of Newport News and Cumberland, ahead and to the right of the plane, when at 8:12 a brilliant red glow suddenly appeared in the west, apparently between Newport News and the aircraft, and so low that it might almost have been on the ground. One of the men exclaimed, as have so many incredulous witnesses on first seeing a UFO, ‘What the hell is that?’

“Looking through the front windows of the cockpit, they watched the unidentified light traveling northeast at incredible speed on a horizontal course roughly a mile below the plane. Almost immediately they perceived that the unknown was actually a procession of orange-red lights, glowing like hot coals. Shooting forward like a stream of red tracer bullets, the line of lights moved out over Chesapeake Bay until they were only about a half mile away from the plane. They appeared to be sharply defined, large, circular disks, arranged in a narrow, echelon formation — like a set of stairs tilted slightly to the plane’s right, with the leader at the lowest step, each following disk slightly higher and to the rear, and the last disk at the highest point (see Fig. 18).

(Figure 18. Reported movements of the Chesapeake Bay disks. A, Disks at first Approach; B, they flip over and reverse order; C, they change direction and recede.)

“Realizing that the line was apparently going to pass under the plane at the right on the co-pilot’s side, Nash flipped off his seat belt so that he could move to the window on that side. During this brief interval he was not able to see the objects, but Fortenberry kept them in view. As he later described their amazing behavior, all the disks simultaneously turned up on edge, like coins, so that the glowing surfaces were tilted to the right. Still on edge, they suddenly reversed their relative places so that disk 1 now occupied the last place in line and disk 6 became the leader.

“This shift had taken only a brief second and was completed by the time Nash reached the window. Both he and Fortenberry then observed the disks flip back from the on-edge to the flat position. In the same fraction of a second, the entire line changed direction as abruptly as a ball bouncing off a wall and shot away to the west on a heading of 270 degrees. An instant later two similar disks darted out, apparently from beneath the plane, and joined the line as numbers 7 and 8 (Figure 18). The lights receded to the west, suddenly disappeared, immediately reappeared, abruptly began a steep climb to an altitude above the plane, then vanished not in sequence but in random order. The sighting had lasted for a period of twelve to fifteen seconds.

“After a quick check showed that no one else in the aircraft had observed the lights, the pilots radioed a message to the GAA station at Norfolk for forwarding to the Norfolk Navy Base, reporting eight unidentified objects traveling at speeds in excess of 1000 miles an hour. In Miami, next morning, Air Force officials questioned both witnesses. According to their estimates, the disks had moved horizontally about 2000 feet above the ground until their final climb and disappearance, were about 100 feet in diameter (This was about the size of the Flying Saucers seen by Harold Dahl over Maury Island off Tacoma, Washington in 1947. Ed.), and about 15 feet thick. Since they apparently traveled fifty miles during the twelve to fifteen seconds they were in view, their velocity would have been 6000 to 12,000 miles an hour.”

Then Menzel and Boyd begrudge a reluctant word of approval for the two Pan-American pilots, something they refuse to offer other Saucer sighters in the book.

“Few sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena have been more clearly described. Both witnesses were experienced pilots. Nash had flown more than 10,000 hours at altitudes of 7000 to 8000 feet and had held the rank of captain for eight years. Both men had been trained to observe accurately, to check and double-check every factor that might affect safe flying, and to regard the word ‘assume’ as a potential killer. They shared the attitude of all cautious airmen: ‘In God we trust — everyone else we check.’ Unlike many UFO descriptions, their report distinguished rigorously between fact and inference, and it included the exact time of the sighting as well as the position, height, speed, and direction of flight of their plane. Using a kind of instinct-judgment gradually developed during their many hours in the air, they had made careful estimates of the position, height, speed, and direction of flight of the unknowns. (Now comes the knife. Ed.) Nevertheless, no reasonable explanation of the disks was found.”

Here again we have a most unscientific opinion by a supposed scientist, the honorable Professor Pretzel. For whom does he speak when he says “no reasonable explanation” was found? Surely he and Boyd don’t speak for the pilots. Nash and Fortenberry actually saw the space ships operating, and the book quotes their reasoned judgment.

“Though we don’t know what they were, what they were doing here or where they came from, we are certain in our own minds that they were intelligently operated craft from somewhere other than this planet.”

To Menzel and to Boyd, and to many another authority-worshipping earthling, it is unreasonable to assume there is anyone else in the universe but ourselves; so they spend the next five and a half pages of their opus explaining away the Nash-Fortenberry sighting. Actually, these government propagandists are accusing the two pilots of incompetence. If this were true, the two should have been grounded immediately on their arrival at Miami. They weren’t grounded and as far as I know are still flying for Pan-American. Here again, as in the Trinidad case, Menzel and Boyd leave out a salient factor; thus the unsuspecting reader is unable to make a true judgment for himself. This is the way of propagandists, to disarmingly admit part of the truth, then take the observer or reader off at a tangent to a false position prepared beforehand by the buyer of the propagandist’s services.


From their own experience in military formation flying, Nash and Fortenberry knew that when the leader of a group decelerates too quickly and without notifying the others, they tend to over-fly him and have to jockey for position again. When the six blazing disks below them displayed these same human failings, the human pilots of the DC-4 knew the “unknowns” were piloted from inside by intelligent beings capable of error!

These are Captain Nash’s own words, from the report he wrote for Max Miller, Saucer researcher and author of the Trend Book, “Flying Saucers, Fact or Fiction?”

“Halfway to us, across the black waters of Chesapeake Bay, the three front objects began to slide back and forth over each other, as though the leader had begun to decelerate and the second two apparently were not alerted, or — as pilots say — ‘loused up the formation.’ (This indication of ‘intelligence error’ was one of the things which convinced us that the craft were ‘occupied’). . . Their performance demonstrated too much scientific advancement to have reached such a state without some of the intermediate stages ultimately coming within public knowledge; therefore we feel that they were-not developed upon this planet.”

What a relief to turn from the flumduddery and jiggerypook of Boyd and Menzel to the reasoned, intelligent opinions of a highly qualified observer who is grinding no ax but the Search for truth. We’ve already wasted too much space on Professor Quack-Quack but your editor can’t refrain from touching on one more item, which we reviewed ourselves not long ago in the Sept-Oct 1962 journal, “Strip the Flying Saucers of Their Special Status”. There we were writing about the work of Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, now head of the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, at Dallas, Texas. But in the fall of 1952 he, along with four other civilian scientific exports, was called to Washington. The Flying Saucer situation had become so potentially explosive that the Office of Scientific Intelligence, of the Central Intelligence Agency, decided it was time to offer the public some fatherly soothing syrup from the authorities.

With officers of the OSI of the CIA riding herd on them, Berkner, Robertson, Alvarez, Coudsmit and Page began their Top Secret study of the Saucer phenomenon on Jan. 12, 1953. For their consideration “Air Force investigators assembled the complete data on the cases they considered most significant. They also prepared on their own initiative an unofficial report setting forth the evidence which, in the opinion of several investigators, proved conclusively that UFOs were interplanetary objects operating under intelligent control. . . For five long days the panel worked, analyzing every available bit of evidence as it related to four alternative theories: 1) that UFOs were a super-secret device of`some sort being developed by by the United States; 2) that UFOs were a super-secret device being developed by some foreign power; 3) that UFOs were normal phenomena wrongly interpreted; and 4) that UFOs came from other planets.”

The honorable scientists, brainwashed in orthodoxy, rejected all hypotheses but number three “that the reported UFOs were merely natural phenomena, wrongly interpreted”. They really can’t be blamed for this because the Air Force and the CIA didn’t give them all the facts. If Robertson, Alvarez, Berkner, Goudsmit and Page had been on the beach of Maury Island with Dahl when tons of spaceship material came pelting down on the afternoon of June 24, 1947 — and had to run for their lives — they wouldn’t have rejected hypotheses number four. If they had been shown the UFO that crashed to earth north of Phoenix, Arizona in December 1949, or the one that crash-landed on the island of Spitzbergen in July 1952, they wouldn’t have made asses of themselves by offering hypothesis number three. As it was, the mountain of scientific authority brought forth a molehill of orthodox opinion.

As the most powerful policy-making government agency in the United States at that time, the Central Intelligence Agency wanted a directed verdict from the panel of scientists. This the CIA got when the panel endorsed hypothesis number three, but the scientists took a logical step beyond that and spoiled the CIA’s show. And here Menzel and Boyd reveal that they are 100% for the government’s silence policy on UFOs.


When the handpicked panel delivered its opinion to the Central Intelligence Agency it also revealed its total ignorance of the full implications of the Flying Saucer phenomenon. The scientists recommended that “government agencies should immediately abandon the policy of secrecy regarding the UFO reports and should make public all the facts in every case.” The panel also added some rather “caustic comment” on the “general inadequacy of investigative techniques”. And here it is in this chapter on “Panic” on page 143, the authors reveal the bias of their position: “The panel report with its blunt criticisms was of course not intended for public release and, understandably, was kept classified.”

Little more remains to be said about this nauseating bilge from the astronomical dunderhead from Harvard, except perhaps to heave one final brickbat in his general direction. The only way he and Boyd could whiten the CIA’s “silence policy on Flying Saucers” was to blacken the character of the thousands of sincere and honest people who have reported sightings.

Is Menzel’s character above reproach? Of course not. If his “scientific” opinion has not been bought outright by the government, it is certainly subject to question! I don’t know how much money Menzel makes every year, nor how many millions in research grants Harvard receives from the federal government; these are none of my business. But I do know that leading educators the country over are greatly concerned about the impact of abundant research grants on our universities. A few quotes from a recent article by Dr. Benjamine Fine, education editor of the North American Newspaper Alliance, will make my point. This was in the Los Angeles Times for Sunday, Aug. 4, 1963:

“Many colleges get from 70 to 75% of their operating funds through research grants. This is particularly true in medical and engineering schools, or in institutes of technology. ‘Without the money from government research grants we’d have to close our doors,’ a college president said candidly. ‘Half of our staff would be put on short rations.’

“The overwhelming proportion of grants go to scientists, while the humanities and the social sciences are ignored. But even more serious results, in the opinion of`this writer, are the overemphasis upon research on the campuses, and the subsequent inattention to actual teaching. If a professor of physics, for example, can get a $250,000 three-year grant to make a study in his field, he is not likely to continue his classroom teaching,

“‘Why shouldn’t I get into the research racket?’ a well-known college professor asked me cynically, ‘I now get $12,000 a year. The research grant will add another $6,000 to my salary. That means, for the first time, I can get a good salary, and not worry about daily lesson plans.’”

I don’t know who Lyle G. Boyd is; for all I know he may hold a degree in journalism from the University of Georgetown in Washington, D.C. And there’s no denying that “The World of Flying Saucers” is a well-planned, well-written piece of teaching material — as professional as it can be! — but the unanswered questions are: Why did Menzel and Boyd write it for a dead market? And for whom? And for how much?

* * *


Flying Saucer flumduddery of the kind reviewed above has lead millions of Americans to believe that the space above our heads is unoccupied and therefore no menace to our security. The U.S. Air Force has leant itself wholeheartedly to this deliberate falsification of the facts. One of the many Americans so mislead was Robert McNamara. Then he became Secretary of Defense and the Air Force had to come to him for approval and continuance of the Dyna-Soar program, leading toward eventual controlled flight in space. McNamara came within an inch of cancelling the Air Force’s pet project last year because he saw no need for controlled flight, military patrol and control, of the space above our heads! Har-de-har-har-har!

In spite of the CIA the Saucers haven’t gone away! Here’s this Aug. 8, 1963 news item from Darwin, Australia, (AP): “A tremendous atmospheric explosion shook buildings in the Kimberley Mountains area of western Australia Monday night, it was reported today. Observers said they saw a trail of smoke and a ball of brilliant orange flame and heard an explosion. A weather office spokesman said the cause of the explosion was unexplained. Satellites sometimes burn themselves up and explode, that could have happened.” Seems to me we could better explain these UFOs by flying alongside them to find out who put them there, and perhaps even more important, who is blowing them up? BSRA’s answer to all this is in “The Coming of the Guardians”, as far as we know, the only comprehensive explanation in print anywhere.

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“Albert Bender, Flying Saucers, and the Three Men” Sat, 01 Dec 1962 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Review and study by Riley Crabb of Albert K. Bender‘s “Flying Saucers and the Three Men”, published by Gray Barker‘s Saucerian Books — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 18, Nos. 8&9, and Vol. 19, Nos. 1&2, November 1962 – March 1963)

Flying Saucers and the Three Men by Albert K. Bender

“FLYING SAUCERS and THE THREE MEN” by Albert K. Bender (and Gray Barker)

Many of our Associates have purchased and read a copy of this 194 page, illustrated volume, the latest of publisher Gray Barker’s output, but none have written a review nor even cared to venture an opinion; though they have asked me, what do I think of it? If you want to read Bender’s story in the original, send $3.95 to Saucerian Books, Suite 17, Terminal Bldg., Clarksburg, West Virginia.

He didn’t send a review copy so we borrowed one from Associate Gladys Domogalla, while staying in her home in Fortuna last month. She believes Bender’s story, so does Gray Barker, so do I. To those without training or belief in occult science, Bender’s experiences are science fiction — a combination of wish-fulfillment and an over-active imagination. Could be.

To me, one fact stands out above all others in the Bender story. His International Flying Saucer Bureau was shut down in nine months. Bender had started what promised to be the biggest and best Flying Saucer Club in the business in 1952. A natural leader, his efforts aroused national and international interest, memberships, mail and Saucer reports flowed in from all over the world. His headquarters in Bridgeport, Connecticut was swamped with correspondence. Such a widespread effort was bound to crack the secret in time. The IFSB had to be stopped, and stopped it was, cold, dead in its tracks. The “silence policy” of the U.S. Government on Flying Saucers — and of the secret world government — was maintained. This is not science fiction; this is fact.

My review of the Bender story is built on this incontrovertible base. Albert Bender’s straightforward description of his personal life at the time of his experiences reveal that he was an easy mark for psychic attack. Apparently he and his step-father lived alone in a two story house in Bridgeport. Bender’s quarters were in the attic on the top floor. A house without women is an unbalanced house. There, in his sanctuary, Bender could indulge his taste for science fiction, and the grotesque and macabre in occult literature. The large attic room outside his bedroom was forty by forty-five feet. Being something of an artist he turned it into a gallery of the hideous.

“Late at night the attic became a creepy place. The floor boards creaked as you walked upon them, and on dark windy evenings stranger noises came from it. . . Visitors were often ‘shaken up’ and uncomfortable, as I laughed heartily at their nervousness and amused myself by relating ghost stories at times. My friends eventually decided they enjoyed the spooky atmosphere and that probably was another reason for my fixing up the ‘chamber of horrors’. . . by painting grotesque scenes and faces upon the walls of the room. . . and after about eight months I had done so good a job that it almost frightened me when I stood back and looked at all of it one evening. No wonder my friends found it so fascinating; for so many of the ghostly characters appeared to be looking straight at me, no matter where I might be in the room.”

He added to the spooky atmosphere by adding a collection of twenty chiming clocks, which banged away at the quarter, the half and the hour. One wall of the room was still empty. To this he added a full color painting of the solar system and, of all things, a sketch of his conception of the hidden side of the moon, which “caused much comment and conjecture. . . Developing my horror motif further, I discarded my table ornaments and substituted macabre items such as artificial human skulls, shrunken heads, bats, spiders, snakes, black panthers and the like.”

A local paper heard of Bender’s Chamber of Horrors and did a story on it “showing me in my strange vault of creatures which it termed ‘out of this world’. I began reading books on black magic, occult subjects and other similar works which I found deeply engrossing. . . ”

He dabbled in magic, with no success in table-tipping, and surprising success with a yes-or-no technique using the Holy Bible. There was a history of psychic phenomena in his family. Bender’s later psychic experiences indicate he may have been a reader of the Shaver Mystery and also the Hefferlin Manuscripts, two 1940s preludes to the Flying Saucer phenomenon which broke in the public press in June 1947. Albert clipped Saucer news stories from the beginning and by 1956 was organizing this material in files.

Albert K. Bender

Albert K. Bender

“I indexed the sightings, arranging them both chronologically and by subject matter. After completing this task, a study of the data led me to only one conclusion: most of the material was true; a great many of the sightings were valid; that a great many people were really witnessing phenomena which were not of earthly origin.”

There is a photo of Albert Bender on the book jacket. It reveals a clean-cut, serious minded young man, with bow tie and glasses, who would push his faith with missionary zeal if he were an orthodox Christian; but not being orthodox Bender pushed his enthusiasm into borderland fields and his mission became the cracking of the secret of the Saucers. Informal discussions at his home and on the job as a supervisor in Acme Shear at Bridgeport finally led to organizing the International Flying Saucer Bureau on Jan. 15, 1952.


It wasn’t long before Bender and his club officers realized they would need a regular publication to keep their members informed. It was while they were deep in preparations for their first issue, during July and August of 1952, that Bender realized they might be under observation by the Visitors. “. . . numerous sightings suddenly made the news in Bridgeport and surrounding towns. At the time I wondered if the saucer occupants sensed that we were going to look into the mystery of their appearance here on our planet and might be looking us over to see what we were up to — or putting on a show for us, possibly to encourage us. Prior to this, no sightings had been reported in or around Bridgeport to my knowledge.”


July 1952 is one of the best evidential periods we have for Saucer reality. The night of July 20th several UFOs moved in and around the airport and over the White House at Washington, D.C. They were seen visually and radar confirmed their presence for at least five hours-over the nation’s capital. On July 28th a young Italian engineer got five good photos of a thirty-foot disc resting on a glacier in the Bernina alps while one of the crew walked around it. He also got two good pictures of the UFO after it was in the air. The next day, July 29th, George Stock took several good pictures of a dome-shaped disc circling above his home in Passaic, New Jersey. This was in full daylight. On July 30th Bender received his contact.

“I received a strange phone call while alone in my den. When I lifted the receiver there was no reply, but I sensed somebody was on the other end of the line, while at the same time my head began to spin and ache. No voice answered when I spoke, but nevertheless I seemed to receive a message, as if telepathically. The message decreed I should not delve into the saucer mystery any further. As I listened to the phone, I then heard a strange throbbing, humming sound, and then suddenly, as if a knife had out it, the noise was gone, and I got the usual dial tone, without the click of anybody replacing a receiver.”

Of course Bender tried to rationalize it as a trick of some kind. He tried to trace the call through the operator with no success. The incident continued to haunt him as he and his fellow officers tried to cope with the phenomenal growth of the IFSB. The first issue of “Space Review” got out on schedule and was distributed widely. To Bender’s relief, the initial reaction was generally favorable. And within a week of this he received his second contact from the Visitors. He was walking home alone from a late movie.

“I was on a dark section of Broad Street when I suddenly developed a throbbing headache, and my ears seemed to block up. I felt as if something was pulled over my head to shut out everything about me. For some reason I looked up at the sky, and when I did, I saw a bluish flash. At the same time I had the sensation that my feet were being lifted off the ground. My head throbbed, and again, as when I had received the strange telephone call, I had the strong impression that somebody or something was telling me to forget IFSB, to give it up. As suddenly as the feeling came it left, and my head ceased to ache.”

Al went on home, tiptoed through the house to avoid awaking his stepfather, and went on up to his room without turning on the light. A blue glow coming from under his bedroom door startled him. “I unlocked the door and pushed it open. A large object of undefinable outline was aglow in the center of the room. It looked like a bright, shimmering mirage. As I switched on the room light the strange effect disappeared and everything seemed to be normal. . . I then noted another peculiar thing. A strange odor filled the room. It smelled like burning sulphur, and was so strong it irritated my eyes. I opened a window to let in fresh air and began a quick examination of the room because I had noted that several files of IFSB records were disturbed. I was startled to find my radio was on, but without any sound coming from it. . . ”

After satisfying himself that nothing was missing from the room; Bender went to bed; but he left the light on all night!

He devotes Chapter III of his story to the international growth of the International Flying Saucer Bureau. Edgar Plunkett headed up an active British branch in London. Edgar Jarrold, Fairfield, New South Wales, Australia became Bender’s Australian representative; and in turn, Bender offered to represent two New Zealand Flying Saucer groups in the United States, F.J.M. Clark’s Hamilton, New Zealand group and H.H. Fulton’s Civilian Saucer Investigation group of Auckland.


A month after the Blue Light episode in his room, Bender actually saw one of the Etherian Visitors in tangible form. It was at night in a Bridgeport theater. Al attended alone.

“I fancied someone had his eyes upon me. . . with a prickly sensation on the back of my neck. . . began to fidget in my seat. Suddenly I felt the presence of a person in the seat next to me, though nobody had been there previously. I had heard nobody enter and sit down.

“I took a quick glance without turning my head, and saw a man sitting there; then the eyes drew my attention. I turned my head facing him and found myself looking straight into two strange eyes, like little flashlight bulbs lighted up on a dark face. The eyes seemed to burn right into me. . . I felt a spinning in my head and the movie screen blurred. I blinked my eyes several times then closed them for a few seconds. When I opened them the man was gone, yet I heard no movement.”

By an effort of will Bender had momentarily pulled himself back to physical plane reality, shifted psychic gears, so to speak, but the Dark One was still there at his own level of being.

“Then glancing at the seat to the left of mine, I found him there, still looking at me with those eyes! Could I be mistaken in thinking he had been on the right of me? I couldn’t be wrong! Was I losing my mind? The terrible shining eyes deliberately tried to meet mine and hold them in their stare, but I quickly arose and moved to another part of the theater.”

Bender was “thoroughly shaken” and at this part of his story he admits that the movie he had been watching might have helped induce these “hallucinations”. It was a science-fiction horror movie. He hadn’t shaken his tormentor off, however; for in ten minutes the same feelings returned. This time the Dark One was seated behind him “with the same weird eyes”.

Desperate now, Al got up and sought out the theater manager. He returned to search the area with a flashlight but of course revealed no one resembling Bender’s description. For courtesy’s sake he stayed a few moments longer, then left and strolled down Main Street. It was 10 p.m. While window shopping he again felt the prickling on the back of his neck and turned to find the stranger’s eyes boring into his!

“My fear was not one of meeting a person he is afraid of; instead, I had the feeling that the figure was definitely not human. . . ”

Bender rushed to find a policeman, explained the case to him; and they retraced his steps back to the theater. Of course there was no sign of the borderland Visitor. The policeman didn’t have psychic sensitivity; he offered the limp explanation that some drunk might have been playing tricks on Bender. Then, probably for the first time since he had lived there, Bender regretted having to go home alone to a dark house and that lonely third floor room without the warmth of human companionship. Nevertheless he did, and perhaps he was slightly disappointed that there was no ghostly presence there to give him an icy thrill.


At this point in his story Albert Bender reveals a couple of traits which indicate susceptibility to psychic attack. His description of Saucer researcher Dominick Lucchesi — and his personal reaction to the man — is most interesting.

“A moment or two after Lucchesi stepped into my house two overwhelming impressions struck me. I knew immediately I liked this man, because he had great intelligence, wit, and a warm personality. At the same time I also realized that an element of mystery would always remain attached to him. . .

“My probable overestimation of mystery in Lucchesi’s personality and intentions could have come from his brilliant technical and general vocabulary, and the commanding way he used it. I am quite shy in front of strangers, and I may have been overawed by his aggressive conversational technique. When he spoke on any subject he held one spellbound.”

Sounds as though, by his own admission, Bender is a setup for hypnotic suggestion; and an aura of glamour about certain individuals could blind him to their real motives. He had reason to be grateful to Lucchesi after he closed the IFSB. Dom protected him from Barker’s prying questions when the latter tried to discover Bender’s secret. Dom also convinced Bender that he was a master of many Yoga techniques and “an authority in many schools of occultism and philosophy.”


Growth of the IFSB continued apace in January and February 1953. Gray Barker joined up. Bender’s executive skill was developing an organization capable of sound and thorough-going research in this borderland field of Flying Saucers. Big Brother was watching with growing uneasiness. The resulting warning to Bender created a scene suitable for a comic horror movie. He saw the club officers to the door after an evening meeting and stopped in the kitchen for a glass of milk. Everyone had gone, yet he heard footsteps in the club room above. Bender put down his milk and moved cautiously upstairs.

“As I reached the top I noticed that the door to my room was open. I froze, as there again was that bluish light, emanating brightly from within. Cold chills went through my body. To bolster my nerve I said to myself somebody was playing a trick on me, and I picked up a broom from the attic and approached the open door. Looking inside I saw a bright glow in one corner, with some body or object appearing hazily in the center of the blue light.

“‘Cut the kidding and come out of there!’ I cried out in a halting voice.

“As I spoke the glow disappeared, but as it faded the image of two glowing eyes lingered for a moment. I turned on the lights and found the room normal except that again it contained the odor of sulphur, again so strong I had to open the windows and air out the place.”

After this contact Bender considered telling his odd experiences to family, friends and officers of the IFSB but decided against it. Who would believe him? Besides, “I was well physically, and I couldn’t believe I was dreaming up whatever was happening to me. There surely was a logical explanation somewhere and perhaps I could find it.”

There is no logic to Etheric and Lower Astral plane experiences of the kind Albert Bender was having in connection with Saucer research. It takes spiritual discernment to bring order out of that chaos. Such wisdom comes only after years of a self-less and courageous search for Truth. Our hero made a brave, and successful, attempt at it early in 1953.


Bender wont say who originated the idea, but he and two or three of his IFSB officers agreed that members should “attempt to send out a telepathic message to visitors from space”. Some club officials thought the whole idea ridiculous and would have nothing to do with it; nevertheless, March 15, 1953 was chosen for Contact Day. A special bulletin went out, containing a message to be memorized and a time schedule which if followed, would have all cooperating members sending at the same moment Bender made his pitch in Bridgeport at 6 p.m.

“Calling occupants of interplanetary craft! Calling occupants of interplanetary craft that have been observing our planet EARTH. We of IFSB wish to make contact with you. We are your friends, and would like you to make an appearance here on EARTH. Your presence before us will be welcomed with the utmost friendship. We will do all in our power to promote mutual understanding between your people and the people of EARTH. Please come in peace and help us in our EARTHLY problems. Give us some sign that you have received our message. Be responsible for creating a miracle here on our planet to wake up the ignorant ones to reality. Let us hear from you. We are your friends.”

Dedicated leader that he was, after eleven years of researching Unidentified Flying Objects, Bender was eager to solve the mystery. He dutifully went to his room at 6 p.m., laid himself down on his bed after turning out the lights, closed his eyes, and repeated the contact message three times. He doesn’t know if any other IFSB members got results on that memorable March 15th, but he did!

“I felt a terrible cold chill hit my whole body. Then my head began to ache as if several headaches had saved up their anguish and heaped it upon me at one time. A strange odor reached my nostrils — like that of burning sulphur or badly decomposed eggs. Then I partly lost consciousness as the room around me began to fade away.

“Then small blue lights seemed to swim through my brain, and they seemed to blink like the flashing light of an ambulance. I seemed to be floating on a cloud in the middle of space, with a strange feeling of weightlessness controlling my entire anatomy. A throbbing pain developed in my temples and they felt as if they might burst. The parts of my forehead directly over my eyes seemed to be puffed up. I felt cold, very cold, as if I were lying naked on a floating piece of ice in the Antarctic Ocean.

“I opened my eyes and to my amazement I seemed to be floating above my bed, but looking down upon it where I imagined I could see my own body lying there! It was as if my soul had left my body and I was hovering above it about three feet in mid-air. Suddenly I could hear a voice, which permeated me but in some way did not seem to be an audible sound. The voice seemed to some from the room in front of me which remained pitch dark.

“‘We have been watching you and your activities. Please be advised to discontinue delving into the mysteries of the universe. We will make an appearance if you disobey.”‘

“I replied in words, though my lips did not move: ‘Why aren’t you friendly to us, as we do not mean to do any harm to you?’

“‘We have a Special assignment,’ came the reply, ‘and must not be disturbed by your people.’

“As I tried to remonstrate, I was interrupted by another statement: ‘We are among you and know your every move, so please be advised we are here on your Earth.’”

“With this the voice faded away, but I could sense that something was watching me. My body seemed to drop suddenly and I once again regained my senses and realized I was on my bed. The room was filled with yellow mist. Not far from my bed was a shadow, resembling that of a man; but as I made a move to rise from the bed it disappeared. The yellow mist was gradually fading and my room was becoming normal.”

It was 6:05. His radio has been turned on. He felt sick and rotten and wondered seriously if he was losing his mind!

* * *

March 15, 1953 was World Contact Day for the International Flying Saucer Bureau, and its Director, Albert K. Bender, was successful. In fact, by his own count, his March 15th contact with the Visitors was the fifth. He was to have twelve in all before the Visitors broke off and left him with a permanently damaged etheric body — that is, unless some competent spiritual healer can mend the rent in Bender’s personal veil. In normal people this veil of closely woven etheric atoms protects one from the insidious, invisible forces of the Lower Astral.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and in March 1953 Albert Bender was on the way in high gear. He knows now, as does many another enthusiastic Saucer researcher, and occult dabbler, that good intentions are not enough to protect one from Lucifer spirits and other Elemental forces.

When Bender’s Visitors had departed his consciousness at 6:05 p.m. they left their telltale calling cards. “I was left puzzled by the smell of sulphur which lingered in my room for two days afterward. This smell had accompanied the other experiences (his splitting headaches, his radio turned on) and had been the most physical part of them. This time I opened my windows and used room sprays to get rid of the odor, but this did not completely dispel it. When I went to bed I could smell it in the bedclothes.”

This convinced Bender, in spite of all logic to the contrary, that “I was witnessing some very real events and that I would no longer be wise to assume they had been my imagination or dreams.”

He decided against trying to convince his fellow IFSB officers of his “very real” experiences, for fear of ridicule, of adverse publicity, of losing his job. The Visitors had him right where they wanted him.

“It is a lonely position you occupy,” writes Bender, “when you have looked into the fantastic, and there is nobody to believe you have actually done so.” Nevertheless, trying to be true to his dedicated search for truth, and his promise to share it with his members, in the April issue of his “Space Review” Bender promised a “startling revelation” in the July issue. Following that he described his experiences to two IFSB officers. They not only scoffed at his story but accused him of seeking further publicity for himself and the IFSB! The more Bender tried to adhere to the truth, the more violent became the split. One officer even threatened to have him jailed if he published his experiences. Thus is the Silence Policy on Flying Saucers maintained, by sincere but misguided fools with preconceived ideas of the Universe. Thus the Visitors proved their power and control to Albert Bender.


Unable to publish his contacts in his bulletin Bender secretly wrote them up anyhow, with the intention of mailing one copy to authorities in Washington. When he did get up enough courage to mail it he couldn’t find it! “The inside of the box where I had locked it contained the now familiar odor of sulphur. I searched the box thoroughly, but the report had vanished.”

Many members of the IFSB were disappointed that the July issue of the “Space Review” did not contain Bender’s revelations. To assure that later issues would contain nothing of the truth, the Visitors tightened their hold on Bender by arranging a sixth and more spectacular contact. In writing of it Bender reveals the weakness by which the Luciferians continued to lead, and mislead him: pride. “I will never forget it as long as I live, and to me it is the greatest, yet the most fantastic thing, ever to happen to anybody on Earth.”

He took a two-week vacation in July. When he returned home and went up to his room it smelled of sulphur again, and the radio was on again. This time it was so hot he was surprised it hadn’t started a fire. His stepfather swore no one had been in the room while he was gone and that he must have left the radio on himself. Also, Bender noted that the dial was turned to the same setting again, a spot where no station came in. The Visitors told him later they used the radio as a means of getting into his room.

Before Bender could finish getting ready for bed the hypnosis began. Blue lights swirled through the room, his eyes throbbed and he fell on his bed. As the power was applied his body felt icy cold. Then he became aware of three shadowy figures floating about a foot off the floor. They washed him clean, or so he felt.

“All of them were dressed in black clothes. They looked like clergymen but wore hats similar to Homburg style. [RHC: The symbol of international banker diplomacy.] The faces were not clearly discernible for the hats partly hid and shaded them. Feelings of fear left me, as if some peculiar remedy had made my entire body immune to fright.”

He says the eyes of these three men in black burned into his very soul as they forced their painful way into his consciousness “the pains above my eyes became almost unbearable.” Their telepathic message to him went something like this: “You have dedicated yourself to the solution of the strange problem of unidentified objects in your atmosphere. Your interest is deep and sincere and you have devoted many hours to it. We also know that such interest and determination might lead to something that could harm you. We feel that you are a very good contact for us on your planet of Earth. You are an average person, and we know that what we tell you and show you will not be believed by anyone you might tell.”

He was threatened indirectly by their saying they would not be “disturbed from their ultimate goal”, that many humans had been frightened and even killed to keep the secret of their presence from being revealed. They “disguise” themselves as ordinary mortals when a dense, material body is needed, apparently either materializing one or driving out the original owner, murder, and taking over. The Three Men In Black informed Bender, “We have found it necessary to go to great extremes at times to frighten off your Earth people, and it has resulted in their deaths.

“We also found it necessary to carry off Earth people to use their bodies to disguise our own. We wish to keep in touch with you, and tell you many things, because one day you will write about this, and we are certain that nobody will believe you, [This is only one of the many lies which these vicious, immoral, sub-human, love-less, Light-less creatures put across to poor Bender. Consider the next three phrases. These are classics of Saucer literature.] but you will be much wiser than anyone else on your planet. You will know what is out there in space, and you will know what the future holds for your mankind. . . ”

You will be much wiser than anyone else on your planet. Lucifer is a great flatterer. How many times has your Editor seen that phrase or something like it in the endless bilge put out by the would-be and so-called Contactees. Pride, the first and last enemy on the Path! They had his number all right, Albert “The Great” Bender, number one among mankind. To cinch the pact the next thing to do was to make him a member of the fraternity. He was given a talisman, a little piece of metal similar to our small coins, and a magic password, “Kazik”. When he wanted to contact them he was to turn on his radio, hold the coin in his hand, and repeat the magic password. About that radio Albert writes, “As they gave me this information one of them went to my radio, turned it on, and switched the dial. I asked him mentally why he was doing it, and he replied only that it was a method of getting back to their base.

“They disappeared and once again I felt my body resting on the bed. I was covered with perspiration, though during the experience I felt so cold. In my hand was the piece of metal; finally I had physical evidence that I was not insane. This cheered me in spite of the shocking circumstances I had just encountered.”

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