Journal of Borderland Research » Weather Control Serving Higher Intelligence Since 1945 Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:18:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CONTRAILS: Scientific Studies Regarding Aircraft Contrails and Cloud Formation Tue, 02 Feb 1999 07:00:25 +0000 ]]>

Article by Michael Theroux

Link UPDATE: One Year Later – "Those Mysterious Lines in the Sky" – are Still Flying by Jay Reynolds

The assertion that the government is spraying noxious chemicals on its own people from high flying military aircraft needs some real substantiation than just reports of seeing contrails in the sky and claiming they are making people sick. While there have been reports of similar activity in the past, merely seeing a jet contrail in the sky does not prove anything.

Persistence of contrails is neither an indication that they contain some kind of chemical, nor that it is some kind of spray. As a matter of fact, sailors have known for years to look specifically at the patterns and persistence of jet contrails for weather forecasting. If a jet is flying through air at altitude with a low humidity, the moist air from the jet engine might produce a slight, short-lived contrail. These short-lived contrails are a sign that the weather will be fair. A thick, long-lasting contrail indicates humid air high in the atmosphere, and can be an early sign of a storm:

From SAIL Magazine’s Sailing Tip of the Week:

Indicator: Skies
Continuing Good Weather: Clear, light blue to dark blue. Bright moon. Jet contrail disappears immediately or doesn’t form.
Possible Change:Large halo circling moon or sun. Jet contrail lingers thickly before falling apart.

Several scientific studies are also being conducted with respect to contrail formation and their climatic effects. "Cirrus clouds affect Earth’s climate by reflecting incoming sunlight and inhibiting heat loss from the surface. Ordinarily, cirrus clouds are only weakly influenced by most ground-based human activities, because of their high altitude. However, increasing levels of high-altitude jet air traffic may alter the regional climatic effects of cirrus because aircraft condensation trails (contrails) often produce new cirrus, which could differ in their radiative properties."

For example, SUCCESS (SUbsonic aircraft Contrail & Clouds Effects Special Study) is a NASA field program using scientifically instrumented aircraft and ground based measurements to investigate the effects of subsonic aircraft on contrails, cirrus clouds and atmospheric chemistry.

Another project called AEAP (Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project) consists of two major efforts to assess the effect of aircraft on the atmosphere. The objective is to develop a scientific basis for assessment of atmospheric impact of subsonic and supersonic aviation, particularly commercial aircraft cruise emissions.

Most of these studies are designed to assess the environmental impact of jet contrails – their effects on clouds and formation of clouds, and their chemical compositions. Below are specific links to several sites on the study of aircraft contrails:

Jet Contrail Studies Using Polarization Lidar
Dr. David J. Travis, Climatologist (See list of published papers on Aircraft Contrails)
Subsonic Aircraft Contrail and Cloud Effects Special Study
Subsonic aircraft Contrail & Clouds Effects Special Study (SUCCESS)
Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project (AEAP)
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program
Environmental Conditions Required for Contrail Formation and Persistence
A comparison of the microphysical and optical properties of particles in an aircraft contrail and mountain wave cloud

Hopefully, these links will be of help in understanding the "contrail" problem.

Updated Links:

03-23-99Those Mysterious Lines in the Sky By Jay Reynolds* (updated 09-29-99)
10-08-99Contrails (vliegtuigwolken) are Bad News
05-15-99Contrail Formation, Duration, and Altitude
05-06-99 — Contrails Causing Illnesses – Or Something Else?
03-17-99Ian Goddard’s CONTRAIL ANALYSIS II
02-28-99Atmospheric Effects of Aircraft Emissions
02-20-99CONTRAIL ANALYSIS by Ian Williams Goddard

Pages that suggest Contrails are a government spraying operation:

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HAARP With No Strings: What is the IRI? Mon, 01 Jul 1996 00:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Article by Gerry Vassilatos — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 52, No. 3, 3rd Quarter 1996). And, yes, all images used in this article are courtesy HAARP Home Page.

What is the Ionospheric Research Instrument?

Much concern has recently been focused upon the military project known as HAARP, a technological monstrosity which for some researchers seemingly resists all serious attempts at analyzing its true purpose. By its many morbid conspiratorial devotees, HAARP has been called the very apex of Twentieth Century military technology. Familiarity with technologies such as HAARP does not mean a simple survey of available conspiracy type publications. The recent release of military statements, largely disseminated to intellectual curiosity seekers through the INTERNET, is a thorough and full disclosure of the technology. Of course, one will read through these with a watchful eye. Nevertheless, the HAARP photographs reveal a startling and contradictory evidence to statements which habitually surround the topic. HAARP is a secret project, but it has nothing to do with those applications recently described in a, popular bestseller. While discussing aspects of the scientific hardware, which have not to my knowledge been elucidated, my single most important theme focuses attention upon the deeply entrenched directives ruling the financial world.

Incomplete understanding has provoked such degrees of fear that many name HAARP as the very tool by which the world will be destroyed. Excessive sentiments of this kind evidence a growing hopelessness. Amid a world filled with the curious apathy which closely shadows affluence, there exist those whose only joy is found in morbid inspections of doom. Retrospective study reveals that previous episodes of the tumultuous Twentieth Century have released similar openly fearful expressions. Each new technological expression has had its attendant commentary of doom. The recent proliferation of fear and hysteria is perhaps the externalization of so many internal conflicts seeking expression. It is peculiar that, in so many similar historic episodes, fear of doom attaches itself so readily and so deceptively on the works of technology rather than on their true source. Technology is the projection of deeper principles. As regards the negative aspects of human consciousness, it is always easier to point blame at something external.

A populace whose innermost awarenesses are just being aroused to seek personal meaning comprise a formidable host. A society whose government has so striven to remove the natural drive for personal expression is now confronted with an army of citizens who operate in the intellectual spheres. The civilian recognizes why government actions are so ruthless. Those who dictate government policies are not politicians at all, they are old dynastic personalities. The super-privileged rule the land, government obeys their dictations to the stroke. Military is employed to enforce the commands which the money holders demand. Civilians become victims of merciless military actions when the truth is out. It is important for us to understand the restructured nature of our republic. Having been suborned to operate as a bureaucracy for the dictates of a few, we have been prevented from realizing the natural development of discovery and wonder, the providential gifts. Those who enjoy super privilege do so only at the expense of the entire populace. The dream of one or two becomes the servitude of one or two hundred million.


The HAARP array from the NE corner.

How proficient are the writers of conspiracy themes? Hysteria is the chaos of ignorance. HAARP and its other brethren projects are not recent developments. They are the most recent representatives in a research effort whose history stretches out before the last Century. Before we presume to dissect and interpret HAARP, we require historical familiarity with the documented hardware, phenomena, and original rationale for the deployment of these projects. Containing statements and opinions which are mutually contradictory, technical conspiracy books are never the scientific reports which they so profess. They are hastily written, poorly organized, insufficiently researched, thematically underdeveloped, and consistently overpriced.

As a novel means for supplying any and every possible answer for a price, conspiracy writers have directed a new publications initiative. The typical conspiracy writer supplies an insufficient emollient to a painful social wound. People who ask questions want real answers. The confusion of fragmented facts presented in such publications does satisfy those whose inner-most need is contextual meaning. The unfortunate absence of such concise presentations becomes the lucrative potential of the new genre, as conspiracy writers keep their over-inflated texts moving through distributors.

One reads through several examples of these texts with a sense of growing amusement. Each new example verifies the often repeated observation that such books are made to be sold, not to convey facts. Filled as they are with turbid convolutions and nightmarish scenarios, this new publications assault has succeeded only in promoting a confused consciousness of concern. The factual fragments comprising conspiracy books, cassettes, or videos are designed to bait the reader into forming personal conclusions. These almost invariably satisfy the personal needs of readers who are actively seeking a conspiracy. The writers of these books carry no burden of proof. Theirs is the role of provocateur, irresponsible activators and promoters of social malaise without solution.

We are the unwitting witnesses of a rare manifestation which has not made its appearance since the period following World War II. Of the hysteria which has worked its way throughout our contemporary society, no undercurrents seem more energized than those which find nightmarish delight in uncovering the possible “monsters in the machines”. The deeper implications of these abnormal sublimations stir thoughts of the destructive principle in human consciousness, that which delights in seeking horrors. But what would so invert the normal life-seeking drives in social consciousness? The answer to this penetrating question exposes the workings of human consciousness both in alienating and being alienated. The principle which has no regard for human life is familiar to working class people alone.


Those who very clearly sense the divorce between military and citizenry know that military intentions do not include the best interest of the citizen. Alienation, separation, rejection, divorcement. These are the real foundations from which social fears emerge. The social fears remain latent, mere undercurrents and suspicions seeking a focal point. Distrust finds its vent when authority demonstrates its adamant rejection of extraordinary citizens. Technology often becomes the rip in the walls between social id and social conscience. The instability through which suspicion becomes conspiratorial hysteria can be the slightest imposture or gesture on the part of an authority figure. When once society has suspected its government, the hysteria rages in full.

Are there reasonable sources of social anger in this regard? The arrogant and often hostile separation existing between government, military, and civilian sectors is forever brushed aside as “the preservation of national security”. Maintaining certain secrets from the populace is a token not well received by an intellectual population. In this continual removal of knowledge from a supposed liberated society, government is demonstrating broken trust. Here we find the origins of social suspicion. When a military organization necessarily requires secrecy, personal alienations magnify the latent social fears. Nevertheless, it is hilarious to discover what government agencies consider to be threatening secrets. One perusal of the patent collection will prove this to anyone.


Can we penetrate the secrecy? Can we indeed find answers to the HAARP “problem”? There are no secrets. Technological history is replete with instances of multiple simultaneous discoveries. The intelligence networks run over one another. Publications are instantaneous. But this statement does not refer to electronic mail. The history of science proves that ideas literally flow through space. Similar intense minds successfully communicate at unfathomable deep levels. What is learned in one laboratory soon appears spontaneously in many others. Study the literature and see this phenomenon repeated countless times. In this continual manifestation of intellectual fusion, only the sensitives have value. Those who demand and those who direct are helpless observers of processes which reveal the true heart of humanity. Those who exacerbate separations among societies are only forestalling their own obsolescence. In truth, there are no restrictions, no boundaries to the flow of such consciousness. Secrets cannot be kept. One can no more control the avalanche developments of technology than one can control the ocean. The absence of total secrecy is perhaps then the greatest secret.

Even the military projects which have so powerfully focused the writers of conspiracy essays have recently begun to “make utterance”. The recent release of “full disclosures” by the military is an equally curious modem manifestation. The great furor which HAARP has released has been successful enough to force military statements. One now finds that the military itself is declassifying patents and articles pertinent to the HAARP Project, an unprecedented willingness to quench the social spotlights which they have drawn. Why are they so willing in this opened disclosure policy? What are they trying to protect? And on whose behalf are they making these apologetic campaigns? Does the disclosure of hard data signal both the obsolescence of that data and the possession of superior technology?


The superficial world game is a vain exercise of Control itself, of Regulation. The controllers wish to maintain their poise and power over the populace. This is nothing new. Rome saw endless such struggles, and is no more. There are those who comprehend evidence of deliberate design in the adamant and ludicrous behavior of military against citizenry. One asks the motive behind such a poise. What agent is capable of demanding and establishing such a rift? There are but two principalities which rule the workings of the world. Of the nation. Control and Money. Domination, rule. Extending the permeating alienation which has so thoroughly characterized our time, one will always find grasping hands of greed at work.

Excessive control, excessive regulation indicates a demise of social integrity which no military might, however fascistic and demanding, can alter or change. Ideas remain. Ideas and Ideals. They are visitors, messages from a deeper reality. American Military has traditionally overestimated its own worth and misperceived its role. In truth, military is the workhorse of the Multinationals and nothing more. It is certainly not the right hand of Liberty with which the poster propaganda campaigns puts forth. Military has been, and will remain nothing more than the strong arm of American Big Business. Secret military projects do not begin in the military at all. Secret military projects begin in the boardrooms of the business world. These are the origins of the covert. Here we ind those who would control our destinies and those of our children for generations. Having developed systems for controlling the systems, multinationals rule by the scratch of a pen stroke. Money threatens depression, and the Laws legally fulfill the intent.

Business rules science and industry. Business rules military. Business rules government. One protocol rules all the others. Civilians find themselves under the most direct authorities, above which there exists a gantry of superior commanders. Imperialistic designs desire the acquisition of foreign resources. Outright war is politically impossible unless reasonably overt excuses exist. In the absence of these, conditions must be created. Central Intelligence “stimulate” numerous controlled circumstances. These are contrived to divert attention away from certain activities. Study the pattens whereby hollow regimes appear in resource-bordering nations. The threat of war is suddenly reported. Some new dictator has “risen to power”, the latest in a series of synthetic madmen. The president is concerned, and the Senate votes unanimously. Military forces swoop in, and presto! Nightly News reports a new victory for American troops. Props and setups all. The realistic result of these imperialistic ventures is that citizens pay for the expended weapons, while Big Business acquires a copper mine, an oil field, a uranium supply.

My advice to conspiracy writers is this: do your research better. Find out what resources every US occupied nation contains. And who did the dirty work? Military. But Military initiates nothing. Business initiates. Military is merely an effective and dictatorial agency for driving and directing otherwise disoriented academic researchers toward the achievement of realistic goals. When Business wants a job done, Military researchers devise means for achieving those goals. Military force executes commands which begin in private liaisons among bankers. Military “advisement” simply insures that research goals are achieved within the prerequisite time period. Those who accuse the Military of engaging in covert operations know nothing of the fundamental facts concerning a subject of which they claim such superior insight; Military takes its orders from the cliched frail white business men in brown round toed shoes, whose dispassionate gazes smack of old American families.


Historic examination of American policies reveals that the demands of a very few cartels consistently direct these superior commands. Manipulative control of military supremacy has continually achieved the questionable personal ends of the few. Keeping ahead of one’s adversaries gives technology the notion that government loves science. The lie is total. Cartels want those uranium mines in Africa, so military gets the funding to develop all sorts of new death devices for “testing”. But do not be deceived, throughout the process we observe that military is not in the position of initiation.

The military does not engage in such projects unless under superior command. The pure love of science or the pleasure of acquiring scientific data is not in their command-obedient agenda. For the military to desist from the study and development of new weaponry, a superior command of exceedingly high priority must be in effect. Military does nothing on its own, and cannot. After the governments themselves bow in homage to superior capital, military is the slave of cartels. Business directs. Business gives the orders. The Government issues commands. The Military executes.

When the battle smoke clears, medals are clipped on old Generals and Big Business lights up cigars all around the boardroom table where it all began. To achieve the various objectives which business demands, ever newer “measures and countermeasures” have been steadily developed since the Cold War. Non-nuclear weapons packages and other cunning technologies have continually facilitated various deceptions, conditions, and terminations which ordinary citizens fail to recognize as deliberate military actions. In brief, the military is well stocked with a reserve of surprising weapons and communications systems which enable the rapid acquisition of foreign resources when commanded.

We must also look behind the imperialistic forays in order to comprehend the rationale for the numerous little exercises which have so colorfully flooded our television screens for the past thirty years. The desire for foreign resources is no blind ambition. The desire for foreign resources is always predicated on the demands of new ventures. Wars are fought on many battlefronts. The most decisive wars are fought in study, where new ideas emerge. A single idea can alter the course of centuries. And none know when or where such an event may occur. While the private military laboratories burst with unsuspected new technologies, monies for these “projects” arrive in unending rivers from demanding multinational bankers.


Cartels employ active research staffs to scope the science world for potentially destabilizing expressions and designs. While unable to stop the progressive emergence of such inspirations, they can and do manage the efficient eradication of perceived threats. Scholars and patent bibliographers well know that working technologies, now well beyond their third stage of development, have already rendered the much-discussed “covert” military technologies obsolescent. No single statement can be more important than this one. In rarely mentioned reports, military research successfully developed sophisticated ray-beam systems which exceed the optical laser in coherent penetrability and lethal power.

NASA, as a military adjunct organization, has continually enabled and maintained deployment of a worldwide military satellite exchange. The heavy schedule of NASA Space Shuttle launches evidenced the deployment of highly secretive military packages in predetermined orbits throughout its decade long history. These systems have replaced radiowave technology in both communications and reconnaissance operations. Coupled with space technologies, these optical and paraoptical technologies now best represent the true and classified military state of the art. For this reason it is strongly believed that ELF projects such as SEAFARER will shortly he decommissioned. Radiowave technology has been rendered obsolescent by better and more dependable technologies, the nature of which has never been discussed in the open. I have retrieved the patents which prove my assertions.

In this confusion is discovered the inestimable value of conspiracy writers to military security. Declassified military patents signal the deploying of complete highly advanced systems. Military declassification is a diversion for the intellectuals who are easily fascinated by technological baubles. Remember, the modus operandi are completely opposed. The military is not intrigued or concerned with the wonders of nature! But why was the military so absolutely empowered to develop superweapons at all? Both during and after World War II, certain multinationals sought security in trade. Capitalistic security. For this reason alone, Allied military was given the wherewithal to develop weaponry. When Japan threatened Pacific free trade, an invincible weapon was sought. Funds for the Manhattan Project did not come from the American tax-payer. The Government was already in debt to the Federal Bank lenders. Cash flow for this weaponry came from privateers. The Atomic Energy Commission managed the ancillary Industry on behalf of the original investors. This conglomerate is also reaching its logical conclusion, a startling outcome which we will shortly discuss. Nevertheless, the many levels in which multinational organizations seemingly coexist reveals that they themselves are in devious competitions.

Many continually cite Communism as the trigger for the rapid proliferation of nuclear stockpiles. Communism only threatened capitalists who were themselves divorced from the innermost circles of multinational business. Communism was not an accidental revolution. Neither was it an economic “experiment”, as some have suggested. Communism was a business weapon, aimed at those who were not invested. Communism was a privately owned system which used the totalitarian government as a permanent deterrent to all other potential investors. The central mystery figure in this high level domination was Armand Hamer, whose continual private inspections of both Soviet Government and Industry are unquestionably financial. Hamer reaped unmentionable capital profits from Soviet Industries, while consorting with Allied cartels.

World business is a game of simple causes and effects. The only variables are those which technology brings into the game. Besides these new variables, human nature and human reactions remain unaltered throughout history. “Outsider” cartels recognized the inherent weakness in the otherwise dominating strong-hold which Hamer had devised and executed. Fixed in a political arena, it was possible to threaten that fortress with the new weaponry. The mere suggestion that outsiders could destroy the totalitarian “arrangement” would perhaps sufficiently serve to bring Hamer into dialogue. Hamer himself was the only individual permitted to enter Moscow airspace without question. Met by personal limousine, Hamer was secretly escorted to his Russian estate, a huge property maintained in his absence by a privately hired workforce. When he so desired, Soviet military brass and the Premier himself would arrive at the estate. Clearly, from its inception Hamer was underwriting the Soviet regime.

Toward breaking this strategy of domination, the numerous outsider cartels directed the unprecedented deployment of atomic weaponry. When the initial threat was matched with a Soviet duplicate of atomic weaponry, the game was locked in “cheque”. Seeing that this maneuver did not succeed in bringing Hamer to the consortium, the AEC was directed toward developing more powerful weaponry. Thermonuclear devices were the frightening result, an unexpected and horrifying outcome of the unleashed scientific consortium. There being no theoretical limit to the effective destructive extent of such weaponry, the development and deployment of novel weapons became a prime objective throughout the “Cold War”. In the face of “Mutual Assured Destruction” scenarios, priority was eventually revised in the development of tactical weapons which permitted post-war occupation. Neutron bombs were tested to satisfaction during this time period, a small spin off of patented devices whose descriptions have been recently unearthed.


The unfortunate mention of a few misunderstood military technologies has flooded society with conspiratorial issues, suspicions and rumors having no real foundation. In such a fear-ruled atmosphere there can be no true objectivity, no serious scientific discussion. In order to allay the fundamental fears which have been incited by all too numerous and over enthused writers, this article on HAARP has been composed. What we require is factual clarification.

Patent retrieval requires historical scope, otherwise an over-excited response will produce convoluted misinterpretations. This is precisely what has happened in discussing HAARP. Therefore, a brief summary of military achievements in the high-tech realm may be fitting, The large-scale demonstrations of plutonium and hydrogen bombs brought the discovery of a new and unexpected phenomenon. Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP phenomena, became the focal point of intense military interest. Remember who was directing the military progress in these endeavors. Though we have deep interests in the natural phenomena which attended such experimentation, please recall the patronage behind these tests.

The EMP phenomenon suggested a new weapons potential which could be used in a limited strike scenario. The technique would not require large yield nuclear weapons, and seemed a plausible route to pursue. Stimulating a powerful and decisively destructive EMP across any military opposition, EMP’s reaching several thousand amperes were powerful and penetrating enough to bum out electronics packages and power grids in a single instant. EMP potentials were derived from ground induced ring currents beneath the rising plasma of any small nuclear blast. The essential feature was that EMPs could not be blocked. In this, military recognized a new weaponry.

Military researchers quickly developed controlled EMP devices and techniques throughout the years between 1960 and 1970, the details of which are given in my forthcoming book, “Secrets of Cold War Technology – Project HAARP and Beyond”. Special techniques for enhancing EMP action were investigated. Military deployed new non-nuclear devices in identical research themes, dispersing ionizable chemicals through high aerial detonations. Experiments performed with these artificial plasma clouds were designed to test a variety of weapons objectives. These techniques were discarded with the development and deployment of satellites, ineffective “over the horizon” and other such “back-scatter” RADAR techniques being replaced by optical reconnaissance.

Discovering that aerial plasma clouds could destroy short-wave reception for hours and days if necessary, military experimenters experimented with ionospheric “heaters” for a time. These were found capable of delivering controlled shortwave blackouts for sustained periods. Military frowned upon the monstrous station required in supporting such techniques. As weapons, their excessive expense and size rendered them easy “first strike” targets. These too fell into obsolescent disuse with the deployment of several satellite deployed beam weapons. During the SDI period, military was given command to launch weapons-ready orbital platforms, and deployed surveillance and reconnaissance satellites in a continual volley of private missile launches.

Please recognize that the technical bibliographic reservoir gives us the only reasonable basis for assessing and evaluating projects such as HAARP. Technological developments of this magnitude are attended by a great host of research reports and ancillary experimental proceedings. Historically released publications represent those thousands who have had empirical knowledge of real equipment. The difficulty of tampering with such a densified bibliography is inestimable. Deliberate eradication of such bibliographies by intelligence agencies has never been completely successful, the indolence and relative apathy of the populace being a dependable enough deterrent to possible security leaks.

No single intelligence agency can exercise manipulations to the degree that every single report may be altered or eradicated. Freedom of expression rules in the older bibliographies, provided you are able to yet obtain them at all, It is through the bibliographic manifold of visionary tunnels that the astute analyst discerns the razor edge of truth. In addition, the examination of numerous military funded technical reports always places the private analyst on alert. Those agencies who prepare and publish their official reports are as dubious as those who compile conspiracy theories. And writers who doubt both groups are held opened to the very same accusations! Seeking the balance, one strikes a curious pose. Tethered on a jeweled pivot between military releases and conspiracy theories, one seeks a clear image of sunlight in a hall of mirrors. But one fact is clear and remains. All publications serve as markers ad points on which we may focus discussion. In this, we have a lever which can indeed move the world of secrecy.

Having anticipated the social turbulence which surrounds projects such as HAARP, military journalists have been hard a work carefully selecting certain hard technical data for publication. Hundreds of declassified pages have been dispatched through the INTERNET. It is a simple and effective means for powerfully silencing potentially irascible intellectuals. Curiously it is the military who are again in position to step in and act as the “voice of reason”. Yes, amid the oceans of fear and suspicion which highly classified projects have stimulated, the military itself emerging as the very epitome of honesty and beneficent authority. The military prose writers have succeeded in using the social paranoia which they themselves have triggered to their own best advantage.

But the real direction toward which military advisement has progressed is no hideous covert plot to mind-manipulate the nation. What lies at the root of HAARP is a mundane business arrangement which the all too elaborate paranoia has typically and completely misinterpreted. The great and monstrous fear which has been evoked among the intellectuals actually centers around a business foray which the military has been commanded to develop by executive command. It is therefore in this light that we will unravel the HAARP issue. What conspiratorialists so fear and suspect is delusional. Hysteria is not the atmosphere proper to the deliberation and extrication of facts. Hysteria blocks the pursuit of clear thinking. HAARP is about Power, Control, and Money. Nothing more. One must break through the fear which conspiratorialists are weaving. Get the facts.

Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project HAARP and Beyond

The death knell has struck. Wave Radio is dead. How have 70 years of Military Research succeeded in producing a completely new and superior communications technology? Radio History gives a stranger walk than paranoid writers ever tell! While citizens were watching television, military research was directed to create an amazing radiation technology far in advance of any system known. Currently and routinely utilized, it has remained a well guarded “open secret” for decades. Discover why is it obvious that neither military nor private developers have yet successfully duplicated Tesla technology.

  • Who was John Hettinger, and how were his early beam power systems modified through radar technology into ray beam weapons?
  • What was Project Argus? Project Teak? Project Orange? Learn about the frightful characteristics of EMP phenomena, and how these were employed in a strange and deadly technology. Why was a High Command request to employ EMP weaponry in the recent Gulf War denied?
  • Not a weapon, not a psychotronics system, not a weather modifier, why is HAARP NOT the program which so many have claimed? Why can the IRI never achieve the objectives cited by a few authors? Learn about the real motivations so powerfully at work in Conspiracy Writers, and why they are not equipped to crack the secret of HAARP. Why are the Eastlund Patents not relevant to HAARP, and why has Raytheon continued to collect every HAARP relevant patent for several years? What is the “merchandise” which HAARP promises to yield?
  • How were X-Rays used to detect underground movements? How were Gamma Rays routinely used in communicating from submarines to command headquarters via military satellites?

Facts quell hysteria, but Truth is stranger than fiction. Want the answers? This complete technical history of military projects will show the development of every relevant project preceding and exceeding HAARP. Only the facts. No hysteria. Complete with communications and weapons patent citations, this book will forever change your view of world events and technology.

Available now through the Borderland Sciences Research Catalog.

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Ozone is Good and Natural Tue, 01 May 1990 07:00:25 +0000 ]]> Article by Ed McCabe, originally printed in Borderlands (Vol. XLVI, Nos. 3&4, May – August 1990)

Ozone is one of the most beneficial substances on this planet, and the BAD science you hear quoted on the news every night is causing you to subconsciously be afraid of Nature, and therefore, a part of Life itself.

What is Ozone? Simply, oxygen, three atoms of nature’s oxygen. It exists in a very active form for about 30 minutes before breaking down into two atoms of regular oxygen by giving up one atom of singlet oxygen.

Where does Ozone come from? Nature. And nature does not make any mistakes. The new growth in the rainforests, and the plankton in the ocean are continually creating oxygen. As you read this, oxygen is rising up into the atmosphere to where the ozone layer is. At the altitude of the ozone layer, the rising oxygen is bombarded by the sun’s photochemical energy in the form of ultraviolet light rays. This UV energy bombardment changes the oxygen from O2 — two atoms of stable oxygen, into O3 — three atoms of unstable active oxygen. We call this Ozone. This is all part of the natural process of life on this living biosphere called earth. The chemical formula for this is 3O2 >UV> 2O3.

Being heavier than the oxygen in the atmosphere ,this newly created Ozone falls back to earth and is immediately replaced by more rising oxygen which is also soon changed int ozone by the sun. A constant natural cycle of up and down oxygen mixing.

The Ozone falls to earth and is all around us. It is the fresh small of laundry dried outdoors in the country. It is also the fresh air at the clean seashore, and the sweet smell in the air after a lightning storm. Lightning, also possessing photochemical energy creates ozone as well. Ozone has always been with us, and the fact that ozone gives off that single oxygen atom is a significant factor. Thousands of physicians in Europe have been using ozone as a medical treatment for over 50 years, and the use of Ozone in medicine is starting to finally catch on here in the U.S.

How is it used in medicine? This O3 Ozone is not as stable as regular O2 oxygen because it has that extra atom of O1 attached to it. Ozone will readily give up the extra atom and revert back to stable oxygen again. This ability to quickly give off the atom of O1 is the reason ozone has been used in medicine.

It has been demonstrated that O1, a beneficial free radical, will kill bacteria, viruses, fungus and molds by attaching to them and oxidizing and eliminating them. These lower life form organisms are mostly anaerobic. “Anaerobic” means they can’t live around activated oxygen. Doctors using the proper concentrations and correct medical protocols have achieved substantial positive clinical results with Ozone. Ozone, when used properly, has been shown repeatedly to kill pathogens — yet not hurt normal cells. The pathogens do not have any protective enzymes coatings to protect them — as do all the cells in higher life forms like us.

Breathing Ozonated air or drinking Ozonated water (at the safe legal concentrations that are already laid out by the government) are two of the ways of getting activated oxygen into your body. Did you ever drink water just downstream from a waterfall and feel invigorated? That was because the water had tumbled over the rocks, thinned out and absorbed oxygen/ozone from the air. If it wasn’t safe to breathe acceptable concentrations of ozone, the military would not purify the air in our submarines with it. Other methods being explored medically are rectal insufflation, autohemotherapy, and IV infusion.

Why do they call Ozone “smog?” Bad science and bad reporting. Did you know that your automobile spews out it’s own weight in air pollutants every year? When man dumps pollutants into the air, nature tries to repair the damage by sending ozone into the affected area to oxidize and clean them up. Nature works through the balancing of differential electrical, magnetic, and chemical charges. This explains why Ozone is always found near air pollution. Ozone is not irritating you in smog, it’s the toxins like nitric acids formed that hurt people. But, because ozone is there, then the newscasters and scientists try to blame our troubles on our poor friend Ozone. By blaming nature, no one has to take responsibility for the car and factory emissions. No one ever has to develop clean energy sources. What they call “ozone” is any number of toxic compounds. Why they don’t tell you is that Nature’s Ozone is a very tiny portion of the smog they report. They also don’t admit that Ozone is strictly, always, only O3 — pure oxygen, and never anything else. I’ve actually cornered a few scientists and reporters and asked if they know that they were not being scientifically accurate. They admitted (in private) that they knew they weren’t, but keep up the charade “because everyone else does!”

What about the holes in the ozone layer? Consider the greedy “clear cutting” of the oxygen producing rainforests and the disappearance of our own national forests at the rate of 1 acre every 5 seconds! At this rate, statistics prove that there will be no trees in the US in 50 years. Add to this situation the constant mindless polluting of the oceans, and the selfish discharge of industrial pollutants into the air. Electrical, electronic, and radioactive discharges further scramble the elements in nature. Chlorine gas comes out of your water faucet. The oxygen is either missing or bound up.

What we’re experiencing is an increasing shortage of any planetary oxygen being available to be turned into Ozone in the first place! That’s why there is an ozone layer hole at both poles, and the rest is starting to look like Swiss cheese.

The ozone layer is almost a “living” boundary, only paper thin, and only on the daylight side of the planet. When the oxygen is all bound up or missing, then there can be no Ozone layer. When there is no ozone layer, the sun’s full ultraviolet light travels right on through to you without being used up creating Ozone, and we will see increased cataracts, skin cancer, blindness, and burning of vegetation. So, our bodies and our food supply are in danger — unless you do something about turning back the rampant greed that is destroying us.

Until you make them start putting the trees back, and clean up the ocean, you must protect yourself. What can you do personally to help supply the missing free oxygen in your life? Thousands of people are exploring the oxygenating methods I wrote about in my book “Oxygen Therapies.” One of the simplest methods of creating Ozone is by using one of the common home ozone air and water purifiers. Home units aren’t manufactured for medical purposes. They generally do not use pure U.S.P. “green bottle” oxygen for their influent gas stream — as is required in the medical ozone generators. However, they do a fine job for what they were designed for, general air and water purification. I use them at home with pleasant results.

Many readers of my book have called and told me their own interesting stories. After installing air ozonators, they claimed “their house mold went away,” “the smells stopped,” their “emphysema became less,” they “had more energy,” their “lupus got better,” and it sounds far out, but one fellow even said “the tartar fell off his teeth!” Of course no one is making medical claims for these devices, but the anecdotal evidence is piling up steadily. Oxygen is the first line of defense of the immune system, and necessary for the removal of every single waste product from the body.

As I travel around speaking and appearing in the media, I point out that our society is experiencing the rise of diseases and plagues corresponding to the falling of our planetary oxygen level. The opposite phenomenon, the lessening of disease occurrence correlating to increases of cellular oxygen levels, is strongly suggested by the evidence available from all sources. Ozone is our friend. We should get to know it better.

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Yogic Weather Control Thu, 01 Jan 1987 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

From “A System of Caucasian Yoga” by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski

This exercise is called the seventh arcane, but having in itself a separate place as a purely magical work, connected with weather control.

Stand erect two feet away from a stand or an alter, on which there is a square, round, pentagonal or other form of vessel, about two feet in diameter, and six inches high, filled half with pure water. The stand should be of height permitting putting of hands on top of it without bending or straining.

Face in the direction of the sun, moon or stars accordingly.

Now cleanse the lungs by panting, throwing out all residual air. Submerge the hands in vessel with water, palms resting on the bottom of it, fingers spread fan-like, thumbs and forefingers of both hands touching each other under water.

Inhale deeply for seven seconds, hold one second, and exhale through the mouth, slowly, sounding a sigh, until the air is out from the lungs. Voice should sound like deep sigh. (Exhalations are timed only to make them run naturally and easily without prescribed seven seconds.) One second stop, inhale again for seven seconds, stop one second and exhale through the mouth with a moaning sound, like moaning and at the same time whistling. Then stop one second, again inhale deeply for seven seconds, stop one second, and exhale through the mouth with a roaring sound, like the roaring of the wind, mixed with the whistling of it.

Those are the three complete breaths — sighing, moaning and roaring. Repeat them four times, making total of twelve breaths.

Note: There is a word which is to be used with sighing, moaning and roaring breaths, and this word forms the background for them, giving them vibration to awaken the elemental spirits of the wind, storm, hurricane, etc.

This word is:

* I – HAU – HAA *

It is to be interwoven with the exhalation of the air in the sighing, moaning and roaring.

This Arcane through attracting powers of wind and storm, changes surrounding climatic conditions, with help of the mighty spirits – El Borach (Spirit of the Lightning) and Waat (Spirit of the Wind).

Note: Eyes should be fixed, but very lightly, so that at times one is actually seeing only a blur.

This rite, excerpted from “A System of Caucasian Yoga” by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski, was included as part of Journal of Borderland Research, Vol. 43, No. 1, January – February 1987, the “Weather Engineering” issue.

Your results may vary.

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Ahrimanic Powers Have Penetrated Washington Tue, 01 May 1973 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Article by Trevor James Constable — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 29, No. 3, May – June 1973)

Bruce Cathie’s latest book, “Harmonic 695″, is a good contribution to Ufology, but one cannot help feeling the gravest concern for the author’s safety. His strong, natural orientation toward truth, light and justice is his only protection in view of his structural aversion to things occult – wherein lie the answers. An occult teacher could convey to him that the whole of physical creation is “gridded”, and that this extends right down to the binding of one element to another to form compounds.

Captain Cathie is unfortunately surrounded by Ahrimanic operatives and controllees employed at U.S. bases and other U.S. activities in New Zealand, used for UFO surveillance and contact. That these facilities contact the boys from downstairs – the Ahrimanic powers – cannot be doubted, and nor can it be doubted that the American people and the American military are being hoodwinked and completely penetrated by these nether forces.

One of Cathie’s informants tells him that the operators of the facilities are “not concerned with moral issues”, which brought back to me Ashtar’s description of these degenerate nether forces in my own telepathic experiments in the 1950′s, which were conducted under general supervision of the late Dr. Franklin Thomas, an Adept of the right hand path. Quoth Ashtar: “They are without morals and without mercy”. Perhaps all investigators of UFO’s ought to re-read “They Live in the Sky” before assuming that all who have mastery of natural law and scientific expertise beyond our own are “helping humanity”. No assumption could be more naive.

The duplicity of the U.S. Government is continually increasing, and in such a way as to corrupt the Life-positive and revivifying purpose that America was intended to serve in the life of mankind. A huge hue and cry is put up, for example, about air pollution and the need for its reduction. Laws are passed to that end. On the other hand, the U.S. military and other departments of government hurl and dump unbelievable quantities of silver and lead iodide, salt, cement dust, carbon dioxide and other chemical agents into the atmosphere of the earth in a pathological effort to Control the weather. Some idea of this concealed and wholly duplicitous misuse of technology may be gained from a current $95 million lawsuit brought against the U.S. Government by Bernard Power, Montreal meteorologist whose inventions have been used and manufactured in secret by the Defense Department. Power’s “Weathercord” device is a three pound canister containing silver iodide for dropping into clouds, ostensibly to produce rain. Power alleges in his suit that the U.S. never paid royalties on his inventions. Number involved at $50 per throw: Approximately 1,900,000 canisters.

Allow just one pound of silver iodide per canister, and you come up with 900 tons of silver iodide, and anyone who thinks that this isn’t the biggest new bonanza for the chemical trust just cannot count.

The efforts of the U.S. military to extend monsoons rains over Viet Nam by iodide bombing, were conducted, of course and as usual, without any consciousness whatever of the primary energy continuum that is disturbed by this chemical. One is dealing with the chemical ether widely known now as the orgone energy of Wilhelm Reich, and it rules all the waters of the earth. Not by any natural mischance or natural catastrophe did the Philippines, this past summer, suffer rains that so nearly ruined the Republic as to make war itself seem negligible by comparison. As Philippine President Ferdinand Marco said: “The rains did more damage to the Philippines than was sustained through World War II”.

While the uncomprehending iodide bombers were seeking visible effects at the point of drop, the chemical ether was delivering the goods elsewhere – in Luzon, for example, where a staggering 134 inches of rain came down in a devastating ten days period in July. Similar colossal falls were experienced in Korea, where flood waters in downtown Seoul left their marks at the second story level. New Zealand’s West Coast was hammered by unprecedented rains. Southern England was flooded. Precipitation records all over the world have been broken. Substantial areas of the U.S. became disaster areas amid what should have been the best harvest in years – because the ground was too wet to support harvesting machinery. Northern California, as this is written, is having its wettest season since 1890 and even that will probably be eclipsed.

Being ignorant of the presence of any kind of energy continuum, this planet’s population of scientific lunatics ls able to say with aplomb that iodide bombing in the Orient cannot produce rainfall in the U.S. Middle West. The evidence can be ignored because there is no knowledge in the heads of scientists upon which it can be hung.

This example of present-day mechanistic science cutting across basic etheric functions in a destructive and completely uncomprehending fashion, is quoted to emphasize that alleged contacts between American scientists and alleged spacemen are not what they are being made to seem, either by Captain Cathie or by others. These alleged contacts have thus far produced not one single Life-positive impulse, such as a warning from_the alleged spacemen as to the consequences of continually creating a chemicallized disturbance in the sound ether – controller of all water. On the contrary, destructive activity is everywhere being amplified. Human detriment is the cause being served. The subversion of human life appears as the ultimate consequence – the goal of the Ahrimanic powers.

The spectacle that Captain Cathie’s book presents of scientific personnel and technicians creeping around in a half world of sub rosa contacts with spacemen, and allegedly getting advanced technical information from them, is wholly in accord with Ahrimanic modes of operation. The sine qua non of success for the Ahrimanic powers is to deal with people who don’t know fish from steak in an occult sense, and then mislead them.

“Harmonic 695″ shows how far this process had gone, and it is Captain Cathie’s lack of knowledge of the occult background to UFOs that makes his book all the more valuable. There is no overlay of bias of any kind. But he may rest assured that those upon whose toes he is treading – seen and unseen – would like nothing better than to do him in. Men been pushed off the earth in Ufology for much less than Captain Cathie has done, and he must be accounted a very brave man.

If this article excited you to discover more, we encourage you to buy a copy of Trevor James Constable’s cult classic book “The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power behind UFOs”, detailing “scientific discoveries that have been suppressed, an advanced technology for the future: radionics, etheric forces, orgone energy, and the history of spiritual science. Etheric Forces: cosmic energies which regulate and shape life on earth — discover how to tap into this universal stream. Orgone Energy: a mass-free, all pervading energy, one aspect of the Etheric Forces. Living UFOs: the plasmatic inhabitants of our atmosphere, hidden from ordinary view” and more.

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